Saturday, May 17, 2008

So I'm a Nazi?

Repost from an earlier post. It was transferred to a separate post because it distracted from the post it was in. I also significantly expanded it with some new comments about Muslims and how in many ways many of them behave in ways that strikingly resemble the classic anti-Semitic stereotype of Jews.

What the Hell? I haven't been called that in a while, but I do get called no good Commie mass murderer a lot. That actually doesn't feel bad. It sort of feels good really. I used to get called Nazi a lot on here, and, yeah, I admit that it pisses me off. I say it pisses me off cuz it's not true.

I used to get called Nazi or anti-Semite on here quite a bit, mostly because I am opposed to Zionism. Most of the people calling me that are Zionists, often but not always Jewish (kind of hard to tell on the Internet!) My opinion about Zionism is, at best, that it is ridiculous. In August 2007, I got called that on the so-called "liberal" Democratic website Democratic Underground in relation to this post of mine that thoroughly thrashes the disgusting Holocaust huckster Elie Wiesel.

Surely the Jewish survivors (Bless their hearts!) of the Holocaust deserve to be represented by a better man that this snake named Wiesel. Note that mmscghee and JudyM on that thread are both liberal US Jews, a group that in my opinion, is now morally bankrupt due to their support for Zionism.

See my position statement on race regarding charges that I am racist. I do not respond to anti-Semitism charges except to deny them. This blog takes a strong stand on anti-Semitism, and two guest authors have already been temporarily banned for anti-Semitism. My opinion about obsessive anti-Semitism is that it is almost a form of mental illness.

That said, way too many Jews bandy the charge about way too much. On the other hand, the guys in this video are definitely not good for the Jews! Jews fighting anti-Semitism should focus their energy on the type of folks in this video and relax about the rest of their largely hallucinated enemies.

When hyperethnocentric Jews accuse you of being an anti-Semite, there is no defense against the charge that may exonerate you, so pleas of innocence are worthless. If you try to defend yourself, the Jews will start a sadistic game of cat-torturing-mouse that never ends.

People who call me a Nazi are either ignorant, stupid, emotional or simply lying on purpose. The vast majority are Jewish, so I assume they are not stupid, which leaves three alternatives. The obvious intent of these Jews, living in their purely emotional world as they do, is to first smear me and destroy me, second, to shut me up, and third, apparently, to turn me into a Nazi, assuming I am not already one.

This last because I have come to believe that many or possibly most Jews, like hyperethnocentric ultranationalists everywhere, love to be hated. I realize that sounds outrageous, but bear with me.

Not only do they love being hated, but like true masochist-paranoiacs (the word virtually defines any ultranationalist anywhere) they want to create as many enemies as possible and then to radicalize those enemies to the furthest extent possible. Probably unconsciously.

I assume many or even most Jews are most comfortable, unconsciously once again, in a world that is at once teeming with genocidal anti-Semites, yet at the same time safe enough that these Jews can somehow survive, prosper and not get seriously hurt.

Don't ask me how it all makes sense. Explaining mental illness is never easy.

When you consider that these Jews screaming "anti-Semite" at you want to turn you into one, why give them the pleasure?

I have been receiving emails lately from a Leftist colleague who has just been banned from an Internet group for being an "Islamophobe". I think he was also accused of being a Jew. I've been called Jew too, and if only it were true! My friend is a Leftist secularist and most of the members of the group are Americans who for some dumb reason have converted to Islam, of all religions.

My friend is hip to a Leftist notion (along with me) that sees Islam as a particularly backwards and reactionary religion with some very serious issues regarding supremacism, imperialism, intolerance and out and out violence. It's cool that people on the Left are finally speaking up about this. The Left formerly had a long tradition of taking on reactionary Islam from the USSR to Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

That's all pretty much gone now and the Left is on board with the nuttiest of the Muslim reactionaries.

My friend noted how the group had quickly turned into heavy-duty Muslim proselytization (Muslims are almost as bad about proselytizing as fundamentalist Christians) along with an obsession with Islamophobia. He pointed out that these Muslims in their obsession with Islamophobia resemble Jews in their obsession with anti-Semitism. There is a particularly delicious feeling to be had in being an irrationally persecuted victim, a feeling that humans crave.

We want to be victims.

These Muslims are convinced that the US is out to destroy Islam. Truth is that the US as an imperialist state doesn't give two shits about anyone's religion. And believe me! To the Bushes and all the rest of the US imperial fanatics, religion takes a very distant back seat to imperialism and the game of making money. If Muslims can help us make a bundle, hey, it's all good.

The US' close alliance with Saudi Arabia (see the particularly stupid articles in the press these days about "Bush getting snubbed by the Saudis" with all of the idiot overtones that the high price of gas is due to an "oil shortage" when the fact is that there is no oil shortage and the price is almost all due to speculation) is a case in point.

The Saudis are as reactionary and nuts as Islam gets. The real truth is that almost all of the fanatical Sunni movements in the world today, particularly the armed ones, have come straight out of Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states. Al Qaeda is for all intents and purposes a Saudi organization - a few years ago, estimates were that 80% of cadre were Saudis.

The conservatism that is enveloping Sunni Islam all around the globe now - and that will only spread in coming years, is due to peculiarly Saudi customs spreading out from the vortex in Arabia to the rest of Sunni Islam.

Given that the US backs up the most reactionary Islamic state of them all, one that is responsible at least in part for the vast majority of Islamic terrorism on Earth, belies the victim addict nostrum that the US is out to destroy Islam. Hardly. We are empowering its most virulent and reactionary proponent.

The Saudi regime treats religious minorities, in particular the Shia, worse than Iran treats its minorities, and Iran doesn't treat its minorities all that great. Muslim countries with significant Christian populations, except for Syria and Jordan, don't usually treat their Christians very well. Meanwhile, Christian societies fall all over themselves to suck up to Islam and still get bashed as Islamophobic.

Point is it's not only Jews who get off on being victims and are obsessed with their enemies. To some extent, all ethnic nationalists do this. And Islam does it these days almost as much as the Jews do. Try to see Jewish behavior within its larger human context instead of singling them out anti-Semitically.

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