Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cool Nabka Article

By Joseph Mossad.

Massad is an instructor at Colombia University who has been targeted by the Jewish Zionist David Project who tried to get him fired on the basis of a bunch of made-up bullshit, primarily that he made anti-Semitic remarks. Massad is a Palestinian and he is not too happy with the Jews in Palestine, but he is the last person to be an anti-Semite.

In fact, I think he takes his anti-anti-Semitism way too far when he denies, Chomsky-like, the notion that there is a Jewish Lobby that exerts tremendous power in the US. Instead, the whole reason for US support for Israel is that it is some kind of an outpost of US imperialism in the Arab World. This thesis is appealing to Leftists because it absolves Jews of wrongdoing, but it's nonsense.

If anyone is a colony of anyone, the US is a colony of Israel. The US gets zero benefits from its so-called Israeli colony and a ton of heartache and bloodshed. The Israeli outpost has zero value and lots of negative value to US imperialism. Instead, US support for Israel is best explained by a US-Israeli alliance and an extremely powerful Jewish Lobby in the US, particularly in the media.

Also, at this point, most Americans just flat out support Israel, so there is a confluence of interests between the body politics of the two nations. As Massad is a Leftist, he peddles this "Israel as US colony" bullshit. Jeff Blankfort has written many an article dismantling this Chomskyian position. You can Google him with the name Chomsky to find some of those pieces if you are interested in the dynamics.

Massad is also opposed to gay rights, probably due to the fact that he is a Palestinian, and Palestinian culture is very hostile to gay rights. So he's a homophobic Leftist. Oh well.

He's a follower of the late and great Edward Said, but suffers the same faults that Said did, particularly in the emphasis of both men on "Orientalism", so to explain away any critique of Arab society as being backwards, reactionary, misogynist, or fucked up in any way.

Article is here.

Long but well worth it. Not too extreme, and yet not too wimpy. Just about right.

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