Thursday, May 22, 2008

Israel Shamir On The Wikipedia Jews


I think Shamir probably does the best job so far in explaining the phenomenon of the Wikipedia Jews that we have been over a lot on this blog. I would like to point out that this blog was one of the first outlets to pick up on the Wikipedia Jew phenomenon and report on it.

Now, three years later, lots of others are finally starting to figure out what everyone editing Jewish-related articles on Wikipedia knows. He also goes into the nefarious character known as Chip Berlet, who works as a spy for the ADL and some say for the CIA. I had some run-ins with this idiot when I edited the Israel Shamir article on Wikipedia, which is a travesty. This article still states that Shamir is a Swedish neo-Nazi living in Sweden.

This is not true. Shamir is a Russian Jew who immigrated to Israel. His father was a rabbi. He served in the Israeli military and wrote for the Israeli press for a bit. He lives in Israel and owns a home in Jaffa where he entertains visitors every day.

The liars centered around Berlet and cohort of "antifas" centered around the Searchlight Magazine in the UK have launched this insane campaign against Shamir. This nonsense suggests that Shamir is not Jewish, has never lived in Israel and does not live there presently, never wrote for the Israeli press, and never lived in the USSR. Instead, he is a Swedish neo-Nazi who is pretending to be all of these other things.

The nefarious Roland Rance, mentioned in connection with the war on Gilad Atzmon, once again plays a big role here. Some pro-Palestinians, including Nigel Parry, Hussein Ibish and Ali Abunimah, have joined in. Stephen Pollard has also chimed in.

It is true that Shamir, like many authors, has maintained many fake names and has written under those names. He has even set up fake identities for his names, including addresses and histories. If you are controversial, I actually recommend that you do just this if you want to rewrite. Get yourself a nom de plume right now!

Jews are often accused of hatching or engaging in this or that conspiracy to further the interests of the Jews. Shamir does an excellent job in this piece of explaining the phenomenon of the Jewish conspiracy, what it means, and why it occurs. It's useful to note that many so-called Jewish conspiracies are nonexistent and that any sensible group or individuals connected to power or money form cabals to further their interests.

The rich in any society are constantly conspiring. They conspired in order to obtain wealth, and they need to conspire in order to maintain wealth and not lose to competitors. The rich and the powerful conspire all the time and so do the rest of us probably. Many males have conspired to get a woman into bed; I certainly have. I could go on and on here, but I think you get the picture.

This is an excellent piece by Shamir and is mostly or wholly free of anti-Semitism.

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