Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Juice Fasting

This site.

It pretty much goes on and on with the comments, but the guy answers just about every question that you could possibly have about juice fasting and water fasting. Personally, I think that water fasting is just dangerous, but this guy disagrees. I haven't the faintest idea if it cleanses you out, but you get an awful lot of bad-smelling farts, stinky sweat and even bad breath during the fast.

There seem to be some excellent mood and anxiety changes with juice fasting.

You can exercise on a juice fast. I have done up to 45-55 minutes on an exercise bike, but I rode pretty darn slow. One problem with exercising is that you will feel very tired, so it's hard to do the exercising, but you can just go slow. Also, recently I rode my bike without the TV on. I just listened to reggae music and it was ok!

I've been doing juice fasting off and on for a while now and I have lost about 12 pounds, so that is quite nice.

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