Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Great Terror Revisionism

The stage was set for the Great Terror troll. Even the biggest liar of the 20th Century except Shitler himself, Robert Conquest, said 13 million died, and everyone believed it. 13 million. Or something. Or lots. Or 20 million. Or 40-60 million. Solzhenitsyn the Self-Admitted Fascist Man himself said 110 million dead by Stalin and no one batted an eye while the West cheered, not that they were pro-fascist or anything.

In 1937 and 1938 terrible things happened and Stalin went insane. There was a Trotskyidiot plot right inside the heart of scientific socialism, and the Nazi beast was at the door, bashing and bashing away like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. They found the plotters, but Stalin and the rest of the leadership went nuts and a killing frenzy was set off in which oh so many innocent people were killed in paranoid, cruel and sad madness.

An unknown number were plotters, and they went all the way up into the upper echelons of the military and party. In a year or so, it was all over, and 800,000 of the 900,000 executed by Stalin were dead, or a least had death warrants issued. But some of the warrants were canceled. A wave of terror swept the land, and Stalin was so freaked out by the spiraling craziness that he put a stop to it himself.

It's a terrible cloud that has no silver lining, but when Germany invaded the USSR three years later, there were traitors galore all right, but hardly a one in the officer corps or the party. The Soviets beat the Germans, killed 89% of the German dead, and saved the day for the West and Jews.

If the Jews owe Napoleon, they owe a bigger one to Stalin. One liberated them and the other saved them from destruction.

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