Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Holodomor Revisionism

There was famine in the Ukraine in the early 1930's, but no Holodomor.

The Holodomor was the deliberate famine that never happened, the lie the Nazi Randolf Hearst made up with his Nazi buddies in Hitler's regime to add up to 6 million and why?

Because 6 million = 6 million = they cancel each other out.

Get it? No? Well, read on and you should be able to, and boy is it evil! Whew! What a stinky argument! Spells like burning flesh and gas, yuck!

It was time for Lindsay to do the Holodomor troll, a particularly evil troll because the denial of the 6 million fake figure causes one to be compared to a Holocaust revisionist, but that was all part of the elaborate Nazi lie plan the CIA and US yellow journalism and the Solzhenitsyn Fascist Man cooked up.

Because, with 6 million Jews deliberately murdered, the virulent anti-Semite Nazis and Ukrainian nationalists needed 6 million Ukrainians deliberately killed too, except most Ukrainian nationalists were Holocaust deniers, so forget about the 6 million Jews! They, like, never even happened, dude!

Most of the Holodomor-peddlers even fought alongside Nazis too. So, Jews never got killed, except when the Ukrainian Nazis were killing them, which sure was fun, but it never happened. Haha! Isn't Holocaust revisionism fun? With this Holocaust revisionism bullshit, we can maybe even try to kill the Jews all over again! Woohoo! But shh, don't tell anyone, ok? Just our secret. Wink, wink.

Jews bad, Ukrainians good. Soviets bad, Nazis good. Ukrainian nationalists are fine and wonderful people, who got deliberately starved by evil Stalin and even more evil Jews just for being Christians!

In the real world that no one believes in, 110 million Russian peasants faced off against 12 million kulaks in a class war across the USSR in the early 1930's. The Ukrainian kulaks tried to starve all of Russia! 110 million peasants in all! Boo, hiss bad!

And there was a famine, where 1.5 million or possibly more died, mostly because kulaks burned most of the grain and killed half the animals in the country. But 1.5 million future Nazis dead is horrible! 110 million dead Commie peasants would have been so much better!

There was no deliberate famine.

Hence, there was no Holodomor.

The party was shipping food the whole time, but rations got awful short. Almost all of the deaths were due to disease epidemics, especially cholera, and visitors to the area would be surprised to see even one obviously malnourished kid.

You see, 6 million real Ukrainian Christians were killed by evil Jew Communists and 6 million fake Jews then were or were not killed (in response?) by some justifiably pissed off Christians, and Shitler beats Stalin any day of the week. Shitler's the good guy and Stalin's the bad guy. Got it? Fun game, huh? Like it? Thank the CIA!

See how CIA propaganda works? It's making you pro-Nazi already as you read this, isn't it?

400,000 kulaks died in the Ukraine (3% of kulaks) in the early 30's, but most of them took up arms against the state and killed innocent people. These were the maniacs who were trying to starve the whole USSR.

Well, the rightwing says they were innocent, but then so were the Al Qaedas who took up arms against the US state and flew planes into buildings too, right? I mean, killing civilians Contra-style is killing civilians with airplanes, right? Al Qaeda blows up office workers and kulak-contras kill workers on collective farms.

At least Al Qaeda didn't destroy 50% of the livestock and most of the grain in the US in an attempt to starve America to death. And what if millions of Al Qaeda had run across the US and done precisely that? Then what would you all say to the motherfucking terrorists who just tried to starve your American ass to death? That they were freedom fighters? But that's what you just said about your kulak-heroes.

Oh, they were innocent, our kulak-heroes! They were just "White Christians", the anti-Semites wail and wail, and evil Commie Jews killed 'em by the 6 millions or 13 millions or 20 millions just to do the Jesus thing writ endlessly over millions of Christians, because one dead Christian on a cross is never enough for the bloodthirsty Jew. Right?

See how this Holodomor game works? Fun, huh? You too can play; you can push Nazi propaganda all day and all night, and no one will ever call you on it. Neat.

Holodomor. 6 million Christians deliberately starved. Stalin deliberately starved tens of millions of peasants just for being peasants. Evil Jews killed 20 million Christians to kill Jesus 20 million times just for the Jew-fun of it.

The lie train was so long you could no longer see the beginning or the end anymore, all you could see was the endlessly snaking middle, shedding lie spores to millions of the gullible all over the West for decades.

The lies went on and on and never ended.

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