Monday, May 12, 2008

Those Latin Lovers

Frequency of orgasm by nation (!)

More polls like this!

Who wins? You had to ask? Italians! Rudolf Valentino, Sophia Loren, Robert DeNiro, Isabella Rossellini, Leonardo DiCarpio.

Runners-up? Those nasty Slav fascists in Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Something about that hot-blooded Mediterranean race?

Number 4? Nasty, evil Jewish Zionists from Israel! Ew, gross! Boo! Hiss! I always wondered where Jewish women got this reputation for being frigid. Not my experience. Wonder why they get off so much? Nothing like the terror of a Hamas or Hezbollah rocket landing on your head in the middle of the act to really get you into a rip-roaring mood for the petit mort?

Most frigid? Chinese, Indians and cold Finns. Finns are too depressed to get off and it's too damn cold to screw most of the time anyway, though I can't think of a better way to warm up. As far as the Chinese and Indians go, I guess that's where centuries or millenia of ultra-misogyny gets you. They're so terrified of their women's sex drives, they've tuned them down to near-zero. Way to go, guys.

The bit about men faking orgasms is downright bizarre. As Woody Allen says, everyone of mine has been right on the money. When we don't come, it's painfully obvious to everyone. Women bitch about having to fake it, but at least they get to fake it.

Figures about lifetime never getting off for women seem low. I've heard it ranges up to 20-25% even in the US.

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