Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sovietologist Fakes and 1900's Peasant Rebellions

I'm being attacked by a whole bunch of intellectuals on some list for supposedly defending Communism's horrible death toll, specifically those of Mao and Stalin, though actually I was not doing anything of the kind, but you know how idiots are when it comes to evil Communism and all.

It all boils down to who was worse, Stalin-Mao Mass Murderer of All Time or Hitler Most Evil Killer and Maniac. Of course, rightwingers being the truly horrible people that they always are, always try to defend Hitler! Boo! Hiss! Evil! Sucks!

As an Old Left type, these guys tried to kill everyone of us on the planet. No way am I making alliances with people who want me dead.

The Left mostly refuses to defend Commies, but instead says that Shitler was way more evil, and Lindsay, the man who has no regard for human life, who issues calls for murder on a regular basis against unknown major imperialist figures and executors, is guilty of soliciting murder.

It's murder, murder, murder and more murder. All the murder, all the time. It's the Murder Channel and it's who killed more, your guy or Not-ours?

Lindsay the Evil started it all trolling by saying that Stalin killed only 1.6 million in peacetime and that the Holodomor is a Nazi lie spread by Nazi Randolph Hearst and the fascist, self-admitted, much loved by the West as their favorite Russian, Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

All the lies were helped to be spread by Robert Conquest, the British equivalent of a CIA agent, an agent for the MI-5, a man who made his career on spying for the West.

All of his books are CIA lies, but no one knows it, and he's revered as a Sovietologist by the entire West and Condy Rice and Campus Watch's idiotic CIA Jew father, Richard Pipes and the whole orchestra of idiots and weirdos and academic liars and failures.

And the whole world stood back and applauded the Sovietologist idiots, and then later the Sovietologist idiots became cheerleaders for the US imperialism that needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth like Brzezinski, or the became cheerleaders for Zionist settler-colonialism, which is imperialism plus invaders and super-thieves who actually throw you off your land and take it and settle it with their own invaders, as opposed to the usual US-type imperialists who just drain every penny of wealth out of your land and leave you to die at age 44, excuse me, I mean murders you at age 44, trying to keep it all in concert with the whole Evil Commie Mass Murderer theme, except only Commies kill and capitalists can never kill, so says the crazy Weltanshauung according to Professor Rommel (Who gave him tenure?!) and Power Kills, I mean Government Kills, so end the state forever.

And all in one sentence no less.

Peru created Sendero, Cambodia created Pol Pot, 17th century Poland created the Chmielniki Rebellion and 1/3 of Poland was dead. In 1804, Desallines led an island of slaves in righteous rebellion, and every Frenchperson on the speck of land in the Sea was dead, even the kids, even the crazy woman ranting on the bridge set upon by the mob and lynched on the spot.

The peasant rebellions went on and on down through the modern human history, and some people just never learned and kept getting massacred over and over again, and the dumb thing was, they pretty much deserved it every single time, except the kids and the crazies that is, and if you don't want to be on the end of a peasants with torches mob out to kill you all, don't treat people like shit in the first place!

A lot of the West, including its idiot best and brightest, actually accuses Stalin of killing 27 million of his own in WW2 by being a shitty general and leader. Of all the outrageous pro-Nazi bullshit! Tell me when the West is going to stop rooting Nazi in World War Two, at least on the Eastern Front?

Lindsay spat out the bitter Commie truths and the Westerners spit and cursed and call him killer. He blew up their cartoon men and their joke intellectuals spouted steam from their balding heads.

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