Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Voice of Sanity on Hamas

From the Zionist Time Magazine, of all places.

Well, you know, Time is still an intellectual rag when it isn't imitating US News and World Report, and I guess the mass outbreak of stupidity called a US election even sticks in their craw.

Americans being Americans, the MSM being what is, the political parties being what they are, and the Israeli Lobby being an actually existing entity, don't anyone expect any outbreaks of sanity anytime soon. Sadly, McCain beats all Democrats in keeping us safe from terrorists. I guess as long you don't have a uniform on in McCain's 100 Years War in Iraq, maybe he keeps you safer. Maybe. But I doubt it.

The worst terror attack on US soil ever happened on George Bush's watch, and he was rewarded for that "achievement" by consistently receiving sky-high ratings for "keeping us safe from terror". Are you laughing yet? Maybe you ought to be. That's the way US Idiot-Politics works. The MSM and both parties work to keep us as idiotic and ignorant as possible, and in return we voice our stupidity in the ballot box every couple years.

None of it makes sense to any halfway intelligent person, but most Americans aren't halfway intelligent anyway. They are not supposed to be, and they probably don't even want to be. That the Ruling Class of society deliberately conspires to keep them as stupid as possible is particularly infuriating, though not unexpected.

Study shows that ruling elites have opposed educating the masses for centuries if not millenia. Keeping the people as stupid as possible is a core principle of conservatism itself, and an excellent reason to oppose it outright on principle. That America continues on in the footsteps of the Medieval indulgence-buying priests saying Latin Masses is poignant and infuriating, yet makes a sort of sickening sense.

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