Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What If The Nazis Won?

They never would have really, but it's fun to guess off into the future if they had not been stopped when they were. Anyone knows Nazism would have gone on and on if it had not been stopped by Stalin, it would have raged through the USSR in a mass orgy of slaughter and counter-slaughter and more and more Holocausting along the way.

The Soviets would have fought to the last man and a huge pile of bodies would have piled up in Russia and it would have all ended right there, Soviets on top and Nazis smashed in a whirlwind and merry go round of slaughter. Shitler went to Palestine and killed all the Jews or tried to and that ended up being a great big huge mess too, as the Jews fought every man to the last too.

We are taking things off into the future here, into what would have happened if the Nazis had been more successful. They would never have conquered the world, as they could not have done so. The philosophy was a madhouse of terror and mass slaughter from the get go, and it could no longer stop killing any more than a great shark could.

After Europe it was going to attack the US and it was all planned out and there was nothing the US could have done to avoid it.

Amazing how no American ever talks about the inevitable Nazi invasion of the US homeland, and how terrible it would have been, one wonders if all the anti-Semites would have been so happy then, now that their Nazi heroes were invading our very shores to kill as many of us as possible unless we sue for peace.

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