Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pol Pot Revisionism

It was time to defend to defend Pol Pot and do the most evil troll of them all. PP was the evilest and most insane Commie of them all, and he killed 14% of the population of the population for no fucking reason at all, and all the while, many of the people just sat back and cheered, because the City Rich were dying and this was how much the Country Poor hated the City Rich.

Cambodia was an evil and insane society before PP, and PP was the logical extension and reaction to that madness, an ultra-caste system that the MSM never told any of us about.

The Country Folk wanted the City People dead pretty much and they never told us that, that was how shitty one had treated the other for as long as anyone had remembered. So many Khmer intellectuals had sided with the Khmer Rogue before they went nuts! Hell, 1/3 of the population still supported PP even after he killed all those people.

No one ever told us this except some Commie crazy in Swimming to Cambodia, nobody ever told us about skies filled by US bombers like skies filled with ducks at hunting season, which was what it was, and the ducks were on the ground with the hunters in the sky, and they rained death like William Shawcross said in Sideshow, but no one ever read it and no one wanted to either.

500,000 Khmer were dead and the Americans had killed 'em, mostly civilians probably, and the whole Cambodian World had gone insane hiding in the jungle from the bombs that killed and killed and never stopped killing all day and all night.

There had been months of starvation already when PP's maniacs entered the city and began killing left and right in a real horrorshow. The US bombs had stopped the harvest and destroyed the countryside, but everyone blamed PP.

PP emptied the cities, which was the only sane thing to do when everyone is starving, which is send all the City Boys out to the country to grow some food, you know? This has been twisted into a deliberate attempt of massacre of the City People. But that was not all of it at all.

The horrorshow of PP are mostly true, but I would love to hear if he destroyed farm equipment to go back to Year Zero quicker, as his detractors say.

I hang out on Commie fora a lot, and you barely hear of any Communists of any kind defending PP really, and even most Maoists want nothing to do with him. He still has some Net fans writing in Khmer about Brother Number 1 (that's Pol Pot's nom de guerre in Khmer), but no one wants to hear it anymore.

Pol Pot was one of the only Commies who actually comes close to being a Nazi bastard, and to me he's sort of a Shitler, at least in terms of just killing lots of folks for no good reason. He was also a super-racist, just like Shitler.

Now which is more evil, Shitler or PP, is debatable, and I ain't even gonna go there. Point is there is no reason to defend the guy, and he was on the Left all right, and we on the Left are men enough to admit that, whereas the Right is full of sissy-boys who freak that Hitler was a Rightist, and they just can't admit that such a scumbag could be on the Right.

We leftwing men are men and the Rightwing "men" are just girls in suits and ties who can't admit there are fanatics anywhere on their side of ideological spectrum.

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