Sunday, September 14, 2008

Albanians Are Neither White Nor Europeans?

A lot of White Nationalist idiots insist that Albanians are either not White (Whatever the Hell that means!), or, more particularly, that they are not Europeans (!). The reason that "Albanians are not Europeans", despite the fact that they live in Europe (!) is apparently because "Albanians are Muslims". So White folks, who live in Europe, but are Muslims, are automagically transformed into "non-Whites". Nice magic!

First of all, that is not entirely true. It's true that the Kosovars were mostly Muslims, but in Albania proper, the population was originally about 50% Muslim, 30% Catholic and 20% Orthodox Christian. Albanian Orthodox, apparently. I never even knew that existed.

Pretty interesting phenotype. I like those girls. Love the way they look. I'm not sure quite what they look like; I'm thinking they have a phenotype all their own? They look a lot like Italians. Looking at the guys, I think they look like Greeks. They have a very interesting nose. I'm not sure if it's a Greek nose or an Italian nose. It's prominent, but still attractive.

I assume they are just some type of Meds. I'm not down with all those old anthropological types. Notice that there are a fair number of blonds. Nordicist retards say this is because "Nordics" went down to the Mediterranean, civilized the backwards Meds, become their ruling class, did all those great Italian and Greek civilizational Med things we swoon about, then took off back to Germany or wherever to run around in bear skins with rude tribes of White gangbangers called Vandals and such.

Dumb, huh? Truth is, Meds went up north and actually helped to form those great Nordics. Nordics are part Med. I got my hands on this great proto-Nazi Nordicist book once out of Germany from around 1920. Everything was race, race, race. It was kind of cool the way he split Caucasians up into all these groups. But it seems that the ruling classes of all of the great empires - Indian, Persian, Armenian, Roman, Greek, you name it - were all Nordics!

Germanic proto-Nazi dudes were running all over Europe and West Asia forming ruling classes and creating great civilizations and lording it over the the untermenschen darkie types, then high-tailing it back to Germany as soon as civilization collapsed. Back to Germany, one of the least civilized places on Earth, except it was exporting Platos and Caesars to the world. Yeah right! Supremacists are so funny sometimes.

More Albanians! All blonds, pretty much. You see any particular phenotype there? I don't. They just look like White people. No wait! They're not White! Only Nordics are! Snark. These people don't look like Muslims either. They look like young folks who like to have unmarried sex. Have fun kids!

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