Sunday, September 14, 2008

Americans Are Pro-life!

Yeah. Like Hell they are.

That's why fully 80% of Americans who learn during the pregnancy that their child has Down's Syndrome choose to abort the fetus.

This is where all those silly abortion polls mess up. No way are 80% of Americans pro-choice, forget it. But the Americans who have DS pregnancies are surely a randomly selected lot, no?

And when it comes right down to brass tacks, a severely retarded fetus that will become a human child in months, that you will have to raise, painfully, for not just 18 years, but for its whole life, most Americans just swallow the bullet, pull the lever and say bye-bye.

This is why those polls can't be trusted. A lot of supposed pro-life folks will have an abortion when all the chips are down and there's everything to lose.

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