Sunday, September 07, 2008

Bush Administration Adopts Socialism

The government just seized control of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. I guess some on the Left might be complaining about this. Surely there will be squeals on the Libertarian Right, but that's to be expected.

I'm not that good at economics, so I don't know what this precisely bails down to, but my understanding is that this is actually a good idea. It should have been done a while back, but the Bushies dawdled and kept on speaking in free market tongues and handling free market snakes like the cultists most conservatives are these days.

What is it with this "market" crap anyway? It reminds of a some Doomsday Koolaid cult. That's right, it's called capitalism.

"The pure, free market is one of the most evil systems ever designed by mankind." Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776.

Smith was actually a very strong advocate of strict state control and regulation of the market in order to prevent this "most evil system". Bet you never knew that, did you? Learn something new here every day.

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