Sunday, September 07, 2008

I Feel Like Punching Them In the Face

...Every time some Goddamned Mexican "American"* tells me, "We're taking this state back."

Yeah, they say it. A lot.

I think real Americans, not "Americans", or AINO's (Americans in name only) ought to start talking back to these traitorous shits.

Usually, here in California, when a Mexican "American" says this, and they do fairly often, real Americans don't say much in return. We just kind of look at the ground and shuffle our feet. Because if you argue back against them, the Mexican "Americans" will tend to get violent. It's high time we real Americans fought back against these treasonous punks and let them know that their traitor sentiment is most unwelcome.

Mexican "Americans" have told me the following:

We have no allegiance to this country; our allegiance is to Mexico.
We hate this country; we love Mexico.
We are not Americans; we are Mexicans.

Your average piece of shit who says something like this was actually born in the United States. Usually, but not always, they are the nightmare children of the tidal wave of Mesoamerican immigrants that have inundated my state in the past two decades.

The usual White nationalist line is that all Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans are traitors allied to a foreign land. I don't believe that. Some are, some aren't. Shouldn't we do some research to find out which ones are patriots and which are allied to a foreign power?

I once met a Jew from the Ukraine. I didn't really know his nationality when I first met him. I just knew he was from the Ukraine.

I asked him if he were Ukrainian or Russian, since there are plenty of Russians in the Ukraine. He responded belligerently, "Neither! I'm Jew!" I felt like slapping his face right on the spot. Obviously, he had utter contempt for his native land. He wouldn't even admit to being a citizen. Hell of an attitude. No wonder there are so many anti-Semites in that part of the world.**

*You really don't hear this stuff too often, but you do hear it once in a while. How many Mexican-Americans actually believe this traitorous crap? Who knows? It's a worthy subject of research for any intrepid sociologist out there. There are Mexican "Americans" and Mexican Americans, traitors and patriots. I did not intend to paint all Mexican Americans with a broad brush here.

**I'm not attempting to cast any aspersions on Jews in general, or in particular the Jews of the US. How many Jews in the US are as openly treasonous as that Russian Jew above? Not too many. The Russian Jews have been some the worst Jews on Earth for a very long time. The Russians hate them and they hate the Russians. The sheer hatred that the Russian Jews have for the native land is often quite evident.

I'd like to point out that many Israeli Jews are quite hostile toward the Russian Jews in Israel and even in the US, Russian Jews have angered a lot of US Jews.

My attitude is that if you hate your native land so much (seeing it as the enemy) and are much more loyal to some foreign country over your homeland, and you see your own people as a hostile entity towards your own homeland, then why don't you just fucking leave?

If these Mexican love Mexico so much and hate the US so much, go to Mexico. If these Russian Jews hate Russia so much, why don't they just pack up and move to Israel already?

1 comment:

  1. LOL, the only native Americans were here before the European Americans arrived. They are the only true Americans. America is not your native land. Stop fussing over ignorant issues like who is American or not American. If a person of European descent says " I'm an American, you being just as disloyal, by your definition of traitorous behavior.
