Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Public Service Killings and NHI Cases

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Public service killings - a recent case in Fresno. I think the killer is a hero. The gangbanger pushed his way into the guy's house, sat down, demanded a drink and a cigarette, and I guess refused to leave. A fight ensued and Brian Waldron, a fine, upstanding citizen, defended himself against the Bulldog gang member animal, hitting him with a stick and killing him.

Then he buried the body, which not a very smart thing to do. Furthermore, you foul God's Earth by placing such dead nastiness in it. Chopping up the body is pretty horrid too.

Cops call some cases like this (good guy kills bad guy) "public service killings". I agree. This guy just got caught is all. Looks like he's going down on homicide charges, but I vote to acquit.

Cases where one gangbanger or criminal scumbag kills another are referred to by cops as "NHI" cases. NHI means "no humans involved".


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