Friday, November 14, 2008

I Guess I Must Be a Pedophile

This scholar, Tobias Hübinette, a doctoral student as Stockholm University, has written papers suggesting that Western men who are Asiaphiles, have Yellow Fever, etc. are actually pedophiles deep down inside. Or, as he puts it, "...what drives (Western man's) fetishism with Asian women is quite simply paedophile tendencies."

The usual PC morons are calling the poor guy a racist, and I haven't even the foggiest idea why.

He also says that the hip trend of Whites adopting East Asian kids is part of a long tradition of colonial oppression.

The university's legal department is investigating him and he may face charges of reverse racism, whatever the Hell that means. What does that mean, "face charges"?

I still don't understand why this guy's work is seen as racist, but to PC dolts, just about everything is. I guess the Sun is racist because it shines on those poor Third World countries so hard and makes them sweat and get tired and stuff.

All these years I've been romping around with Asian women, and it turns out I was really a serial child molester. I never realized that pedophilia could be so much fun.

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