Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Modern Intellectual "Discussion" About Race and Racism

In a word, it's just retarded.

I realize that racism definitely exists, but I am getting sick and tired of hearing about it in the modern sense (Blame Whitey!). I'm White, and I'm getting tired of being called racist, and I'm getting tired of my people being endlessly pilloried as racist. Yeah, it's starting to piss me off.

Here is the typical Black - Brown - minority - Leftist "conversation" about race and racism:

"Whites are racist! Whites are racist! Whites are racist! Whites are racist!

Evil Whites! Evil Whites! Evil Whites! Evil Whites! Evil Whites!

Down with White racism! Down with White racism! Down with White racism!Down with White racism!

All the problems of [fill in group name] are caused by evil White racism! All the problems of [fill in group name] are caused by evil White racism! All the problems of [fill in group name] are caused by evil White racism! All the problems of [fill in group name] are caused by evil White racism! All the problems of [fill in group name] are caused by evil White racism!

There's no such thing as race! There's no such thing as race! There's no such thing as race! There's no such thing as race! There's no such thing as race!

But there is such a thing as racism, but only Whites do it, and it's ruining the whole world! But there is such a thing as racism, but only Whites do it, and it's ruining the whole world! But there is such a thing as racism, but only Whites do it, and it's ruining the whole world! But there is such a thing as racism, but only Whites do it, and it's ruining the whole world!

Waa waa waa waa! Waa waa waa waa! Waa waa waa waa! Waa waa waa waa!

Cry cry cry cry! Cry cry cry cry! Cry cry cry cry! Cry cry cry cry!

We're helpless, and evil Whites are omnipotent! We're helpless, and evil Whites are omnipotent! We're helpless, and evil Whites are omnipotent! We're helpless, and evil Whites are omnipotent!"

You call that an intellectual conversation about a very difficult, convoluted and incredibly complex subject? Geez. Pitiful.

One of the purposes of this blog is an empirical examination of the subjects of race and racism. All claims of all sides, no matter how noxious, will be examined under the sharp glare of empiricism to see if there is anything there or not. Further, the entire phenomenons of race and racism will be discussed.

I admit I am totally fascinated by these subjects, and I'm sorry if that pisses you off. This is a very high-traffic blog, and no one is forcing you to read.

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