Friday, November 07, 2008

KKK's of the US and Israel

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

A good joke - the notion that Nazis, White Supremacists, White nationalists, White pride types, etc., give two tenths of 1% of a shit about Palestinian Arab "muds", "mud-people", "sand niggers", "non-Whites", etc.

You've got to be kidding. You guys just use the Palestinian thing as a stick to beat your hated Jews with.

The only people who make sense on this are White nationalist racists who are logically allied with more or less White, more or less European, civilized, Judeo-Christian, Israeli Jews against Arab, Muslim, Palestinian non-White barbarians.

These White nationalists see the US as a White nation and wish to marry ethnicity with nationality. They wish to deny non-Whites the full rights of citizenship in the US. They support segregation, Jim Crow, the South in the Civil War, apartheid South Africa and getting rid of anti-discrimination laws.

Israel is the state of all of the Jews of the world, not the state of its citizens. In other words, non-Jews in Israel are not full citizens of the state and are possibly not even philosophically members of the state at all. The notion of racial or ethnic separatism, the backbone of White nationalism, reverberates throughout the Jewish state.

There are Jews-only towns, roads, cities, schools, you name it. 93% of state land is reserved for Jews-only, almost all of it stolen from the native Arabs.

No matter how you look at it, the Zionist project has much in common with the White racialist one today and yesterday. Principled White racists ought to support Jewish racism (Zionism) the same way they support Black separatism. Principled non-racists and anti-racists ought to oppose Zionism the same way that they opposed segregation and Jim Crow and supported civil rights and anti-discrimination law.

Too many Nazi types don't make sense. Jews are terrible because they ended legalized White racism in America (that is, they are faulted for being the leading edge of anti-racism in the West), while at the same time they are faulted for creating a racist Jewish state in the Middle East.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Racism is either good or bad. You're either for it or against it. If you're for it, you need to reserve everyone the right to practice it, in their own separatist communities to be most consistent. If you're against it, you need to oppose it all the time, not just oppose it when Jews do it and support it when US Whites and German Nazis do.

Israel is the corollary of the KKK dream for America; it's the state of the KKK-Jews. Principled White racists ought to look on Israel as a model for the exclusionary vision that they purport to pursue.

If we oppose KKK racist White types in the US, progressives really need to oppose the KKK-Jews in Israel too. This political formulation is not too difficult, folks. Think about it.

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