Thursday, November 06, 2008

Successes of the Omnipotent US Jews

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Anti-Semites say that Jews control everything in the West. Well, at least they control the media and the government. Neither is really true. Newsweek and the Washington Post are not run by Jews, nor is the LA Times. Rupert Murdoch is not a Jew.

There are 13 Jews in the US Senate, I believe. 13%. How does that equate to control over the US Congress? It doesn't.

Jews don't control Capitol Hill in the US. The ADL has not been able to implement most of its agenda - hate speech laws, amnesty for 12 million illegal aliens, etc. Congress keep trying to give amnesty to the illegals (ADL supports this) and it keeps getting shot down. The ADL keeps demanding hate speech laws, and the (Jewish-controlled?) Congress keeps shooting it down.

Jews in the US, including media Jews, are mostly liberal; they're the most liberal ethnic group in the US. How has this liberal agenda been implemented by media Jews and government Jews in the last three decades? It's hasn't been. The very liberal US Jewish community is so powerful that their liberal agenda has been getting crushed for three decades now.

Wow, that's some real ferocious power, man.

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