Monday, November 17, 2008

Latest Weapon Against US Troops In Iraq

Armor-piercing grenades, Russian-made.

It's interesting that I have never even heard of this weapon before. It looks like a bottle rocket or a gigantic Molotov cocktail. After you throw it, it opens a parachute so it can land in the right direction for it detonate its armor-piercing weaponry properly. This weapon has killed a number of US troops this year.

It is typically thrown from crowds in Baghdad, and it is almost impossible to figure out who threw it. There is considerable blowback from the weapon, which is often tossed at short distance, in the videos of the weapon being used, you can see the throwers running away as soon as they throw the thing.

Al Qaeda in Iraq is reportedly utilizing this weapon a lot. The news segment on the video highlights the Dora District in South Baghdad, which is sadly still an Iraqi Al Qaeda battleground. I thought we had cleaned these shits out of there.

There has been some horrific abuse and ethnic cleansing of the Christian population in Dora, where the local Christians were forced to pay the jizya. The Christians in Mosul have also been forced to pay a jizya. If they don't pay, they are to be forcibly converted to Islam. If they won't do that, the penalty is death.

The abuse and destruction of the Assyrian, Christian and Sabean communities in Iraq (especially the latter) surely seems to quality as genocide - the destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic group.

You can go on all you want about how these jihadis don't represent the real Islam and all that, but I would like to point out that every time there is an Islamic jihad, Christians are always targeted for death. This is true in Chechnya, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan and the Philippines.

The jizya tends to emerge from out of nowhere without fail, and Christians are ordered to either pay up, leave town, convert or die. It's not just Al Qaeda who does this. This abuse of Christians has been a hallmark of Islamic jihads from Day One. One really needs to see it as an essential aspect of Islamic holy war.

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