Monday, November 17, 2008

Porn Star Does Her Bit For the Obama Campaign

This is supposed to be a blog that is open to viewers of all ages, so if you're under 18, don't click the link in the post.

We also generally don't deal with porn on here, but since this video is topical and hilarious, we might as well. Joanna Angel, a punk rock porn star who has opened up her own studio called Burning Angel with her boyfriend and frequent co-star James Deen, recorded a video called Vote Obama! in which she, a White woman, has sex with famous (and very large) Black porn star named Sean Michaels.

Thankfully for the Obama campaign, she released the video the day before the election, otherwise the rightwing would have gotten a hold of it and gone nuts.

What's interesting is that I'm pretty sure that I read that Angel was one of the few White female porn stars who was refusing to have sex with Black men recently. I guess she changed her mind.

This video seems designed to drive White nationalists into a homicidal frenzy.

Angel and her outfit, to their credit, are some of the smartest porn stars out there. They are also very heavily into tattoos and piercings.

For those who care about such things, Angel and Deen, who run Burning Angel together, are both Jewish. So a Jewish woman made a video of herself having sex with a Black man on the eve of the election that elected our first Black President. It's stuff like this that drives White nationalist anti-Semites nuts.

This is like something out of a neo-Nazi comic book; I can't believe this is real. This kind of stuff just feeds that "evil Jews leading the charge of the destruction of the White race" stuff.

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