Monday, October 27, 2008

The Zwi Migdal - Jewish Pimps of Argentina

Interesting stuff. Ynet has some great articles about the Jews.

Every society with prostitution has its pimps, of course.

In the US, pimping seems to be dominated by Blacks. I haven't heard of many White pimps, but I guess they exist. Part of the sickness and baseness of US Black ghetto culture is the glorification of the pimp and the streetwalker. We haven't many Blacks around here, but the few pimps and streetwalkers around here are almost always Black.

I understand that Albanians dominate the prostitution trade in the UK.

The anti-Semitic image of Jew as pimp and peddler of filth and depravity (Peddle some my way!) lacks a sound basis. However, in Argentina, Brazil, Poland and the Ukraine, Jews dominated the prostitution trade.

In one case, in Poland around 1910, there was a Jewish pogrom against the pimps! Pogroms in Poland around this time were often organized around the theme of "Jews are prostituting our women," and the local Jews had had enough. I think that 100 pimps were killed in this pogrom. I'm not sure if they killed prostitutes too.

It's an anti-Semitic lie that due to Jewish dual morality, Jews will only prostitute Gentile girls. The evil Jews are turning out our pure White women! In the case of the Zwi Migdal, it looks like they were only prostituting Jewish girls. I understand that the pimps of Israel (where there is a thriving sex trade) often traffic in Jewish in addition to Gentile women).

The Zwi Migdal were not supported by the Jewish community at large, to its credit. It lasted from 1870-1930.

Even by the turn of the century, Argentina had a very large Jewish population and it still has about 400,000 Jews.

Click the link for more.

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