Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blacks Couldn't Even Build a Boat to Madagascar

This is yet another in our series of very tiresome lies that White nationalists tell about non-Whites, especially Black folks.

Some of the others are that Blacks never even developed agriculture and that Blacks never acquired iron technology. The upshot is that Blacks were "living in the Stone Age" when first contacted by Europeans. It's not true, but it doesn't stop WN's from saying it.

It's well known that Africans had not developed a very high level of civilization, but it's certainly not true that they were living in the Stone Age. Who was living in the Stone Age? How about our very exalted American Indians?

Let's look into the claim that Blacks never even figured out how to build a Goddamned boat to float to Madagascar, which is "just a few miles away from Africa." A better way to phrase this claim is, "Niggers* are so stupid, they couldn't even figure out how to build a boat!"

Truth is that Madagascar was settled by Austronesians, probably from Indonesia, around 200-500 AD.

Based on ethnographic research and Malagasy legend summarized by Roger Blench, the Mikea hunter-gatherers were already on Madagascar before the Austronesians arrived. The earliest inhabitants were a Pygmy-like people called the Vazimba. The Vazimba were probably related to the Mikea. They obviously showed up via boats.

Also, Madagascar is not "a few miles off the coast of Africa." It's 250 miles away. That's pretty far! By 1600, the Falklands, 300 miles off the shore of Argentina, were not well-known to the natives of South America at that time either.

Further, it is clear that the Africans who left Africa 70,000 years to populate the rest of the world did so via the Horn of Africa and must have left by boats. The very earliest out of Africa peoples already knew how to make seaworthy vessels, so they must have learned that back in Africa.

To be honest, African cultural development upon European contact was not at a very high level. One would think that if White nationalists were interested in insulting Black folks, they could just look at the historical record.

It seems pitiful that they feel such a need to denigrate even the rather modest cultural achievements that the Africans did make. It's as if the WN's don't even want to grant the Africans the most meager of accomplishments.

How sad is that?

*Used sardonically

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