Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ok, I'm Definitely a Child Molester Now

I was just talking to someone my age who said that no man our age should want to have sex with any woman under age 25. He averred that if he were rich, he would try to have sex with women all the way down to age 25. "But I'd draw the line at 25," he added, nodding his head wisely. 

I raised my hand. 

"I'd draw the line at 18," I chirped perkily. 

He scowled, shaking his head. "Well, you're definitely a child molester then," he allowed. 

"Really?" I asked hopefully. 

"Yep, well as far as more older guys, yes. And as far as all women, especially older women, for sure. One thing they hate is older guys going after young women. That proves you're a child molester right there.

"One thing, though," he noted. "Sure you can have sex with her. But how can you possibly have an intelligent conversation with an 18 year old girl?" 

"What do you mean?" I asked. "How can you have an intelligent conversation with a women our own age?" 

He had to agree. I had a point.


  1. Now, you don't really mean that, do you? About having an intelligent conversation with women of a certain age?

  2. Of course not. Just a sexist joke, that's all. The likelihood of an intelligent conversation goes up more and more as a woman ages.
