Monday, September 26, 2011

Flash Mob Beatdown in Dallas

This is a pretty disturbing video. A young White guy is a clerk in a 7-11 in Dallas, Texas. A flash mob of young Blacks of both sexes raids the store. En masse, they start shoplifting stuff and heading for the door. Stupidly, the clerk tries to stop them. They push him outside and brutally beat him down until he rescued by two brave young Black women, who save him from the attackers and take him to safety in the store. He received serious injuries and had to be hospitalized. The tape was played on TV, and people were asked to turn in the thieves and attackers. It's not known if any of them got caught yet, nor is the identity of young women who saved him known.

Black flash mobs are becoming increasingly common in the US. Sometimes they attack passerby at random, possibly focusing on Whites. Other times they definitely attack Whites or at least non-Blacks exclusively, for example at a fair in Wisconsin. Other flash mobs like this one raid stores and malls. In the malls, they just run through the mall knocking stuff over. In the stores, they go in in a large group and steal stuff.

White nationalists have gone absolutely insane over this phenomenon, because in some cases, the flash mobs are preferentially seeking out Whites to attack. But as usual, the vast majority of victims of Black thugs are their racial brethren, their fellow Blacks.

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