Saturday, December 17, 2011

No One Helps Chinese Toddler Hit by Two Vans

Very disturbing video. A toddler wanders in front of a van in a narrow alleyway in China. The driver apparently does not see the child and runs over it. He realizes what he did and takes off instead of sticking around. A second van then runs over the kid again. This one also figures out what he did and takes over. The frantic mother is freaking out the whole time.

There was some sort of capitalist mercenary motive involved here, but I forget what it was. Something about insurance, but I forget the details. All hail Deng Xiaoping!

Thugs Assault Retarded Woman

Very disturbing video shot in a bad neighborhood in Sacramento, California. Thugs harass and ultimately beat up a retarded woman who is hanging out in a strip mall.

Robbery Caught on Tape

Amazing video shows an actual robbery in a college town. Students are seated outside what appears to be a coffee shop in this city. One man is sitting drinking his coffee. A non-student runs by, grabs his laptop and runs away. It's all over so fast. People are looking around afterward and the thief is nowhere to be seen.

Woman Badly Beaten in McDonald's

In this shocking video, two women get into it with an employee at a McDonald's in Greenwich Village when he tries to check their $50 bill to see if it is a fake or not. One of the women attacks the worker and another woman vaults over the counter to chase the worker into the back of the store so she can attack him. The worker grabs a metal rod and beats the woman with it! He was arrested, but a lot of people are coming to his defense. Apparently he has a prison record.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Jacobs Juvenile Bigfoot Photos

Famous photos taken by a deer hunter in western Pennsylvania in 2007. He set up the camera with a salt lick to attract deer. He got some deer, some bears and also apparently a juvenile Bigfoot! The Pennsylvania Department of Fish and Game says that this is a "mangy bear." Many continue to insist that it is mangy bear. However, the limb to torso measurements are completely wrong for a bear, plus bears don't bend down to sniff things the way this thing bends down to smell the salt lick. The way it bends down is typical for an ape.

Bears have limb to torso ratios of 60%. Humans and primates have ratios of 120-150%. This animal has a ratio of 122%.

Juvenile Bigfoots are quadrupedal until they are three or four years old, when they begin to walk bipedally.

Interestingly, the trail cam that took these shots was repeatedly broken and had to be replaced a number of times. There are many reports of Bigfoots destroying trail cams. Few if any other animals routinely destroy trail cams. Bigfoots are apparently upset by the night flash of the trail cams.

Debate continues to rage over these strange photos, with even members of the Bigfoot researcher community saying that it's just a mangy bear.

The Patterson - Gimlin Bigfoot Footage

The Holy Grail of Bigfoot tapes. For a variety of reasons, this clinches the argument over whether or not Bigfoot exists.

In 1967, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin left Yakima, Washington and went to Willow Creek, California. They were both cowboys and worked seasonally. Patterson had been hunting Bigfoot for a long time; in fact, he was more or less a fulltime Bigfoot hunter for half the year. He had also written a book about Bigfoot. Despite all of that, he was just a cowboy, and he was not a particularly educated man.

Patterson brought Gimlin along because he wanted the best horseman he could find, and Gimlin is one of the finest cowboys out there. They went to Willow Creek because many Bigfoot tracks had been seen in the area recently as logging roads were opening up, so they figured it was a good place to look. These tracks were first noted in 1958 by Jerry Crews, a road worker.

The family of a recently deceased man named Ray Wallace has claimed that he created the Bigfoot myth by walking around in the woods wearing wooden shoes. The family has produced the shoes. However, the tracks left by his wooden feet do not match at all to the many known Bigfoot prints on many variables.

On October 20, they went to Bluff Creek, California, near the border between Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. They were riding along a trail along Bluff Creek when they came to an uprooted tree stump as large as a room in a house. As they moved past it, they looked down in the creek bed. There had been huge storms in the spring and much of the tree cover around the stream was washed away. In order to get to the creek, animals had to move across the open creekbed to get to the water.

Both men saw the Bigfoot at once. Patterson's "unspookable" horse spooked and flipped him off of it. Patterson struggled to pull himself from under the horse, which had fallen tot he ground, then to get his camera out of his bag. He then began running across the creekbed pursuing the Bigfoot. He got about 15-20 seconds of the finest footage anyone has ever made of a female Bigfoot, 24 feet of 16mm film with a 16mm Kodak camera.

People went back the next day and made classic Bigfoot casts of the footprints in the soil. Bigfoot footprints have been found all over and many casts have been made. They share common abnormalities that would make them hard to fake. They lack an arch, and have a bone present that is not in a human foot. There are several other ways that they are different.

Mathematical calculations based on the prints showed that "Patty" weighed 550 pounds and that she was 7 feet 6 1/2 inches tall. The prints were 14.5 inches long and 6 inches wide.

Since that time, several people have all come forward with different stories that they wore a monkey suit for the footage. Each person has a different story and some even have the suits. Some keep dragging out new suits every year, trying to make them better and better, since in general, they look nothing like the footage.

Hollywood filmmakers have said it would be difficult or impossible to make a suit like that and that probably no human could be trained to walk the way Patty walks, or if so, only with extensive training. Patty displays a completely non-human method of locomotion would be difficult, if not impossible, for a human to imitate.

Note in the footage where Patty turns to look at the camera. Note how she turns her whole upper body around, including her shoulders, not just her head. A human generally only turns their head, but apes turn their upper body around, since they can't turn just their head. Who would have thought of that?

Note the hairy breasts. Even apes do not have hair breasts.

Movement of thigh muscles can be seen as Patty runs. This movement is perfect, exactly the way a huge thigh would move. The muscle would not be visible under a costume.

Patty has a hernia on her left thigh. A hernia would not be visible under a costume.

Notice the absolutely natural way that Patty walks in a manner of locomotion that is utterly nonhuman.

Notice how long her arms are compared to the rest of the body.

Patty's knee operates at a completely different angle when walking than a normal human knee does - it is not fully extended. This may be an adaptation to supporting a great deal of weight.

Patty has huge shoulders, calculated at 34 inches wide. The average man has shoulders 25 inches wide. A wide shouldered man is 28-29 inches. Humans with shoulders over 30 inches are nearly unheard of. Even Andre the Giant's specs do not match Patty's.

In 1998, the BBC paid special effects people to make a perfect Patty costume, then had an actor run along to imitate Patty. The documentary was billed as destroying the Patterson footage once and for all. The effort failed completely. To this day, no one, not even the finest Hollywood special effects designers, has been able to use an actor and a monkey suit to recreate this footage. Keep in mind that 43 years ago, special effects was still in its infancy and it is orders of magnitude better now than it was then.

No one has been able to prove that this footage is a fake. The worst one can say about it is that it is a mystery.

Patterson died of cancer in 1972. Gimlin is still alive, but he never made a dime off the footage. Both men were of high moral caliber, which cannot be said of the numerous fakers who all said they worse the costume that day.

Here a Hollywood animator says that the footage obviously shows and unknown animal, and that footage could not possibly be faked with a costume and actor via modern techniques.
I am a CG animator by profession. As part of my craft I have an intuitive sense of natural human movement. I animate human characters for games.

When I view the Patterson-Gimlin film, I see a mode of movement that is not human, but humanlike. The arm swing and movement of the shoulder girdles are clearly that of a truly massive frame. The musculature of the creature is very thick, but not restrictive to the range of motion in the shoulder joints.

In the trapezius muscle group, the diamond shaped set of muscles that anchor the shoulders, nape of the neck and upper thoracic vertebrae, the contraction of these thick muscle sheets is visible. In the cadence of the walk, and the amount of bobbing up and down, the presence of great and compact body mass is evident.

Also the creatures knee, not reaching full extension, is certainly an adaptation to supporting great weight. A fully extended knee has poor resistance to twisting forces. In conclusion, the reality of the film subject as an uncatalogued animal is self evident.

It simply cannot be a costume, the boundaries of the human form do not even fit within the form of the creature. Furthermore, the mass of the creature is so great and carried with such poise, a man could not even be trained to carry such great weight or walk bearing weight in such a fashion.

The muscle masses, if they had been padding, would have been static and restrictive. The presence of visible muscle contraction, the freedom of movement, the cadence of the walk, all fully support the claim that the footage documents a living hominid outside of the genus of man.

"New York Baby" Bigfoot Footage

Great footage of a baby Bigfoot and climbing a tree in New York. Its parent lifts it up in the tree and then it plays up there for a while. The footage was shot in 1996 by Doug Pridgen in New York state. The nearest town is Poughkeepsie. It takes place at Lembo Lake between Modena and Ardonia near the Catskill Mountains.

The people had no idea of the animals in the background until afterwards when they were transferring the footage onto VHS.

According to prominent primatalogists, the figure in the video is either an exceptionally large gibbon, a small chimpanzee or an unclassified primate species. The possibility exists that someone released an ape into the surroundings. However, this is unlikely, as few people keep apes as pets and it's illegal to do so in most states.

There are many reports of baby Bigfoots climbing trees. Apparently they are typically quadripedal until they are three or four years old when they start to walk upright. At this stage, they have been seen many times in trees. Young Bigfoots are vulnerable to predators, so it's logical that they should be arboreal when young to protect themselves. There is an adult Bigfoot to the right lifting the baby Bigfoot into the tree, but you can't see it very well.

This Bigfoot footage is quite famous now.

The Freeman Bigfoot Footage

More famous Bigfoot footage, probably in the Top 10.

Paul Freeman was a worker for the local watershed district when he shot this footage in 1994 in the Blue Mountains on the border of Washington and Oregon. He saw a Bigfoot in the area previously and reported it, but he was widely ridiculed at work. Thereafter, he swore to always carry a camera with him in the woods.

A while later, he found some tracks and started following them. This is the start of the video. Then he comes upon a Bigfoot and photographs it briefly while he freaks out. At one point, the Bigfoot bends down to pick up a smaller object, possibly a baby Bigfoot. Then it moves off into the woods.

This video is controversial, but I think it is very good. Notice how the creature simply bends aside 10 foot tall pine trees as it moves through the woods. One complaint is that the Bigfoot looks down as it walks. Supposedly a wild animal would never do that. However, a sprained foot would be a serious injury for such a large animal. In the Patterson footage, Patty also looks down at the ground once, so it's possible that Bigfoot, like humans, looks at the ground while it walks to make sure it did not fall.

The video is controversial, as some call Freeman a faker and liar. Supposedly he was so upset at people making fun of him for after he saw the first Bigfoot that he faked this footage to "show them who's boss." I can't comment on that, other than to say that this is a damned good costume. Further tainting Freeman is that he has been proven to have faked some of his evidence, including tracks and hair. Tragically, this calls nearly all of his evidence, tracks, videos, hair, etc. into question. Once you start faking stuff, your credibility is gone forever.

The problem is that some of his tracks are very good and would be very hard to fake. There are a few possibilities. Either he found some real tracks and then started to make fake tracks or he started to fake tracks and then he found some real ones.

A real problem with Freedman is that he was one of those guys who always seemed to be there when a Bigfoot or its tracks showed up. The reason for his problems at work were not so much ridicule from other workers, but instead, right from the beginning, forest workers felt that his sightings and tracks were hoaxes.

Furthermore, tracks were found in the area where Freeman shot this video, and they have been analyzed. There is a deformity between the 2nd and 3rd toes on one of the Bigfoot's feet. Amazingly, footprints with this exact same deformity were found in the same area a while back. Then, a few years later, more tracks were found in the same area with the same deformity.

On the other hand, many Bigfoot researchers feel that this film is a fake. If it is, it's an awfully good one.

But this is definitely a legendary Bigfoot tape.

Memorial Day Bigfoot Footage

This is one of the most famous Bigfoot clips ever shot. The footage was shot by Lori and Owen Pate in 1996 at Chopata Lake in north central Washington state while on a camping trip with family and friends. A figure, resembling a man covered with dark hair, runs across an open area, then stoops to pick something up. Then it disappears into the woods. Notice how much it looks like a man. There had been two previous sightings of this figure shortly before this footage was shot.

The general impression amongst many researchers in the field is that this video is some kind of an elaborate hoax. It runs like a man, not like a Bigfoot. Never has a Bigfoot been observed to have run in this manner. When it stops at the end to supposedly pick something up, purportedly a baby Bigfoot, actually it is probably taking off its ape mask. One actor wearing an ape mask died in the production of a movie. That mask would have gotten awfully hot running across that field.

On the other hand, it does look like a Bigfoot, and it also walks like one.

Debunkers had a runner run across the landscape in an effort to duplicate this footage. The runner easily ran faster than the figure in the video.

Nevertheless, the father of the girl who shot the video continues, 15 years later, to vouch for its reliability, as do the people who shot it. The girl and her boyfriend made enough money off the video to buy a new camcorder and some gas for the car, but they didn't really make much money off it.

Furthermore, 30 people watched this figure walk quickly across the landscape. Were they all in on the hoax? The evidence seems to be that most of the witnesses did not even know each other, but were just strangers at the lake. Were a few in on a hoax and then 30 innocent people watched the hoax? Who knows? That would make more sense. The kids who shot this footage haven't made much money off of it. If the Bigfoot really did pick up its kid at the end of its walk, that makes sense as a reason why it put itself in full view like that.

A few days prior, a fisherman had seen a Bigfoot at this same lake. He estimated the height to be 6.5-7 feet. Owen Pate saw a Bigfoot running across the field shortly before this one. It was also 6.5-7 feet tall. Then they got the camcorder and this one started to run across the field too. But it was smaller, maybe 5.5 feet tall.

And in this sequence, the filmed object does indeed appear to slow down or stop, pick something up, and put it on top its head. Then its head appears 8 inches taller. It really does look like it bent down and picked up a baby Bigfoot and put it on its head.
Problems with the mask theory are as follows...

1) A mask would be too small to account for the apparent size of the lifted object.

2) The object first lifts up, then down, and then quickly up again. Why??

3) The object lifts up without the use of any hands. How??

4) The object can be seen, in a few stills, to be slightly behind the subject's head. (Exactly where an infant would be seen, if it were sitting on the subject's shoulders...btw.)

5) The subject's head/face never changes color, even after the supposed mask is taken off.

Furthermore, the object, a female Bigfoot, already has one baby on her back when she starts her run. Then she runs over and picks up another baby. So in this video there are three Bigfoots. A mother Bigfoot with first one, then two baby Bigfoots on her back.

Or, alternatively, there is a baby Bigfoot on the mother's back. At some point, it falls off, then she picks it up again and puts it on her shoulders.

On the other hand, a film expert has supposedly conducted an enhanced analysis of this video that shows the guy taking off his monkey mask at the end. Another analysis showed that using a color technique, the subject in the film appears to be wearing a brown suit with a green base that shows through when run through certain filters.

When the people who shot the film contacted a major Bigfoot researcher, their primary concern was how much money they could make off of it.

Grover Krantz, in a recent book, said he did not want to waste ink in this footage.

At the end of the day, no one seems to know what to do with this footage. It has not been reliably proven to be either a hoax or a real Bigfoot. However, my personal opinion was first that it was real, then that it was fake, and now I have come back around to being certain it is real.

The clincher for me was a slowed down sequence showing the female Bigfoot obviously lifting the baby Bigfoot onto her shoulders as she runs. Furthermore, I have learned more about the makers of the video and their family and I no longer think that they are hoaxers.

It has been 15 years since this footage was taken, and no one has yet come forward claiming to be part of a hoax, and 30 people witnessed the event. Further, no one has yet come forward claiming to be the guy in the suit either. In addition, there were multiple other Bigfoot sightings in the area in the preceding three days before the footage was shot.

Peguis Backroad Bigfoot Footage

Shot in Manitoba, March 2007, by a Native American and his son who were going out to get some firewood. They saw the creature, then the man told his son to grab the camcorder in the backseat, then they shot the footage. I think this footage is very good. I'm quite pleased with it. Once you see a lot of these videos, you start to get really freaked out and frightened because they all look so similar. There's no way that all these people could be making such fantastic costumes that all look the same and then training people to walk like this.

Further, the arms are way longer than human arms. The only way would be if some Hollywood film studio and come scientists were hiring actors to run around in the woods all over North America, or else all of these hoaxers were hiring this expensive team to do fancy hoaxes for them.

Nevertheless, some think that this film is dubious and may be a hoax.

Enchanted Forest Bigfoot Sighting

Filmed by kids in the Enchanted Forest, Vancouver Island, British Colombia, 2007. Kids surprise a sleeping Bigfoot, it gets up, moves away from them, hides, watches them, then moves away.

Not a bad video.

Myakka City, Florida Bigfoot Footage

Nice footage from Myakka City, Florida in a palmetto grove.

I don't know what to make of this, but it's similar to the others. When you watch a lot of these good videos, you get the creepiest feeling that you are watching the same damned animal over and over. The way this one looks and walks is almost exactly the way Patty walks. That's what you would expect for a wild animal. It's look doesn't vary all that much, and its method of locomotion is the always the same. I can't get over seeing that coned head over and over either.

Russian Cliff Bigfoot Footage

From a Russian documentary in 2009. Footage of a Bigfoot on a cliff somewhere in Siberia. This video is actually pretty good. Once again, you see that classic look.

Bigfoot Eyeshine Video

Very interesting video from Kentucky taken at nighttime in the middle of the woods.

Released by the Bigfoot Research Organization, one of the best and most scientific groups working on the subject.

All we can say is:

The animal is not a deer.

The animal is apparently about 7 feet tall. There are a few to no animals in the woods that are 7 feet tall except a bear standing upright. They don't stand upright for very long, and they only do so if they have a good reason to.

For instance, in British Colombia, I watched, panicked, while a huge 7-8 ft tall Black bear piked up our ice chest over and over, lifting it over its head and then smashing it down to the ground. We eventually gave up on the ice chest, and the battered chest was found the next morning with all of the food gone. The bear had been heard by our camp throughout the night, presumably eating the food in the chest.

Point is, that bear is only going to stand up to pick up that chest and lift it over its head and smash it down to the ground. It's not going to stand up for many other reasons. And it won't stand up in the woods for a minute just to stare at you. A bear stands up to make some sort of a threatening gesture, then sits back down, quadruped that he is.

On the other hand, Sasquatches do exactly this in the nighttime. They stand there and stare at you, often for a very long time, often making little or no sound.

Is the creature a man? It's 7 feet tall! It's in the middle of the woods with no flashlight. And those eyes are way too big to be human, if you ask me.

Is this a hoax? Possibly, but BFRO is very good about weeding out hoaxes.

Hoaxes are the bane of Sasquatch research. They just ruin everything. The country is full of these damned hoaxers. I feel there is a lot of excellent evidence for Sasquatch, but to get to it, you have to wade through a damned tidal wave of crap, hoaxes, liars and con artists.

Why all the hoaxes? Some are just having a good time.

For for others, it's the money. After all, Bigfoot means big money. Not really big money, but big enough. A lot of folks in the US don't have a lot of cash. Hooking onto the Bigfoot bandwagon is a nice way to drum up a bit of moolah. Even Moneymaker of the BFRO sold a Bigfoot tape, which later turned out to be a probable hoax, to big bucks Bigfoot researcher Adrian Erickson for $20,000.

I would like to have $20,000. I don't even know what $20,000 looks like. If I wasn't scientifically minded, I'm not sure I would believe that $20,000 even exists. So this is the kind of money we are talking about.

Beast of Gum Hill Video

Nice video recorded in Gum Hill, which is in southwest Virginia in Appalachian Mountains.

Ignore the dangerous and evil wild animal destroying a poor innocent stream with his despicable ATV.

Focus instead on the gentle and decent cryptid that walks across the stream, retrieves an infant on the other side, puts it on his shoulder, and walks away. The community is divided on this video, and no one knows what to think of it. If it's a hoax and a guy with a costume, it's a damn good one. Notice how the animal in the ATV is focusing completely on its task of destroying the stream. If it was a hoax, it would have been looking ahead and anticipating the costume guy.

The cryptid is approximately 8 fucking feet tall! You can tell by comparing the size of the cryptid with the fat animal riding the ATV. Look at how fast it strides across that stream. The stream is ~45-60 feet across. The cryptid moves across the stream in only nine strides. That's probably impossible for a human of any size.

If it's a hoax, that must be Shaq O'Neill in a Gilly suit.

That's the animal's hillbilly female mate yelling, "What was that?" at the end.

Unfortunately, the cryptid in this vid is a "Blobsquatch." Typical of so many Bigfoot videos.


Try this enhanced version instead.

One of the arguments for this thing being a hoax is that no Bigfoot would get anywhere near the wild animal and his mechanical beast that is wrecking the stream. However, it wanted to rescue its infant. Interesting that we now have three videos - Memorial Day, Freeman, and Gum Hill, in which Bigfoots put themselves in full view of humans to apparently rescue young ones and take them away. That would seem to be a good reason for a very shy creature to put itself in full view.

I regard this as a video of a real Bigfoot. The enhanced version is pretty amazing.

Mike Greene's Squeaky Bigfoot Video

First ever thermal image of what appears to be a Bigfoot. Mike Greene is a longtime researcher with excellent credentials and decades of experience. He formerly worked as a fraud investigator. He and his group had many Bigfoot encounters at night at this abandoned picnic area in a North Carolina forest. Finally he started enticing the Bigfoot with objects like squeaky duck toys and candy bars. It was a candy bar that lured it into the situation that resulted in the obtaining of this footage.

Greene is not one to hoax. Did he get hoaxed? Dubious.

The other question is whether or not this is just a man wandering around in the woods and hiding behind trees and whatnot. Why didn't he stop by and say hello to the group. Another point is that the forest is very thick here. A man wandering around without a flashlight would surely injure himself. There are comparison videos out showing this cryptid and comparing to a man who recreated the video. The man is much shorter and thinner than the cryptid.

I regard this as real Bigfoot footage, the first ever with a thermal camera.

This is just a highlight of the video. To see the whole thing, you have to go to his website and pay a couple of bucks. It's unfortunate that it's come down to this, but everyone has a right to make a buck. Problem is that once you start making money off Bigfoot stuff, your credibility obviously comes into question. But the temptation to make a buck off this stuff is probably too much for most to resist.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Marble Mountain Bigfoot Footage

One of the greatest Bigfoot videos ever, but few have heard of it. Here it is. Even if you don't believe in Bigfoot, the footage is still amazing, and you ought to check it out. Shot in the Marble Mountains Wilderness in Trinity County of Northern California. The video incorrectly gives the location as the Central Sierras. Not the case.

The video was shot in the July, 2000. A Christian high school group called Campus Life organized a hike into the wilderness with 15 handicapped kids.

The kids were very quick to spot the Bigfoot on the ridge 1/2 mile away.

The group is hiking around and they come upon this extremely strange structure built of branches. The branches are large and have been broken in half by something very strong, not with a saw. The inside has matted down mass, excellent for sleeping or retiring. There are claw marks on surrounding trees. They crawl inside the shelter and are able to make it in.

I have seen videos of many of these structures and I am sure that they are made by Bigfoots. These are the "nests" that the Bigfoots make to hole up in during the day. Gorillas and chimps also make nests. Bigfoot nests have been discovered and reported on many occasions in the past 200 years in North America. Claw marks on trees are also often found in Bigfoot areas.

Nearby, there is what looks like a fireplace, but no one has ever made a fire there. These rock structures or piles of rocks are frequently reported in Bigfoot area. Their meaning is unknown.

At some point, one of the boys notices something on a ridge a full 1/2 mile away. They get out the video camera and start videotaping it. It is extremely tall and is not shaped like a man at all. It does not walk like a man, nor does it stand like one. It sways its hips in a strange way, and its method of locomotion is wrong for a man. The range of motion of its hips appears to be outside the human range.

It has a strange curved humpbacked structure about its upper back. It walks very fast, and goes down a 3 foot drop from a rock like it was nothing. Its body seems much too wide to be a man, and its arms are too long to be human arms. The position of its head on its shoulders is unlike that of a man - compare the Bigfoot's head and shoulders to that of the man at 9:24 in the video.The shoulders appear to be about 4 feet wide - this is far outside the human range.

It appears to have cupped hands, and it may be possible to make out a coned head. It walks with both legs bent - its legs do not straighten out as it walks like a human's do. This so-called "compliant gate" is almost or nearly impossible to fake. He also walks "like a tightrope walker" - this is called the "inline step," and it is also difficult if not impossible to fake. Measurements have been made of the figure in the film - its chest is 56" and its waist is 54". Sure walks awfully fast and eloquently for an obese guy, eh?

Here is good background on the Christian group leader of disabled kids who shot the film - he could not possibly have hoaxed this video.

The Bigfoot comes down to point nearer to the humans and seems to be very angry. It seems to shake its fist at them. It moves back and forth in a very agitated way. It puts its hand to its head as if it was thinking. Then it puts both hands to its head in an expression of apparent anguish. Various emotions are revealed, including possibly despair, anguish, regret, disappointment and frustration.

The Bigfoot apparently noticed, at 1/2 mile away, that the humans had discovered its nest and it moved down the ridge and engaged in various displays of threat and anguish in response to their discovery.

The Bigfoot is very large. Measurements taken later show it is higher than an 8'3" branch. That means it could well be 9-10 feet tall. I feel this is a male Bigfoot because of the elegant way its body looks. Male and female Bigfoots have distinctive appearances.

The group went back up to the ridge later to look for footprints, but there were none due to the rocky nature of the terrain.

Naysayers have used some software technique to imply that the "Bigfoot" is hoaxed and was wearing clothing. Others have said that the height measurement was incorrect and instead the Bigfoot was taller than a man. I am familiar with the Campus Life Christian group. They are as straight as can be. Campus Life hoaxed this video, on a hike with disabled kids to boot? They built the stick structure too? How did they do that? Those sticks broken by something strong and were not sawed. It would take a long time to build a fake nest like that. Forget it.

I do not believe this figure is wearing clothing. I do not believe it is as tall as a man - just look at the video and tell me that. It could very well have been 9-10 feet tall.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Spoiled Brat Gets a Sports Car for Her Birthday, Throws a Tantrum

Incredible video. A rich man gives a teenage girl a brand new fancy sports car for her 16th birthday and she throws a tantrum because it's the wrong color.

LOL, classic!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Matador, Nasundutan sa Lalamunan ng Toro

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

This is the Tagalog translation of Bullfighter Gored by Bull in Spain.

Ang matador na si Juan Aparicio ay kakila kilabot na nanuwagan o nasundutan ng sungay ng isang toro noong panahon ng tag init 2010. Siya ay nailigtas mula sa pag atake at ayon sa balita, siya ay nasa kritikal na kundisyon habang nasa ospital.

Tingnan ang bagay na nasa kanyang bibig, tila parang sinusubukan niyang lumunok ng isang napaka kapal na pagkaing baka sa isahang lunukan- sa maniwala ka't hindi, iyan ay sungay ng toro. Ito ay napunta sa kanyang dila at diresto palabas sa kanyang bibig. Grabe, napaka pangit na pangyayari.

Ang ganitong insidente ay madalas maganap sa Spain kung saan may gantong uri ng laro. Ang matador na si Juan Aparacio ay nadulas at doon nagsimula ang kanyang pagkapahamak.

Ayoko ng hwego del toro o bullfights, maaari kong saktan ang toro sa gantong kaso, ngunit nasa lalaki ang aking awa. Nakaligtas siya mula sa atake, ngunit sukdulang hindi maganda ang kanyang kalagayan sa ospital matapos ang nangyari.

Bumalik siya muli sa ospital noong June 29,2010 dahil sa impeksyon sa kanyang lalamunan, bibig at panlasa pagkatapos ito operahan para ayusin ang mga ito. Halos ma deklarang wala nang lunas ngunit matatag pa din. Sa ngayon ay wala na akong makita pang updates tungkol sa kanyang kundisyon.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ruská Neo Nazi Hlav Videa

If you are under 18, you may NOT watch this video! If you are a parent and are concerned about your kids viewing this post, please either supervise and/or restrict your children's Internet use or invest in a blocking program.

This is the Czech translation of the Russian Neo Nazi Beheading Video post.

I am looking for translators to translate this post into Danish, Icelandic, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, Hebrew, Arabic, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, Japanese and Mongolian. Email me if you are interested.

This post has been translated into other languages. Italian version (traduzione in italiano). French version (en Frances). Bulgarian version (Българска версия). Spanish version (en Espanol). Romanian version (Versiunea română). Portuguese version (em Portugues). Korean version (한국). Dutch version (in het Nederlands). German translation (in deutscher Sprache). Norwegian version (på norsk).

Tohle strašné video je, zdá se, reakcii Ruských neonacistůna nedávné videa Čečenských rebelů ve kterých popravili ruské vojáky.

Nové informace se právě objevili dokazujíc že tohle video je pravé, nikoli podvod. Kistaman Odamanová, Dagestaneka, viděla video na internetu a identifikovala muže kterému byla uříznuta hlava jako její bratra, Shamila Odamanova, 23-letého. Navíc, zbytek Shamilovi rodiny a jeho známí ho na videu také spoznali.

Shamil jel do Moskvy v roce 2005 aby si našel práci a možná i ženu. Stratil se v polovině dubna 2007 a už nebyl viděn. To znamená že byl někde vězněn tři měsíce než byl v polovině srpna zabit.

Kistaman spoznala Shamila podle tváre a jeho věcí. Ruské bezpečnostné složky zjistili kde byli natočeny úvodní scény videa, ale nezjistili kde byla uskutečněna vražda, nenašli ani žádná těla, krev nebo jiné důkazy.

I tak, policie vede tento čin jako vraždu. Sou zapojeny i Německé bezpečnostní složky, upodezřívají totiž nemeckou neonacistickou větev ze spolupráce. Tadžikistanec na videu, který byl zastřelen, ještě nebyl identifikován.

Více o tomto příběhu a důkazech že je pravé na mém blogu zde.

Hodně lidí se mě ptalo jak se jmenuje píseň z videa. Jmenuje se "Rus" a je od ruské folk-pagan metalové skupiny Arkona. Videoklip této skladby si můžete kouknout zde.

Tohle je ruské neonacistické video popravy které otřáslo ruským internetem začátkem srpna 2007 (bylo nejvíce vyhledávaným výrazem na internetu a předmětem mnohých blogů). Video se jmenuje Poprava Tadžikistance a Dagestance. Je to ruské neonacistické video na kterém popraví dva "černé" – teda dva bílé muže - jednoho z Dagestanu a druhého z Tadžikistanu.

Pro diskuzi zda rozumní lidé považují Dagestance a Tadžikistance za bílé shlédněte mou úvahu zde.

Tohle video rozpoutalo obrovské diskuze nachvíli poté co se objevilo. Skupina zvaná Nacionální Socialismus/White Power neboli Nacionální socialisti Rusy říkali že oni jsou zodpovědni za video, ale autority řekli, že nikdy neslišeli o žádné ze skupin.

Rus je jméno starověkého Vikingského státu obklopujícího Kyjev – Kyjevská Rus. Tohle byl první Ruský stát, a jméno Rus je široce používáno nacionalisty místo pojmenováni Rusko.

Podobná neonacistická skupina, Ruská národní strana, může být viděna na Youtube zde a zde . V tom druhém je alespoň dobrá hudba.

Tohle video je celkem dobře urobené, se skvělou heavy metalovou hudbou. Bylo natočeno začátkem srpna 2007, chvíli předtím než bylo uveřejněno na internetu.

Video bylo původně uveřejněno na ruské verzi Live Journal uživatelem vik23. Západní správy říkají, že bylo uveřejněno uživatelem "anti-Gypsy," ale on byl jenom z jedním z těch kteřý video později uveřejnili a vydávali za své. Poté se objevilo na mnoha ruských neonacistických stránkách.

Bylo však brzo odstraněno z většiny stránek, a stránkaNacionální socializmus/White Power (jméno skupiny odpovědné za vraždy) byla zahlcena návštevníky.

Video začíná záberem na nacistickou vlajku se zvuky kulometu v pozadí, Pak ruský výkřik "Sláva Rusy!" Pak je záběr na ruské městečko uprostřed krajinky. Poté je záběr na jezero obklopené lesem.

Kamera přiblíží záběr na les, ve kterém jsou zpoutáni dva muži se zacpanýma ústama.

Klikněte pro zvětšení. Zde je záběr na dva zpoutané a umlčené muže. Muži vlevo, Shamilu Odamanovovi, byla uříznuta hlava. Muž vpravo, identifikován jako Salakhetdin Azizovand, 20-ti letý Tadžikistanský turista, byl zjevně zastřelen ranou do hlavy.

Jeden z mužů je zjevně vyděsen. Pak je záběr na dva vystrašené muže zjevně křičící, nenucene, rusky ale se silným přízvukem, přesto že mají zacpaná ústa, "Ruský národní socialisté nás unesli," klečíc na zemi v lese. V pozadí je velká Nacistická vlajka.

Poté je zde záběr na velmi nešikovného popravčího – muže ve vojenských maskáčích – jedoucího za jednoho ze zajatců uchopujíc ho a křičíc "Sláva Rusy!" Pak začne odřezávat hlavu toho ubohého muže, udělá ale velmi lajdáckou práci.

Ten ubohý muž nejdřív trocha křičí. I tak ale popravčímu trvalo hodně dlouho - 90 sekund - než mu uřezal hlavu.

Vede se diskuze o chrochtavých a zadýchaných zvucích které slyšíte když mu řeže hlavu. Některí tvrdí že to je popravčí který fučí od námahy když řeže hlavu toho muže. Jiní říkají, že je to obět sama která vdychuje krev přes hrdlo do plic. Já nejsem schopen říct co tyto strašné zvuky jsou.

Nakonec odsekne hlavu nebohé oběti a snaží se ji postavit na bezhlavé tělo, ale hlava se pořád kutáli dolů. Potřeboval by lekci od Al-Kaidy z arabského polostrovu,kterým se prefektně podařilo postavit hlavu Paula Johnsona,amerického inženýra helikoptéri Apač na jebo bezhlavé tělo.

Ke konci, je nám ukázán i druhý rukojmý svázán a umlčen. Zase stejný výkřik "Sláva Rusy!" a je rychle zastřelen zezadu ranou do hlavy nacož spadne do čerstvě vykopaného hrobu. Pak video ukazuje dvě nacistické svině, zahalené od hlavy po paty, hailujíc před nacistickou vlajkou.

Klikněte pro zvětšení. Záběr na konci videa, ukazuje ty dvě nacistické špíny hailujíc před Nacistickou vlajkou. Musím říct že jsou velmi šikovní, když se takhle zamaskovali. Pro bezpečnostní složky bude složitější identifikovat je.

Nazačátku, Ruské bezpečnostní složky nebyli jednotné v názoru zda je toto video pravé, proto se shodli že jde o podvrh, ale nedávno se zjevil důkaz že je pravé, a teď ho vedou jako důkaz v případu vraždy.

Jeden muž byl zatčen za distribuci tohoto videa. Pro více informací o něm si prohlédněte můj příspěvek zde.

Někteří lidé se diví jak je možné, že nějaký Rus by mohl podporovat nacismus, když nacisté napadli Sovětský svaz, čin který vedl ke 27 milionů mrtvých sovětů, 41/2 krát více než bylo zabito Židů v holokaustu (c) tohle vrtá v našich hlavách dnem i nocí.

Abychom pochopili jak může být Rus nacista, musíme pochopit pozadí krvavého fašisticko – komunistického boje ve dvacátém století.

Studujte historii 20-tého století od skutečného historika, ne jako profesionální oportunisté, jak většina v dnešní době, a uvidíte že komunisti a nacisti měli jedny z nehorších hate-fests (pozn. Překlad – hate-fests neumím přesne přeložit).

Těch 27 milionů sovietů ve druhé světové válce neumřelo proto, že SSSR tak milovalo nacisty že darovalo světu 27 milionů svých dcer a synů. Stejná písnička hrála po celé Evropě – zakaždým když se komunisti a nacisti střetli na bojovém poli, těla se kopila až k obloze a zvěrstva – na obou stranách – byla tak početná že nešla sečíst. Tohle nebyla jenom partnerská hádka.

Šílená nacistická invaze do Ruska byla genocidální záměrem i v praxi, zejména vůči slovanům, které Hitler považoval za untermenschen (podlidi).

Bylo naně nahlíženo jako na nižší rasu, slabou "slovanskou rasu" neschopnou bránit se. Zejména Hitler, s jeho šíleným antisemitizmem, cítil že (Rusy) slované se nechali zotročit židi. Myslel tím “komunistické bolševické Židi” kteří, jak Hitler věril, založili SSSR.

Protože jenom hrstka nedobrých komunistických lidí byla zabita při invazi do sovětského svazu, tato část historie byla široce ignorována v západních historických knihách. Kdyby Stalin prohrál, pravděpodobně by zahynuli ještě desítky milionů lidí nejen v SSSR ale i jinde, Nacismus by byl omnoho úspěšnejší, ohrozil by svět, a pravděpobodne i dobil.

Nacistický záměr byl jasný; jako byrokraté, zapsali si svůj plán. Slované (zatim ale né Estonci, Kaukazané, Kozáci, různé typy Turků, Uzbeci, Kazaši, Turkméni, Azrbajdžané, Tatři, Kalmyci, Karaši, Araby, Arménci a Gruzínci) byly méněcení, měli být nahrazeni Nemci za pomoci vyhladování, vražd, zotročení a deportací, nezalidněné území by pak bylo dáno Nemcům jako jejich lebensraum (životní prostor).

Ve druhé světové válce zemřelo 2,6 milionů Poláků (ztoho jenom 50% Židů), neboli 30% obyvatelstva. Podobně, v Bělorusku, 25% obyvatelstva bylo mrtvého ke konci války. V Rusku, 27 milionů mrtvých, 15% populace. Všechny tyto národy byly pro nacisty “slovanské”.

Stalinovi šílené čistky ke koncu třicátých let 20-tého století byly z jistého úhlu pohledu ubohým pokusem odvrátit blížící se nacistickou hrozbu čištením a popravami Trockystů a Bukharinites (pozn. Překlad – neumim přeložit, pravděpodobně náboženská / politická skupina) kteří nejen sympatizovali s nacistickou invazí do Ruska ale jí i obhajovali, pokud tomu můžete uvěřit.

Tak Stalinistické čistky, kriminální a choromyslné, musí být souzeny v kontextu hrozící nacistické invaze. I když velká většina lidí byla neviná.

Beze Stalina, je povážlivé jestli bychom dokázali porazit Německo. Pro představu, 89% Nemeckých ztrát ve druhé světové válce měli na svědomý sověti.

Stalinovi počátečné ústupy byly zjevné.

Za Ruským frontem, v okupované Litvě, Lotyšsku, Estonsku, Ukrajně a Bělorusku, hodně lidí podporovalo nacisty. S radostí se připojili k vraždám Židů a komunistů a bojovali spolu s nacistickými bestiemi. Celé sovietské pluky probíhali k Nacistům, zejména při obléhání Stalingradu, kde 50 000 sovětských dobrovolníků bojovalo za nacisty.

Ve stávce byl osud národu a jeho obyvatel. Teď nebyl čas na jednání o lidských právech. Spravedlnost rychle dostihla sověty kteří proběhli k nacistům, tak jako to bylo u kolaborantů v mnoha jiných zemích, a jak sověti postupovali směrem na Německo, hodně zrádců a kolaborantů bylo zastřeleno. Naříkejte o lidských právech kolik jen chcete. Tohle byla válka. Válka na smrt.

Už nikdy nepodporovalo tolik lidí tak nadšeně Sovětský svaz jako ve druhé světové válce.

Myšlenka že Stalin byl antisemita (šířena zejména mnoha ultranacionalistickými Židi a šílenými komunisty) může být zažehnána. Jak tehdy řekl jeden sovětský autor, "Buď seš anitsemita, nebo anti-nacista." Hranice byla stanovena.

Když přijela začátkem druhé světové války do východního Polska Rudá Armáda, byla široce oslavována polskými Židi, čin za který byla navždy opovrhována polskými nacionalisty. Ale tihle Židé nebyli hloupí. Znali svého nepřítele, a nejmenoval sa strejda Joe (Uncle Joe – označení Stalina západním tiskem). Měl malej vous, křivou chůzi a nataženou pravou ruku. SSSR byl potencionálním záchrancem polských Židů a oni to dobře vědeli.

Všichni učení Židé dnes vědí co dluží Napoleonovi. Je smutné že si to nemyslí i o Stalinovi.

Josef Stalin může nést zodpovědnost za záchranu všech přeživších židů.

Josef Stalin může nést zodpovědnost za záchranu celého světa před Nacisty.

Spět k Ruským neonacistům. S pádem komunismu a ruské ekonomiky, Ruské neonacistické hnutí dospělo ke svému plnému rozkvětu, a hledání obětného beránka odstartovalo.

Válka v čečensku to jen zhoršila, a krutosti šílenějších čečenských rebelů pravděpodobně vyprovokovali tuto událost – připravili pár Rusů o hlavu, i když ne všechny natočili. Moslimské teroristické útoky v Rusku denně pokračují.

"Černí," neboli lidé z Kaukazu, sou po celém Rusku nenáviděni a vražděni. Ne dlouho spět se vyskytli útoky na černochy z Afriky, Aziaty a míchance. Zodpovědní dělají málo nebo nic aby zastavili vraždění, protože schvalují motivi útoků.

Neonacistický rasismus je v Rusku tak obrovskej že je těžké ho pochopit v americkém kontextě. Už v srpnu 2007, čase výše zmíněného videa, v Rusku bylo přes 50 rasisticky motivovaných vražd Kaukazanů – lidí ze Středoasijských zemí , anti-fašistů a cizinců - o 25% více než předchozí rok, a dokonce i tehdy to bylo hodně.

Dokážete si představit tak obrovské neonacistické hnutí a stím spojené zločiny v USA?

Ruský fašisté slouží jako úderné oddíli pro Vladimíra Putina, rozšiřujíc lež že je neo-komunista, ale dokazujíc, jako sme my levičáři už dlouho tušili, že je jenom nějaký druh ruského fašisty.

Spolu s videem byl šířen manifest který požadoval vyhostení všech "Asiatů" a "Černých" (lidí z Kaukazu) z Ruska, a pak, kepodivu, za nezávislost všech ruských republik v Kaukazu, Ingušetska, Dagestanu, Čečenska, Severného osetska, Cherkyo-Kabardino, atd. Tady je celý text manifestace (od Čečenských rebelů Kavkaz Center):

Vyhlásení Nacionálně socialistické strany Rusy

My sme část ozbrojené frakce strany

1. Naše strana oznamuje začátek ozbrojeného konfliktu proti černým a těm kteřý je podporujou.

2. Považujeme za nezbytné vyhostit všechny černé a asiaty z Ruska.

3. Cítíme, že je zapotřebí udělit nezávislost všem kaukazským republikám (včetně čečenska), společně s vystěhováním všech kauzakaznů zde.

4. Požadujeme propuštění všech Národních socialistů z ruských vězení a zastavit pronásledování Maksima Martsinevicha.

5. Požadujeme aby prezident putin (ve vyhlášení bylo jméno Putin napsáno s malým písmenem - KC ) rezignoval a odevzdal všechnu moc vláde Nacionálních Socialistů, která by měla být vedena Dmitrym Germanovich Rumyantsevem, vedoucí osobností společnosti Nacionálních Socialistů Ruska.

6. Uznáváme politické vedení Nacionálne-Socialistické společnosti (NSS). My jsme ozbrojené křídlo, operujeme nezávisle.

7. Nepřestaneme bojovat pokým moc nebude udělena straně Národních socialistů.

Martsinevich je vúdce skupiny zvané Format 18. Byl vězněn od července kvůli podněcování etnické nenávisti a horzbě násilím.

Neonacistická hrozba v Rusku je mimo kontrolu. Je velká taky v Polsku, Velké Británii, České republice, Slovensku, Německu a Maďarsku. Ve jmenovaných krajinách je mnohem vyšší neo-nacistické násilí na občana jako v USA.

Rostoucí neonacistické násilí je hrozbou pro jisté části Evropy.

Lalaki, Nagpakamatay sa Hoover Dam

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

This is the Tagalog translation of Man Commits Suicide at Hoover Dam.

Nakakaloka ang video na ito! Kinukahanan ng video ng mga tao roon ang isang napakalaking semento ng dam o harangan ng agos ng tubig sa Ilog Colorado sa Nevada, Estados Unidos. Isang lalaki, na tila ay nasiraan ng bait ay bigla na lamang tumalon sa ibabaw ng gabay ng hagdan pababa sa pinaka semento ng harangan ng agos ng tubig.

Ang Hoover Dam na ito ay sobrang napakahaba ang lalim mula sa itaas -726 Pulgada. Ang pagbagsak ng lalaki ay pabako-bako at brutal, at sa kinasamaang palad, ito ang ikinawasak ng ibabaw ng ulo ng binata. Mula sa video ay makikita natin ang pagkahulog ng ibabaw ng kanyang ulo at gumulong ng pahiwalay, pababa sa gilid ng harangan ng agos ng tubig. At nang makalipas, kinitaan nito ang pagkawala ng ibabaw ng kanyang ulo. Ang matinding pagbagsak sa harangan ng agos ng tubig ang nag-alis ng bao ng ulo ng binata!

Nagsisigawan, naghihiyawan ang mga tao habang siya ay nahuhulog. Masasabing ang kanyang pagpapakamatay ay pawang matagumpay; maliwanag na ang ikinimatay niya ay ang paghulog sa harangan ng agos ng tubig.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ruská Neo Nazi Hláv Videa

This is the Slovak version the Russian Neo-Nazi Beheading Video post.

If you are under 18, you may NOT watch this video! If you are a parent and are concerned about your kids viewing this post, please either supervise and/or restrict your children's Internet use or invest in a blocking program.

I am looking for translators to translate this post into Danish, Icelandic, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, Hebrew, Arabic, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, Japanese and Mongolian. Email me if you are interested.

This post has been translated into other languages. Italian version (traduzione in italiano). French version (en Frances). Bulgarian version (Българска версия). Spanish version (en Espanol). Romanian version (Versiunea română). Portuguese version (em Portugues). Korean version (한국). Dutch version (in het Nederlands). German translation (in deutscher Sprache). Norwegian version (på norsk).

Toto strašné video je, zdá sa, reakciou Ruských neonacistov na hrozné videá Čečenských rebelov v ktorých odrezali hlavy Ruským vojakom.

Nové Informácie práve potvrdili že táto nahrávka je pravá a nie podvrh. Kistaman Odamanovová, Dagestanka, videla toto video na internete a identifikovala popraveného muža ako jej brata, 23-ročného Shamila Odamanova. Navyše, zvyšok Shamilovej rodiny a mnoho známych z dediny ho tiež spoznalo na tejto nahrávke.

Shamil šiel do Moskvy aby si našiel prácu a snáď aj ženu, v roku 2005.Stratil sa v polovici apríla 2007 a odvtedy ho nikto nevidel. To znamená, že ho niekde držali na žive tri mesiace než ho v polovici augusta zavraždili.

Kistaman spoznala Shamila podľa jeho tváre a oblečenia ktoré mal nasebe. Ruské bezpečnostné zložky zistili kde boli nahrávané úvodné scény tohoto videa, ale nezistili kde boli vykonané popravy, nenašli ani žiadne telá, krv alebo iné dôkazy.

Napriek tomu, tento prípad je vedený ako vražda. Sú zapojené aj nemecké bezpečnostné zložky, kôli možnému spojeniu s nemeckou neonacistickou vetvou. Tadžikistanec, ktorý bol zrejme popravený pištolou zatiaľ nebol identifikovaný.

Oveľa viac o tejto udalosti a autenticite videa na mojom blogu.

Veľa ľudí sa pýtalo na meno pesničky v nahrávke. Volá sa "Rus" nahrané ruskou folk-pagan metalovou kapelou Arkona. Video tejto skupiny môžete vidieť na mojom blogu, kliknutím na tento odkaz.

Toto je ruské neonacistické video popravy odrezaním hlavy, ktoré rozbúrilo ruský internet začiatkom augusta 2007 (nahrávka bola najvyhľadávanejšou a bola predmetom mnohých blogov). Toto video je nazývané Poprava Tadžikistanca a Dagestanca. Je to video kde ruský neonacisti popravujú dvoch "čiernych" - teda, dvoch belochov - Jedného z Dagestanu a druhého z Tadžikistanu.

Na otázku či by rozumný ľudia považovali Dagestancov a Tadžikistancov za bielych navštívte moju úvahu na tomto odkaze.

Táto nahrávka nachvíľu rozvýrila obrovské diskusie na internete hneď potom ako sa objavila. Skupina zvaná Nacionálny Socializmus/White Power alebo Nacionálny socialisti Rusy sa označovala za zodpovedných za nahrávku, ale zodpovedný povedali, že nikdy nepočuli o žiadnej z týchto skupín.

Rus je meno starovekého Vikingského štátu s centrom v Kyjeve – Kyjevská Rus. Toto bol prvý ruský štát, meno Rus je veľmi rozšírené medzi nacionalistami namiesto označenia Rusko.

Podobná neonacistická skupina, Ruská národná strana, má video na Youtube tu a tu . Na tej druhej hrá aspoň dobrá hudba.

Toto video je aspoň dobre spravené, so skvelou heavy metalovou hudbou v pozadí. Bolo natočené začiatkom augusta 2007, krátko predtým ako bolo uverejnené na internete.

Nahrávka bola pôvodne uverejnená na ruskej verzii Live Journal stránka používateľa zvaného vik23. Západné správy tvrdia, že bolo pôvodne uverejnené používateľom "anti-Gypsy," ale on bol iba jeden z mnohých ktorý to neskôr prebrali a uverejnili ako svoje. Následne sa objavilo na mnohých Ruských neonacistických webových stránkach.

Bolo však rýchlo odstránené z väčšiny stránok, a stránka Nacionálnych Socialistov/White Power (meno skupiny ktorá spáchala vraždy) bola zahltená návštevníkmi.

Video začína nacistickou vlajkou a streľbou z gulometu v pozadí, potom výkrik po rusky "Sláva Rusy!" Ďalej ukazuje zábery ruského mestečka. Následuje jazero obklopené lesom.

Kamera priblíži záber na les a zaostrí na dvoch mužov umlčaných a zviazaných na zemi.

Kliknite pre zväčšenie. Toto je záber z videa ukazujúci dvoch zviazaných a umlčaných mužov v lese pred ich popravou. Muž vľavo, Shamil Odamanov, bol priravený o hlavu. Muž vpravo, identifikovaný ako Salakhetdin Azizovand, 20-ročný turista z Tadžikistanu, bol zjavne strelený do hlavy.

Jeden muž je zreteľne vydesený. Ďalej je záber na dvoch vystrašených mužov zjavne vraviacich, nenútene, Rusky, avšak so silným prízvukom, napriek tomu že mali zapchané ústa.

"Ruský nacionálny socialisti nás zajali," so zviazanými rukami a nohami, kľačiac v lese. V pozadí je veľká nacistická vlajka.

Potom video ukazuje veľmi nešikovného popravcu – muža vo vojenských maskáčoch – idúceho za jedného zo zajatcov, uchopil ho s výkrikom "Sláva Rusy!" Potom začal rezať hlavu toho úbohého človeka, ale odviedol mizernú prácu.

Úbohá obeť zozačiatku trocha kričí. Neschopný popravca strávil príliš veľa času - 90 sekúnd - odrezávaním jeho hlavy.

Diskutuje sa o pôvode chrochtavých a udýchaných zvukoch počas odrezávania hlavy. Niektorý tvrdia, že to je popravca dychčiaci z námahy, ako rezal hlavu toho biedneho muža. Iný hovoria, že to je sama obeť vdychujúca krv cez hrdlo do pľúc. Ja niesom schopný posúdiť, kto tieto strašné zvuky robí.

Nakoniec usekne jeho hlavu a potom sa ju snaží nasadiť na bezhlavé telo, ale tá sa vždy skotúla. Potrebuje doučovanie od Al Kaidy z arabského polostrova, ktorým sa podarilo perfektne udržať odrezanú hlavu na tele amerického inžiniera helikoptéry Apač, Paula Johnsona.

Nakoniec je nám ukázaný aj druhý rukojemník, zviazaný a so zapchatými ústami. Zase rovnaký výkrik, "Sláva Rusy!" a je rýchlo zastrelený, zozadu, guľkou do hlavy, hneď nato spadne do čerstvo vykopaného hrobu. Nahrávka potom ukazuje dvoch nacistických bastardov, kompletne zahalených od hlavy po päty, viditeľne hailujúcich pred nacistickou vlajkou.

Kliknite pre zväčšenie. Záber na konci videa, ukazujúci dve nacistické špiny hailujúce v lese. Musím povedať, že týto chlapy sú veľmi šikovný keď sa zahalili od hlavy po päty. Oto ťažšie bude pre LE (law enforcement = nejaký typ bezpečnostných zložiek) identifikovať ich.

Nazačiatku, ruské bezpečnostné zložky boli rozdielneho názoru na reálnosť tohoto videa, rozhodli sa však, že ho budú považovať za falošné, ale nedávno sa objavil dôkaz že je skutočné, a ruské LE teraz vedú video ako dôkazový materiál v prípade vraždy.

Jeden muž bol zatknutý za distribúciu tohoto videa. Ak sa chcete o ňom dozvedieť viac navštívte môj príspevok tu.

Niektorý sa čudujú, ako by vôbec nejaký rus mohol podporovať nacistov, keďže zaútočili na Sovietsky zväz, čin, ktorý vyústil k 27 miliónov mŕtvych sovietov, 41/2 krát viac ako bolo zabitých v židovskom holokauste (c) toto vŕta v našich hlavách dňom i nocou.

Ak chceme pochopiť ako môže Rus byť nacista, musíme pochopiť pozadie krvavého fašisticko – komunistického boja v 20-tom storočí.

Študuj dejiny 20-teho storočia od naozajstného historika, nie ako profesionálny oportunista ako toľký v dnešných dňoch, a uvidíš, že komunisti a nacisti mali najhoršie festivali nenávisti (pozn. Preklad: hate-fests, netuším čo to je) v minulom storočí.

Tých 27 miliónov sovietov nezahynulo v druhej svetovej vojne preto, že sovietsky zväz mal tak rád nacistov a dal svetu 27 miliónov svojich synov a dcér. Tá istá pesnička hrala v celej Európe počas druhej svetovej vojny – zakaždým, keď sa komunisti a nacisti stretli na jednom bojisku, telá sa kopili až k oblohe a zverstvá – na oboch stranách – boli tak časté, že sa nedali ani spočítať. Toto nebola žiadna partnerská nezhoda.

Bláznivá, šialená nacistická invázia do Ruska bola vražedná zámerom aj v praxi, najmä voči Slovanom, ktorých Hitler považoval za podľudí.

Boli vnímaný ako nižšia rasa, slabá "slovanská rasa" neschopná brániť samých seba. Obzvlášť Hitler, s jeho šialeným antisemitizmom cítil, že (Rusy) Slovania sa nechali zotročiť Židmy. Myslel “komunistických Boľševických Židov” ktorý, podľa neho, vytvorili Sovietsky zväz.

Keďže iba hrstka nedobrých, komunistických ľudí bola zmasakrovaná počas nacistickej invázie do ZSSR, táto časť dejín bola vo veľkom ignorovaná západnými dejepisnými knihami. Ak by Stalin prehral, pravdepodobne by zahynuli ešte desiatky miliónov ľudí v ZSSR ale aj inde, nacizmus by mal oveľa väčší úspech, ohrozil by celý svet, a možno ho aj dobyl.

Nacistický plán bol jasný; ako birokrati, si ho spísali. Slovania (zatiaľ nie Estónci, Kaukazania, Kozáci, rôzne typy Turkov, Uzbeci, Kazaši, Turkméni, Azerbajčania, Tatary, Kalmyci, Karaši, Araby, Arménci a Gruzínci) boli menejcenní, a mali byť nahradený Nemcami pomocou vyhladovania, vrážd, zotročovania a deportácii, následne by neobývané územia dali Nemcom ako ich lebensraum (životný priestor) .

Počas svetovej vojny zomrelo 2.6 milióna Poliakov (iba 50% z nich boli Židia), teda 30% populácie, boli zabitý. Podobne, v Bielorusku, 25% obyvateľstva bolo po vojne mŕtveho. V Rusku, 27 miliónov mŕtvych, 15% populácie. Všetky z nich boli “Slovanské” národy pre nacistov.

Stalinove šialené čistky v neskorých 30-tych rokoch 20-teho storočia boli z určitého pohľadu divoké pokusi odvrátiť blížiacu sa nacistickú hrozbu čistením a popravami Trockystov a Bukharinites (Bukharinites bohužiaľ neviem preložiť, zrejme politická / náboženská frakcia – pozn. preklad) ktorý nielen otvorene sympatizovali s nacistami ale aj obhajovali nacistickú inváziu do Ruska, ak tomu môžete uveriť.

Stalinistické čistky, kriminálne a šialené, musia byť brané do úvahy v pozadí blížiacej sa nacistickej invázie. Navyše, väčšina z obetí čistiek boli nevinný ľudia.

Bez Stalina, je diskutabilné či by sme mohli poraziť Nemecko. Napríklad, 89% nemeckých strát počas druhej svetovej vojny mali na svedomí Sovieti.

Stalinov počiatočný ústup bol zjavný.

Za Ruským frontom, v okupovanej Litve, Lotyšsku, Estónsku, Ukrajine a Bielorusku, veľký počet ľudí podporoval nacistov. Radi sa zapojili do zabíjania Židov a Komunistov a bojovali spoločne s nacistickými zvermi. Celé soviestke oddieli prechádzali pod Nacistické velenie, najmä počas obliehania Stalingradu, kde 50,000 sovietskych dobrovoľníkov bojovalo po boku nacistov.

V stávke bol osud národa a jeho obyvateľov. Nebol čas na zhovievavé reči o ľudských právach. Spravodlivosť dlho nečakala na sovietov ktorý sa pripojili k nacistickému Nemecku, tak ako to bolo u kolaborantov z iných území. Ako sovieti zatláčali nacistov späť, veľa zradcov a kolaborantov rýchlo “chytilo” guľku do hlavy. Nariekajte o ľudských právach ako chcete. Toto bola vojna. Vojna na smrť.

Už nikdy sovietsky ľud nepodporoval režim vo väčšom počte a s väčším odhodlaním ako v druhej svetovej vojne.

Dojem, že Stalin bol počas druhej svetovej vojny antisemita (omielané najmä paranoidnými ultranacionálnymi Židmi a pobláznenými komunistami) môžeme nechať tak. Ako toho času povedal jeden sovietsky autor, "Si buď proti nacistom alebo proti Židom." Hranica bola stanovená.

Keď červená armáda prišla do východného Poľska na začiatku vojny, bola divoko vítaná poľskými Židmi, čin za ktorý ich poľský nacionalisti navždy preklínali. Ale týto židia neboli hlúpy. Poznali svojho nepriateľa, a ten sa nevolal strýko Joe (Uncle Joe – označenie Stalina v západných médiách). Mal malé fúzy, kostrbatú chôdzu a natiahnutú pravú ruku. ZSSR bolo potencionálnym záchrancom poľských Židov a oni to vedeli.

Dnes každý vzdelaný Žid vie, aký je zaviazaný Napoleonovi. Je zlé že necítia to isté aj k Jozefovi Stalinovi.

Jozef Stalin môže byť zodpovedný za záchranu všetkých dnešných Židov.

Jozef Stalin môže byť zodpovedný za záchranu celého dnešného sveta pred Nacizmom.

Späť k Ruským neonacistom. S pádom komunizmu a ruskej ekonomiky, ruské neonacistické hnutie dospelo k plnému rozkvetu, začal sa hľadať obetný baránok.

Vojna v Čečensku vec iba zhoršila, a krutosti šialených čečenských rebelov pravdepodobne spustili tento incident – sťali niekoľko Rusov, pár natočili na kameru, pár nie. A moslimské teroristické útoky v Rusku pokračujú.

"Čierny," alebo ľudia z Kaukazu, sú v Rusku nenávidený a sú pravidelne vraždený. Nedávno sa vyskytli útoky na Afrických černochov, aziatov a miešancov. Zodpovedný urobili málo alebo nič aby zastavili vraždy, keďže podporovali myšlienky v pozadí týchto činov.

Neonacistický rasizmus je v Rusku taký veľký že je ťažké ho pochopiť v americkom kontexte. Už v auguste 2007, čase hore uvedeného videa, bolo v Rusku vyše 50 rasistických vrážď Kaukazanov – ľudí zo stredoázijských republík , antifašitov a cudzincov - o 25% viac ako v predošlom roku - čo už bolo aj tak veľmi veľa.

Viete si predstaviť tak obrovské nacistické hnutie a sprievodné zločiny v USA?

Ruský fašisti slúžia ako úderné oddieli Vladimírovi Putinovi, hlásajúc že je neo-komunista, a dokazujúc, ako sme my ľavičiari dlho tušili, že je len iný druh ruského fašistu.

Spolu s videom bolo šírené prehlásenie volajúce po vyhostení všetkých "Ázijcov" a "čiernych" (ľudí z Kaukazu) z Ruska, potom, kupovidu, za osamostatnenie všetkých ruských republík na Kaukaze ako Ingušsko, Dagestan, Čečensko, severné Osetsko, Čerkyo-Kabardino, atď. Tu je celé znenie prehlásenia (od Čečenských rebelov Kavkaz Center):

Vyhlásenie nacionálne socialistickej strany Rusy

My sme časť ozbrojenej frakcie strany

1. Naša strana vyhlasuje začiatok ozbrojeného boja proti čiernym kolonistom a tým Ruským fukncionárom ktorý ich podporujú.

2. Považujeme vyhostenie Kaukazanov a Aziatov z Ruska za nevyhnutné.

3. Cítime že je potrebné udeliť nezávislosť všetkým republikám Kaukazu (vrátane Čečenska), spolu s vyhostením všetkých Kaukazanov do týchto štátov.

4. Požadujeme prepustenie všetkých nacionálnych socialistov z ruských väzení a zastavenie prenasledovania Maksima Martsinevicha.

5. Požadujeme aby prezident putin (vo vyhlásení bolo meno napísane s malým začiatočným písmenom - KC ) rezignoval a odovzdal všetku moc do rúk Nacionálne socialistickej vláde, ktorá by mala byť vedená Dmitrym Germanovich Rumyantsevom, vodcom nacionálne socialistickej spoločnosti Ruska.

6. Uznávame vedenie Nacionálne Socialistickej Spoločnosti (NSS). My sme ozbrojené krídlo operujúce nezávisle.

7. Neprestaneme bojovať pokým moc nebude v rukách Nacionálne Socialistickej vlády.

Martsinevich je hlava skupiny zvanej Format 18. Bol väznený od júla kôli podnecovaniu etnickej nenávisti a hrozbe násilia.

Neonacistické násilie v Rusku je mimo kontrolu. Je taktiež veľmi veľké v Poľsku, Veľkej Británii, Českej republike, Slovensku, Nemecku a Poľsku. Je tu omnoho viac neonacistického násilia na obyvateľa ako v USA.

Rastúce neonacistické násilie je hrozbou istých častí Európy.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Iranians Burn the Koran

This very interesting video shows two young Iranian men burning a Koran, apparently in Iran. If they get caught, they are going to be in deep trouble. I wonder if they are Muslims!?

Although you might think Koran-burning videos are not that shocking, a lot of Muslims are really outraged by them, with Al Qaeda and jihadi types frequently threatening to kill the people who burned the Koran. There are also a lot of calls to ban these videos.

Taliban Execute Two Afghan Women

This video sucks. The Taliban have captured two women in Afghanistan. The woman are accused of being prostitutes. As if that were not bad enough, they are accused of selling their bodies to US soldiers, so they are more or less spies or traitors. They put the women on the ground where they cry and plead for mercy. Then they shoot them to death with automatic weapons. The women crumple and die on the ground.

Fucked up to the max.

Flash Mob Beatdown in Dallas

This is a pretty disturbing video. A young White guy is a clerk in a 7-11 in Dallas, Texas. A flash mob of young Blacks of both sexes raids the store. En masse, they start shoplifting stuff and heading for the door. Stupidly, the clerk tries to stop them. They push him outside and brutally beat him down until he rescued by two brave young Black women, who save him from the attackers and take him to safety in the store. He received serious injuries and had to be hospitalized. The tape was played on TV, and people were asked to turn in the thieves and attackers. It's not known if any of them got caught yet, nor is the identity of young women who saved him known.

Black flash mobs are becoming increasingly common in the US. Sometimes they attack passerby at random, possibly focusing on Whites. Other times they definitely attack Whites or at least non-Blacks exclusively, for example at a fair in Wisconsin. Other flash mobs like this one raid stores and malls. In the malls, they just run through the mall knocking stuff over. In the stores, they go in in a large group and steal stuff.

White nationalists have gone absolutely insane over this phenomenon, because in some cases, the flash mobs are preferentially seeking out Whites to attack. But as usual, the vast majority of victims of Black thugs are their racial brethren, their fellow Blacks.

Arab Throws a Dog Off a Building

This is a seriously messed up video. Two Arab guys grab a dog and take it up to the top of a building. Then one of them throws the dog off the 4-5 story building while they both laugh. The dog hits the ground below and you can hear it whimpering. It's not sure if the dog lived or not.

The video was supposedly shot in Egypt. The date and location of the video are not known, the identity of the animal abusers is not known, nor is it known what happened to them afterwards, if anything.

This video has been making the rounds for a while now, and it's gotten pretty viral.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

American English Teacher Attacks Koreans on Bus in Korea



Interesting video. This Black English teacher in Korea got into it with an older couple on a bus. The Korean man said something in Korean that sounds like "nigga" but really it just means something totally different. The older man had no idea that "nigga" in Korean means something bad in English because he doesn't speak English. 

The English teacher goes totally nuts, starting screaming and yelling at the Koreans, and then starts manhandling both the man and the woman. The Korean man wants to fight back but is afraid to. This American guy totally blew it on the bus. That's all I can say. This video is getting a lot of play on the Net and making the rounds.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Man Badly Beaten on Madrid Subway

In this shocking video, people are on a subway in Madrid, Spain. A man walks down the aisle, then seems to recognize another young man sitting there. The man walking by puts down his backpack, then turns around suddenly kicks the sitting man in the head!

He repeatedly pummels him, often to the head, and lands another couple of hard kicks to the head before he calls it off. The people around clear out while the beating is going on. Then a couple of older men surround the attacker and keep away from the guy he was beating.

It turns out that the attacker was an anti antifascist. He recognized the man he attacked as a fascist who he had seen at a fascist rally a while earlier. The fascist got badly beaten up. He had a big black eye.

Cool! Bash the fash!

Man Savagely Beaten in an Akron, Ohio Pizza Joint

People are waiting in line in Akron, Ohio to get a pizza. A woman in a camouflage outfit cuts into line ahead of everyone else. A man on a cellphone complains about her to the person on the other end of the line. She hears the man complaining about her and gets in his face very aggressively.

Then she goes out to the parking lot. She comes back in and gets in the cellphone guy's face again. The manager tells her to take off. She spits in the manager's face!

The manager rushes out to confront her, but then her huge 6'4, 300 lb. boyfriend shows up. The is an ex-con, a convicted drug dealer. The woman turns around and smacks the cellphone guy in the head. She hits him over and over. He throws down his cellphone in rage.

The boyfriend begins to pound on the guy. He pummels him badly, all the way to the ground. He hits him seven times. The last blow knocks him out cold. The other customers look on helplessly, afraid to intervene because the attacker is so huge.

Final result: cellphone guy got a broken eye socket, broken nose, concussion and a chipped tooth.

The attacker was eventually convicted in court for the assault and sentenced to four years in prison.

Transvestite Beats Up Man in Russia

This is a truly ridiculous video. A man is dressed in women's underwear and pantyhose in a square in Russia. Another man comes up to him and apparently insults him. The wussy boy gets up and thrashes the macho man! Trannies FTW!

Girls Beat Up Transsexual in a Fast Food Joint

A very shocking video.

A White transsexual tried to use the women's restroom in a Baltimore McDonald's. Two Black girls were in there, and they realized that the transsexual was not formally a female. They thought she was a male pervert perving on the women in the woman's restroom. They chased her out of the restroom and thrashed her very badly.

The Black fast food employees refused to intervene. A Black customer or employee videotaped the beating on his cellphone. At the end of the video, the transsexual starts having a seizure from being beaten so badly.

Caribbean Day Festival 2001 Riot Video

Caribbean Day Festival 2001 in Washington DC was marred by a riot involving two Black gangs from the area (I assume that "crews" means gangs, correct?). These gangs have been warring for some time now. The riot took place at Howard University, but Howard University students did not take place. It appears that few, if any, Caribbeans took part in the riot. Instead, the riots seem to be African-Americans.

At first it's just the usual fighting. A White boy gets mixed up in it about the 1 minute mark and the Blacks beat him up. The rest of the video is Blacks beating up on each other. Note the presence of many young Black females in the mix. They seem to be as excited as the males. Around the 3:25 mark things start to get really serious when one Black picks up a metal chair and hits another Black over the head with it.

Police were delayed in responding to the gang fight due to a shooting at the Caribbean Day Parade itself. In the shooting, one man was killed and three others were wounded. Three of the four shot were innocent bystanders.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Video: Mass Grave of Syrian Soldiers at Jisr Al Shughour

This video is pretty nasty. It shows Syrian troops in Jisr Al Shughour uncovering a mass grave of some of the 120 Syrian troops killed in that city a week ago.

Nobody quite knows what happened in that city. The opposition says that the Syrian troops were executed by their own troops when they refused to fire on protesters. The government says they were killed in an ambush by anti-regime forces. It's going to take a long time, if ever, to find out what really happened here.

This video is pretty gross. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. The dead bodies pulled out of the grave are pretty gross and mangled up.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Video: Syrian Troops Open Fire on Protesters

A very exciting video from Syria. It was shot on Friday, June 10, 2011. It is said to take place in the Qaboun District of Damascus, Syria. As you can see, the protesters are not exactly peaceful as the supporters of this video say. They are harassing, hounding and chasing the armed Syrian troops through the city. Periodically, the troops turn around and aim at the protesters, but they keep on coming anyway.

The protesters are basically chasing the troops through the city, and the troops are beating a hasty retreat from the protesters. Finally, the troops kneel down and aim at the protesters. The idiot protesters keep rushing the troops anyway like a bunch of morons. Of course, the troops open fire. What do you expect? And a number of the protesters get injured or killed of course.

I don't know what to make of this video. It's pretty moronic of protesters to charge, chase and hound armed, retreating troops through a city. What are the troops supposed to do? Allow their position to be overrun?

Anyway, it's a really shocking video!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Video: Syrian Soldier Hanged in Hama

This is a very nasty video. Extreme viewer discretion advised. During the riots in Hama, Syria on Saturday, a Syrian soldier was captured and then apparently hung from a post in front of cheering mobs. The mobs also abused his body and beat it with sticks. They also threw shoes at it.

The video is short, but then it seems to repeat a few times. The last 2 thirds of the video seem useless.

This video has been making the rounds in Syria, and it has stirred up a lot of regime supporters. The rebels are claiming it's fake, but I don't think so.

Video: Syrian Soldiers Massacre Civilians in Deraa

This is a very nasty video. Extreme viewer discretion is advised. It shows Syrian forces on a rooftop in Der'a in the South of Syria, where the rebellion began. They are standing among a group of civilians, who have all been killed by the soldiers. Many of them have head shots, and the footage is very gruesome (Ever seen half a guy's head blown off?).

The soldiers are apparently all Allawi from a special brigade led by the President's brother, sent because the regime was not sure whether or not the regular army was down for the job. But this special brigade is all Allawi and very loyal to the regime, so they are down for about anything. The soldiers do have Allawi accents. The soldiers are joking about the dead bodies, posing with them, etc.

The men were bringing food to the city or the fighters in the city after the city was blocked off. Apparently the food was mistaken for weapons and this is why the men were killed. However, the head shots suggest execution at close range. If they were only bringing food, why execute them? This is a pretty serious crime on the part of the regime.

Exciting video, you can hear the sounds of battle - gunfire, etc. in the background.