Saturday, December 17, 2011

Robbery Caught on Tape

Amazing video shows an actual robbery in a college town. Students are seated outside what appears to be a coffee shop in this city. One man is sitting drinking his coffee. A non-student runs by, grabs his laptop and runs away. It's all over so fast. People are looking around afterward and the thief is nowhere to be seen.


randy california said...

I like his buddy walking out after him holding up his sagger shorts in case he needs to run too.Running with your shorts around your knees is dangerous.Take it from me,enraged husbands chasing you with your shorts down is sheer terror! Ps. Notice the waddle stepping he's permanently developed from sagging cool bro wear.....

Batman said...

it's not holding up his shorts, he's holding a gun

Anonymous said...

lol holding shorts. Damm it sucks you cant just shoot the fool in the back. Laws are made to protect those scum