Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Strangeness on the Beach in Jamaica

I don't understand this video. Is she enjoying it, or is she getting mad? Are those guys having fun, or is this a form or hostility? The link I clicked to take me to this video said, "White woman humiliated on beach in Jamaica." There is supposedly a name for this sort "dancing," and it's normal to dance like this in hip-hop dance halls in the UK, where the dancers are probably mostly Jamaicans.

This is called "daggering" or "muh-dicking," and is popular in dance-hall culture in Jamaica. However, people are trying to replicate the extreme sexual moves of daggering in the bedroom and there have been many cases of damaged penises over the past year. Some of the injuries have been permanent. Yes, you can break your dick, and it's not funny at all. Injury usually happens during sex, and you need to get to an emergency room right away. Woman on top is the usual position.

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