Monday, July 08, 2013

Photo of Dead Trayvon Martin

Fred on Everything on the Zimmerman trial. Fred says there may be riots if Zimmerman is acquitted, as I certainly hope he is. I have said it before and I will say it again, Zimmerman is a hero in the ongoing war of the civilized people against the Black ghetto thugs, of which Trayvon was a member.
Photo of Trayvon Martin dead at crime scene. Not sure easy this photos is to obtain, but this is the first one that I have seen. Good riddance to this punk. He got what he deserved.
Will they riot? Who knows. Black folks tend to riot when things don't go their way. There are many Blacks on Twitter saying they will riot, attack random Whites or kill themselves if Zimmerman is acquitted. We can only hope for the latter of the three choices.

White people don't. They just seethe, move to the suburbs or country and vote Republican. Voting Republican is a way for White people to say, "Fuck you niggers!" That right there is a large part of the reason why so many Whites vote Republican in the US and why they have been doing so for quite some time now. Not that voting Republican helps with the problem of Black people. So you hate Black people. Therefore you vote Republican. Ok, how does voting Republican "stick it to the niggers?" Not sure if I get it.

I mean if there were an openly White nationalist party out there that had as an actual political project "sticking it to the niggers," or better yet, ameliorating Black problems that affect the rest of us so much, it might make sense for a Black hating racist to vote for that party. Have you noticed something else? Have you noticed that 100% of the people who hate Black people say they are "conservatives?" Why? Why does hating Black people make you a conservative? I don't get it.

I know lots of liberals who are not too wild about Black people either, but they are not going to change their political ideology over some issue of racial taste or animus. And all these same people think "liberal" means "nigger lover." That may be true in some circles, but in my experience, it's not that true. Most of the liberals I know are very cynical about Black people and try to avoid them except for a few they trust. The White liberal "nigger lover" seems to be a figment of the White racist's imagination.


Noble axe NC said...

Never trust anyone that's the color of your shit!

Unknown said...

Seeing that you are able to write i am assuming that this article must be satire as no person with an IQ above 50 could actually believe the BS that is in the article.

Anonymous said...

Who in the media decides what stories to sensationalize? Where is the outrage for Channon Christian and Chris Newsome? Why didn't their carjacking, rape, multi-day torture, mutilation, and murder at the hands of a gang of blacks get national attention? What about their civil rights?
What about all the black on black violence and black flashmob attacks on whites? Where is the outrage over that?
Here's some reality:
The rate at which Blacks commit murder is thirteen times
that of Whites. Rape and assault, ten times. These figures, as given yearly by FBI and DOJ reports, vary somewhat from year to year but accurately represent the trend for the past 4 decades. The annual report from the DOJ reveals that when Whites commit violence, they do it to Blacks 2.4% of the time. Blacks, on the other hand, choose White victims MORE THAN HALF of the time. Although only 12% of the U.S. population, Blacks commit more than half of all rapes and robberies and 60% of all murders in the U.S. Approximately 50% of all Black males will be arrested and charged with a serious felony during their lifetime. A Black person is 56 TIMES more likely to attack a White person than Vice Versa. Black rapists choose White victims over half (54.9%) of the time, 30X as often as Whites choose Blacks.

Anonymous said...

How the US treats minority groups is extremely important, even if they're thugs. If there's even a hint of persecution of any particular ethnic group... the world is watching. Who might come down? I dunno... Russia? even though they know nothing about anti-racialism... China too, famous for arming terrorists

Anonymous said...

Some of these racists are actually very well brought up, even if they're rednecks or ghetto thugs. The rednecks know when to hold their silence, and perhaps peace while ghetto thugs seem to have the profoundest grasp of world history.

Anonymous said...

America has always been a prime example of what can happen to a people when you give them too much freedom, to enjoy themselves, to live their lives... The British saw all this happening a few hundred years before and tried to help by taking back America, but by then it was too big. Like a 60-year-old trying to discipline his 30-year-old prizefighter son.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For such a smart-ish seeming man, although with an admitted seneseless fascination with provocation for its own sake, you display an ignorance of the true nature of politics.

The true nature of politics is that intra-group co-operation facilitates effective intergroup competition.

Politically effective group competition only arises out of intra-group co-operation.

Intra-group co-operation is only effectively facilitated though ethnically homogenous communities with simialr political self-interest of included individuals. This is especially true from an intergenerational perspective, which is vastly important for power and financial continuity. Any group who can be intergenerationally co-operative will be much more powerful than competing groups. The only groups that are intergenerationally effective are ethnic in nature.

Similar political self-interest is primarily a result of the shared culture that arises from a narrow IQ norm and similar individual behavior patterns between individuals in a group. Shared group values arise from similar intelligences, similar behavioral impulses to violence, and simialr impulses toward sexual behavior.

Liberals deny the existence of differing political self-interest between groups through the denial of individual/group differences. ie: helping black people with white money is equivelant to helping everyone because we are all the same. They deny the virtues that differentiate groups in order to fractionate groups. This is the primary purpose of liberalism.

Liberalism is not a political party in a legitimate sense because it facilitates no intragroup co-operation. On the contrary, its focus on the individual facilitates group factions and dispersion. In other words, liberalism primary purpose is to reduce political power: whether on the small group Community) or national level. The more superficial fractions that exist, the less power any of those fractions have. Politically powerful ethnic homogenity and community/family bonds are replaced with politically weak, disengenuous social class rhetoric as a place holder to confuse the irrepressable human group instinct. The prupose of such empty politics and rhetoric is to fool the instinct into not being aware of what it is missing in terms of group bonding.

Liberalism, by its definition and nature, is a weapon and not a political philosophy becuase it reduces the real political power of the group.

"White liberal nigger lover" is not a figment of anyone's imagination, because whether you are aware of it or not, liberal politics works to dissolve the political groups of the indigenous European for the benefit of the antithetical interests of the competing black group. Your acknowledgment of this fact is irrelevant. It is a fact.

Conservatism is the root of all true politics, because it is the only path to power. It is the naturally occuring evolution of an unmolested society, because it is the Darwinian path to power. Societies don't naturally pursue political systems that lead to less power. Liberalism is a spear used to destroy groups; it is nothing more and, whther you like it or not, once its work is done it will be replaced by a faux conservatism (spiritually empty fascism) that will oppress you while allowing very little cultural freedom. Essentailly, it will be communism with the tolerance for deviants and debauchery removed. Under true fascism, the culture would be the core of its power and society would thrive in a spiritually healthy manner that would feed the individual, the family, and the whole. However, liberalism's culture destroying work is progressing rapidly.