Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Famous Offensive Interracial Sears Ad Pulled Off the Air

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

French translation (en Français).

Spanish translation (en Español).

This is a Sears Christmas ad that has been running on TV lately. It shows a group of happy young people kissing each other and giving each other presents for Christmas. Of course they bought all of the presents at Sears. In the middle of the segment, three different handsome Black men give presents to three different beautiful White blonds and kiss as they are doing it.

The video was uploaded to Youtube, where it got 33,000 views. It was flooded with negative racial comments from Whites. In many cases, anti-Black slurs and racist language were used by outraged White commenters. After the outpouring of rage at the ad on Youtube, Sears pulled the ad. Later the video disappeared on Youtube too.

The White nationalists are going nuts over this and saying that now corporations will have to listen to their complaints and boycotts too. Problem is that the WN's, like all such folks are reactionaries who are fighting a war against time. History moves forwards, not backwards, and the good old days were usually not so great.

In 1958, 96% of US Whites disapproved on romantic or sexual mingling between Blacks and Whites. By the early 1990's, that number had dropped to 49%. In 1998, only 25% of Whites disapproved of such things. Between 1992-2008, the % of Whites disapproving of miscegenation was dropping precipitously by 1.5 points per year. If this freefall continues at this rate, within 15 years or so, the anti-miscegenationist Whites will be all but gone.

This is why WN's are losers, and time is not on their side. Their agenda fades with each passing year.

My opinion of the video? I could care less, but then, I care nothing about interracial sexual behavior anyway. I'm not opposed to it, but I'm not going around cheerleading for it either. It's simply a freedom that folks should be allowed to have if they wish to indulge in such things.

Certainly Whites ought to be free to decline interracial dating with any race or ethnicity without being thought of as racist. Increasingly, Whites are losing even that freedom as White women who say they do not wish to date Blacks are pounded by their fellow Whites (and obviously by Black men, which figures) as "racists." That's simply PC run amok, and it's got to stop.

Sex is as intimate as human behavior gets. You have the right to do it or not do it, as much or as little as you like, with whichever consenting partners of either gender or whatever race or ethnicity you choose, and there's nothing abnormal or racist about any of the choices that result.

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