Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yet Another Fake Quote

This one making the rounds of White nationalist, White Supremacist, etc. sites:
In 1922, the Bolshevik leader Selenkov stated in Moscow: "We must create a climate of anti-nationalism and anti-racialism amongst Whites. We must reduce patriotism and pride of race to meaningless abstractions and make racialism a dirty word."
Not only that, but obviously Selenkov was Jewish. Or he was named Zelenkov. Or whatever.

There never was any Bolshevik leader named Zelenkov/Selenkov, and for all I or others can tell, this is yet another fake quote.

You can usually tell these fake quotes just be looking at them, because it seems like no sane prominent person would ever be caught dead saying something so outrageous.

Also, fake quotes are usually manufactured by nationalists. They place the quotes in the mouths of politicians they don't like and make them say they are going to hatch some kind of conspiracy against the ethnic group or nation in question.

See my previous post, Lord MacAulay's Speech to British Parliament 1835, for a particularly famous example made up out of whole cloth by Hindutva Indian Hindu nationalists. I get hits for that post from Indians from all over, and I get the distinct impression that they still don't understand that the quote is a fake.

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