If you are under 18, you may NOT watch this video! If you are a parent and are concerned about your kids viewing this post, please either supervise and/or restrict your children's Internet use or invest in a blocking program.
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Bad reactions have been reported by those watching this video.
They are:
Vomiting , loss of appetite, rage, sadness, nausea, dry heaves, stomach pains, nightmares, feeling suicidal, fear, shaking, trembling, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, chills, headaches, rapid breathing, inability to move, spinal chills, sweating, churning stomach, anorexia (weight loss due to not eating), flashbacks, insomnia, crying, laughing and crying simultaneously, agoraphobia (inability to go outside), anxiety, depression, loss of consciousness (passing out), urinating on oneself or feeling one is about to urinate on oneself and inability to stop thinking of the video.
Adverse reactions have lasted typically hours, but some may last a day or more. A few long-lasting reactions, including reactions that look like anxiety, depression or a combination, have been reported, lasting usually up to a day, sometimes up to a week, and rarely for months.
One hospitalization has occurred due to this video. A worker watched the video in his office, was so upset that he went outside to have a cigarette, and was shaking so hard, he could hardly smoke it. He then fainted and hit his head on the sidewalk, knocking out some teeth. If you faint easily, do not watch this video.
If you think you may react in any of these ways, please reconsider whether you really want to watch the video.
This horrible video seems to be a Russian Nazi reaction, in part, to horrible videos made by Chechen rebels recently in which they behead Russian soldiers.
Information has just come out proving that this video is real and not a fake. Kistaman Odamanov, a Dagestani, saw the video on the Internet and identified the man who was beheaded as her brother, Shamil Odamanov, 23. Furthermore, the rest of Shamil's family and many acquaintances in his village also recognized him in the video.
Shamil went to Moscow to find work and possibly a wife in 2005. He disappeared in mid-April 2007 and has not been seen since. This implies that he was kept alive for three months somewhere before he was killed in mid-August.
Kistaman recognized Shamil by his face and the clothes he was wearing. Russian law enforcement has found where the opening scenes of the video were shot, but they have not found where the executions took place, nor have they found any bodies, blood or other forensic evidence.
Nevertheless, authorities are now treating this case as a homicide. German law enforcement is also involved, implying a German neo-Nazi angle. The Tajik in the video, who appears to have been executed by shooting, has yet to be identified.
Much more on the story that the video is real and not fake on my blog here.
Many have asked the name of the song in the video. The song is Rus by the Russian folk-pagan metal band Arkona. You can watch a video of the band playing the song on this blog here.
This is the Russian neo-Nazi decapitation execution video that took the Russian Internet by storm in early August 2007 (the video topped search engine and blog hits for Russian sites). The video is titled The Execution of a Tajik and a Dagestani. It's a video of Russian neo-Nazis executing two "Blacks" - that is, two White men - one from Dagestan and one from Tajikistan.
For an inquiry into whether or not reasonable people would consider Dagestanis and Tajiks to be White, see my meditation on the subject here.
This video aroused tremendous controversy on the Net for a short while after it appeared. A group called either National Socialism/White Power or National Socialists of Rus claimed responsibility for the video, but authorities said they had never heard of either group.
Rus is the name of the ancient Viking state centered around Kiev - the Kievan Rus. This was the first Russian state, and the name Rus is widely used by nationalists instead of Russia.
A similar neo-Nazi group, the Russian Nationalist Party, can be seen in Youtube videos here and here. The latter video at least has some great music.
This video is well done at least, with some great heavy metal music playing in the background. It was shot in early August 2007, soon before it was released on the Internet.
The video was originally posted on the Russian version of the Live Journal website by a user named vik23. Western news reports say it was originally posted there by a user named "anti-Gypsy," but he was just one of the ones who reposted it later. It subsequently appeared on many Russian-language neo-Nazi Internet sites.
It was quickly removed from most of the sites where it was found, and the National Socialism/White Power site (the name of the group that committed the murders) was overwhelmed with hits.
The video opens first with a Nazi flag and a machine gun sound in the background, then a shout in Russian of "Glory to Rus!" Then it shows a pan of a Russian town in the countryside. Next it shows a lake surrounded by a forest.
The camera zooms in on the forest and shows two men bound, gagged and hogtied on the ground.

One man is clearly terrified. Next it shows the two frightened men apparently saying, unprompted, in heavily accented Russian, through their gags, "Russian National Socialists arrested us," as they are bound by hands and legs, kneeling, in the forest. There is a large Nazi flag in the background.
The video then shows an extremely unskilled executioner - a masked man in combat fatigues - coming up behind one of the captives and grabbing him to the same shout of "Glory to Rus!" He then starts sawing the poor guy's head off, but does a lousy job of it.
The poor guy screams a bit at first. Yet the incompetent executioner spends far too long - 90 seconds - sawing the guy's head off.
There is controversy about the grunting and gasping sounds you hear as the guy's head is being sawed off. Some say it is the executioner panting in frustration as he tries to saw off the poor guy's head. Others say it is the victim himself inhaling blood through his throat or lungs. I'm not competent to judge who is making those horrible sounds.
Finally he chops the poor sod's head off and then tries to put the head on the decapitated body, but the head keeps rolling off the body. He needs to take lessons from Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, who did an excellent job of balancing US Apache helicopter engineer Paul Johnson's decapitated head on the rest of his body.
Finally, we are shown the other hostage bound and gagged. There is the same shout, "Glory to Rus!," and he is quickly dispatched from behind with a shot to the head, whereupon he topples into a freshly-dug grave. The video then shows two Nazi bastards, completely covered from head to toe, giving the obvious salute in front of a Nazi flag.

Originally, Russian law enforcement was divided on whether or not this video was real, then they decided it was fake, but recently there is proof that it is real, and Russian LE is now treating the video as evidence in a homicide case.
One man was arrested for distributing this video. For more on him, see my post here.
Some wonder how any Russian could possibly support Nazis, given that they invaded the Soviet Union, an action that resulted in 27 million Soviet deaths, 4½ times more than were killed in the Jewish Holocaust© that gets drilled into our heads day and night.
To understand how a Russian could be a Nazi, one needs to understand the nature of the bloody fascist-Communist struggle in the 20th Century, a history covered up by anti-Communist cant for the simple reason that the fact that no one fought fascism like the Communists would make Commies look good.
Study the history of the 20th Century from a real historian, not a professional hack like so many nowadays, and you will see that Communists and Nazis had one of the worst hate-fests of the past century.
Those 27 million Soviets did not die in WW2 because the USSR so loved the Nazis that they gave the world 27 million of their only sons and daughters. The same tapestry was played out everywhere in Europe during WW2 - every time the Communists and Nazis faced on the war-field, the bodies piled to the sky and the atrocities - on both sides - were too numerous to count. This was no lovers' quarrel.
The mad, lunatic Nazi invasion of Russia was genocidal in intent and praxis, especially towards the Slavs, whom Hitler considered to be untermenschen.
They were seen as an inferior race, a weak "slave race" unable to defend themselves. In particular, Hitler, in his manic and crazed anti-Semitism, felt that (Russian) Slavs had allowed themselves to be enslaved by Jews. He meant the "Communist Bolshevik Jews" who Hitler felt ran the USSR.
Since only a bunch of no-good Commie human beings were being genocided during the Nazi invasion of the USSR, this episode has been widely ignored by Western history books. Would Stalin have lost, probably 10's of millions more people would have died in the USSR and elsewhere, Nazism would have been much more successful, would have menaced the world, and may well have conquered it.
The Nazi project was clear; as bureaucrats, they wrote it down. The Slavs (yet not the Estonians, the Caucasians, Cossacks, various types of Turks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmen, Azeris, Tatars, Kalmyks, Karachays, Arabs, Armenians and Georgians) were inferior, to be replaced by Germans through starvation, murder, enslavement and deportation, with the resulting depopulated lands to be given to the Germans for their lebensraum.
During World War 2.6 million dead Poles (only 50% of whom were Jewish), or 30% of the population, were killed. Similarly, in Belorussia, 25% of the population was dead by the end of the war. In Russia, 27 million were dead, 15% of the population. All of these were "Slav" nations to the Nazis.
Stalin's mad purges of the late 1930's were to some degree wild attempts to stave off the emerging Nazi threat by purging and even executing Trotskyites and Bukharinites who were not only openly sympathizing with the Nazis but were also advocating a Nazi invasion of the USSR, if you can believe that.
So the Stalinist purges, criminal and insane as they were, must be seen in the context of the looming Nazi invasion. Yet most of the victims of these purges were innocent people.
Without Stalin, it is dubious whether or not we could have defeated Germany. For instance, 89% of Germany's casualties in WW2 were at the hands of the Soviets.
Stalin's initial retreats were completely sensible.
Behind Russian lines, in occupied Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine and White Russia, a good number of people supported the Nazis. They gleefully joined in the Jew-killing and Commie-killing and fought alongside the Nazi beast. Entire Soviet units went over to the Nazis, especially during the Stalingrad siege, where 50,000 Soviet volunteers fought alongside the German monster.
The fate of the nation and many of its residents was at stake. This was no time for namby-pamby talk of human rights. Justice was swift for Soviets who defected to the Nazi enemy, just as it was for the collaborators from other lands, and as the Soviets pushed the Nazi criminals back in the East, many a traitor and collaborator got a swift bullet to the head. Wail about human rights all you want. This was a war. A war to the death.
Yet never had the Soviet people supported the regime in greater numbers and with greater passion than during WW2.
The notion that Stalin during WW2 was an anti-Semite (parroted mostly by paranoid ultranationalist Jews and crazed anti-Communists) may be laid to rest. As one Soviet author put it bluntly at this time, "You are either an anti-Nazi or an anti-Semite." The line was drawn.
When the Red Army came into Eastern Poland early in the war, they were wildly embraced by the Polish Jews, an action that Polish nationalists have forever condemned them for. But these Jews were not stupid. They knew their enemy, and he was not named Uncle Joe. He had a little mustache, a jerky walk and an outstretched right arm. The USSR was a potential savior of these Jews, and they knew it.
Every educated Jew nowadays knows how indebted he is to Napoleon. It's too bad they don't feel that way about Joseph Stalin too.
Joseph Stalin may have saved all of today's Jews from Nazism.
Joseph Stalin may have saved all of today's world from Nazism.
On to Russian neo-Nazis. With the fall of Communism, the Russian neo-Nazi movement came into full bloom as the economy collapsed, and the search for scapegoats began.
The Chechen War made this worse, and the cruelties of the madder Chechen rebels probably drove this incident - they have beheaded some Russians on and off-camera. And Muslim terrorist attacks continue in Russia.
"Blacks," or people from the Caucasus, are hated throughout Russia, and there are regular murders of them. More recently, there have been attacks on African Blacks, Asians and mixed-race people. The authorities do little or nothing to stop the killings, since they support the mindset behind them.
Neo-Nazi racism is so big in Russia that it is hard to comprehend in a US context. Already by August 2007, the time of the video above, in Russia there were over 50 racist murders of Caucasians - people from the Central Asian Republics , anti-fascist activists and foreigners - 25% more than the previous year's - which was already way too high.
Can you imagine such a huge Nazi movement and attendant crimes in the US?
The Russian fascists serve as shock troops for Vladimir Putin, giving the lie to the notion that he is a neo-Communist, and proving, as we Leftists long suspected, that he is just some species of Russian fascist.
Distributed along with the video was a manifesto calling for the expulsion of all "Asians" and "Blacks" (people from the Caucasus) from Russia, and then, curiously, for the independence of all of the Russian republics in the Caucasus such as Ingushetia, Dagestan, Chechnya, North Ossetia, Cherkyo-Kabardino, etc. Here is the full text of the manifesto (from the Chechen rebel Kavkaz Center):
Statement of the National Socialist Party of Rus
We Are Part of an Armed Faction of the Party
1. Our party announces the beginning of armed struggle against the Black colonists and those Russian officials who support them.
2. We consider the expulsion of Caucasians and Asians from the territory of Russia to be a necessity.
3. We feel it is a necessity to grant independence to all the republics of the Caucasus (including Chechnya), along with the expulsion of the entire Caucasian population there.
4. We demand the release of all National Socialists from Russian prisons and a halt to the persecution of Maksim Martsinevich.
5. We demand that President putin (in the statement the name was written with lowercase - KC) resign and hand over all power to the National Socialist government, which should be led by Dmitry Germanovich Rumyantsev, the leader of the National Socialist Society of Russia.
6. We recognize the political leadership of a National Socialist Society (NSS). We are the armed wing, operating independently.
7. We will not stop struggling until power is handed over to the National Socialist government.
Martsinevich is the head of a group called Format 18. He has been jailed since July on charges of fomenting ethnic hatred and threatening violence.
Neo-Nazi violence in Russia is out of control. It's also very high in Poland, the UK, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Hungary. There is much more neo-Nazi violence per capita in these places than in the US.
Growing neo-Nazi violence is a menace to parts of Europe.
1 – 200 of 268 Newer› Newest»my brother showed me this video like 6 or 7 years ago.
i still remembered it vividly
my friend showed me this video again
it was shocking
it brought back horrible memories and thoughts to my head.
how could one do something like this
how can they record this
why are there people with that much evil and hate
how is one able to do something so brutal.
the feelings i felt physically were
my chest feeling squeezed tight
my throat clenching up
racing thoughts.
this is horrible...
Fuck this Site is the biggest Bullshit. Why do someone post such a Video?! I cant understand!!!
Just stupid, theese Peolpe have to be burned! Its unbelievable
These guys arent even nazis, thy hate all non russians and are just some kind of russian nazi
i alswo dont understand how a russian can be a nazi since the nazis originally hated al the slavs and russians and so on
anyway ive seen 3 videos like these, linked om the swedish site existenz.se
its like a drug, once i see a lnk to something like before there was a taliban beheqading video and i stoppedbefore they cut the guys but i had to see it! i couldnt stop thingking bout it! after i watch the vids i feel like i dont wonder what happened, which feel a bit better
there is a socalled nazi in m class, he is russian too and hes like really funny and quite smart, he says he hates jews and i hope he can see this video so he understands how horrible it is...
à mort les nazis
Sick motherfucker!!
So.. that was real? I mean.. I-it was real? Oh my fuckin' god..
well compared to the other crap ive seen on the web this was one of the LEAST disturbing.just another casualty of war. this crap happens all the time, everywhere why shield yourself from how gruesome and fucked up reality really is. my feelings during the video were different from what i was thinking though, due to the fact that i am a human and these emotions are wired in my brain.
increased heart rate.
shallow breathing.
adrenaline rush.
this was just an act of war. at least they buried them afterward, during WW2 the American, and Japanese soldiers would cut their opponents heads off and mount them on the tanks.
you sir is very sick in the head, you should be reported with this video.
i hoppe they burn in hell and then burn for ever , fu...ing stuppid nazi
I hope they will burn in hell! If we ever get them, we have to kill them!
hmmm...I can't understand how somebody can but video like this online !!!
that boys had their family...imagine if ur family watch video like that and u r being killed in it...terrible...u should remove that...against humanity...leave privacy to dead ppl...thanks...
That has got to be one of the most horrific murders caught on video and shown on the net. and to think that it only came down to the victim having a darker skin tone than the neo-nazi butcher's and from different ethnic group, theres no way they can justly the slaughtering of someone who they just seen on the street. its as if they've been brain washed from hitler ranting and raving speech to his nation in the 30s, that was regarding ethnic cleansing.
its all fake and if u really belive its real well everyone o use are thick as shit. its so fckn simple too tell its fake watch it like three times and u will see wat a mean u dumb twats
I like that Song. I heard it long before I found this Video. Русь from Аркона's Album Возрождение. As for the Content, it doesn't bother me in the Slightest. Anyone horrified by this has obviously been coddled, thinking that the World is some loving Place. Shit like this happens all the Time. Move on.
This is the fate of all immigrants not contributing to the society of the country they live in.
Expect nothing else.
"Mikael said...
This is the fate of all immigrants not contributing to the society of the country they live in.
Expect nothing else.
Thanks for providing the Interpol with you location, ip address and others. This is a crime being investigated and you are now on the list...
I like that Song. I heard it long before I found this Video. Русь from Аркона's Album Возрождение. As for the Content, it doesn't bother me in the Slightest. Anyone horrified by this has obviously been coddled, thinking that the World is some loving Place. Shit like this happens all the Time. Move on.
I couldn't agree more...
what the hell do these people think happen during the wars?
so as soon as the wars over do you think they come and bury them propery or kill them with respect bullshit. they massacre each other and move on. yes its very shocking but honestly i felt such a suspence before i watched it and all i can say is ok...
go watch a gory horror film its the same biz apart from this is sadly real.
Where is the logic?
"Things like this happen all the time"
And because these things happen all the time should we content ourselves to be savages amidst technological wonders?
I think the dude needs a sharper knife.It looks like he got tired of cutting and just started chopping, then he said "fuck it" just shoot the last guy
"I think the dude needs a sharper knife.It looks like he got tired of cutting and just started chopping, then he said "fuck it" just shoot the last guy"
L0L, Gee, what an intelligent comment.
that is seriously fucked. i have no idea whether it is real so it probably isn't but WHY THE FUCK????? I'm not emotionally scarred, i couldn't care less, but wtf guys what is the world coming to?
dont search videos like this if shit like this bothers you.
Why on earth post such a thing -- suggested to watch by college professor and had to turn away almost as soon as it began. Posting such things can do no good.
Holy shit.. listen to fucking "EARTH SONG" !!! .. peace with ya all. ..
It's good that your professor suggested that you watch this. A lot of people think Nazism is pretty cool or sort of harmless. This video shows in raw live color precisely the horror and evil to which these folks have descended.
This is one of the best anti-Nazi propaganda videos out there, and that was my intention in publishing it. BTW, it has been reposted on many antifa sites. Antifas are street fighters who attack Nazis basically on sight. So this video does have a social value of sorts.
HAHAHA this is the best recruiting video. HAHA yeah SHARP shooter fuck those anti fags!
These comments show that many "commenters" are not much more advanced, or enlightened, than the sick fucks in the vid. Other "commenters" want us to see how tough they think themselves, by feigning indifference or making what they think is a wisecrack. And then there are those sad arsed losers who didn't pay attention in school, and can't write or spell, even with "spellchecking". Yes, a sick world.
Well the starting music is Arkona - Rus. One of my favourite folkmetal group..
But the video was HORRIBLE..
Ugh.. i must to do something smart that i could take it off my mind..
This is the first time I ever saw such horrible thing done to a human being! Just to kill someone because he happens to born a different skin colour. I hope that neo-nazis will be capture one day and suffer some kind of torture so he can feel the pain. Underneath our skin, we all have blood. And yes, everybody's blood is RED, including the neo-nazis. My reaction when watching it: I quicky scroll down when the neo-nazis starts to cut the poor man's throat. Then quickly scroll up and down. My mind thinking, my gosh...is this real, then when he finish cutting the head off in close up vision, and seeing the head comes off, I thought yes, it's real. I close my eyes for a few second, keep blinking, my hands starts to shake. I starts to get headache. Then I imagine, if i was in that poor man's shoe, how painful & slow death it is. Then I start thinking how evil humans can be. This is so shocking!! Russians are so racist! Hope China will invade her since Russia is so close to China. Will the rise of China, I wouldn't be surprise if one day, the Russian's have to crawl on China's arse for economic help. Now I would love to see all those racist Russian feel about that!
Bisogna impalare questi cani ariani!
i cant believe something like this actually happened i feel so disgusted by how they did this to a human being, I HOPE THESES GUYS BURN IN HELL!!!!
Fucking loved this video it makes me smile everytime and laugh a lot and makes me hungry and if you think I am lieing I am seriously not.
love it
If you are under 18, you may NOT watch this video! If you are a parent and are concerned about your kids viewing this post, please either supervise and/or restrict your children's Internet use or invest in a blocking program.
Als jij jonger dan achttien jaar bent, mag je deze video NIET bekijken! Bent u een ouder, die bezorgd is dat uw kinderen het kijken, controleer dan of ze het toch kijken, blokkeer de website, beperk het internet gebruik of investeer een een internet blokkeer progamma.
Here's the Dutch translation!
Apparently, the way to keep such things from happening in the future is to stick to your land and not try to overtake another country by cunning or an invasion. Do business if you want, but respect the territorial rights of the other nation. When we do not do that, we see a beheaded Russian invader in Chechnya, and a beheaded Chechen guy in Russia. So whether you blame both or neither, it's up to you, but each one of them wants to keep their countries to themselves - shouldn't be too hard to grasp...
Очевидно, для избежания подобных случаев в будущем следует сидеть дома и не стараться захватить чужую страну хитростью или нашествием. Если хотите, занимайтесь торговлей, но уважайте территориальные права другого народа. Когда мы не делаем этого, то можем видеть обезглавленного русского завоевателя в Чечне или обезглавленног чеченца в России. Так что это ваше дело, обвинять ли обоих или никого из них, тем не менее каждый из них хочет сохранить свою страну для себя – понимание этого не должно быть таким трудным...
Ignorant bastards. If they want to 'save' their country, then they should be fighting AGAINST Nazism, since, ya know, Hitler hated Russians. Bloody hell. Disgusting video- but it shouldn't be taken down. It shows to all the people who like to ignore such things that this shit is REAL.
Thx for the Dutch translation of the warning, bro, but honestly, I need a Dutch version of the whole thing.
I just got a Dutch translation of the Diving Accident video though. You can check it out if you want. My first Dutch translation!
I agree Anon. The video should not be taken down. It shows what assholes these Nazi shits really are. Fuck off Nazis!
haha. stupid russian deserved to die. =] GO NEO NAZI'S. no joke, so fuck off.
I liked this video. I don't know why
It's not all about Hitler when they call themselves "Nazis"... It's about the message. And it's more of a message of pride than it is of hate. It's not that Neo-Nazis want all non-whites dead. It's they just want them out of their countries. White nationalism has been given a bad name; it's unfair people look at it in such a negative way. This video is just shocking propaganda. The general message of the Neo-Nazis isn't "hate, violence, and greed"... It's just white separatism, the right to be proud of one's race and celebrate the native population of the land they hold dear in their hearts.
Also, people often generalize these skinheads as being lower class, unemployed, and poorly educated; possibly socialized to be as racist as they are. This couldn't be further from the truth for the majority of them. The reason isn't because they want a scapegoat for all their countries problems. It's simply that they want for foreigners to stop coming in. Is that so wrong? Is it so wrong to dislike those that take advantage of the resources we've developed in a geographically isolated area for centuries? And not only that, but those that do this happen to be smelly, ugly, thoughtless, and unpleasant generally as well.
I believe in the White nationalist movement, and it's not because of the way I was socialized. I live in the urban Northwest for Christ's sake; both my parents are highly educated, unbiased, liberal teachers. I have literally no racist friends. But it's not about alarmism or sensationalism. It's about coming to your senses and realizing the plague of liberalism that has gripped us in such a way that we are blind to see the recession of our once great race.
amazing stuff
long live the neo nazis
Sieg Heil
Reconquista! Expulsion del invasor!
Muerte al invasor!
¡Europa libre!
Why the fuck would you film this, ok its not the most disturbing thing i have ever seen but fuckin hell, that nazi has a fucked up head or he is just fucking nuts, you wouldnt sit and try to saw off some guys head in the middle of a forest for fun, these guys obviously had problems doing shit like this!! He could have just fucking shot the poor bastard like the other dude, it would have been a
little bit more respectful rather than cutting his head clean off with a knife like a fuckin chisel. These
nazis should have been fucked up on live television after being caught, silly bastards probably pissed off the soviet union at the same time as witnessin this bullshit, gotta admit, it was a good gory video for me. ALSO: jason leishman is gaaaay :)
NEO NAZIS SHOULD BE FUCKIN KILLED!!!!!!!!!!! PS. I hate you :)
Those Russians shouldnt have died, so Scarlet. Spin on that you cock sucker :)
"I hope they will burn in hell! If we ever get them, we have to kill them!"
This is why the so-called Anti-Fa is not worth a penny more than the extreme right wing.
And the people that are sooooo shocked, this is nothing more than a proof for you, sitting well and warm in a well guarded family home watching CNN and thinking "how the world is bad".
This video and the seen acts are disgusting. But that's the life out there that you poeple don't want to see or believe.
My oppinion? You are all not paranoid enough.
Hi Anon. I agree with these 2 statements:
But that's the life out there that you people don't want to see or believe.
You are all not paranoid enough.
Awesome! Nice. Thanks for posting this.
Whites need to get used to images such as these, for this is what we are going to be forced to do to our masters: Jew, Muslim, Marxist, liberal.
One knife, one Muslim: this is how we will liberate Europa. One Muslim head at a time. Gore in the streets.
Get used to it! It's coming...
Hello. Could you please prove that Nazi violence would be spreading in Estonia either now or even during the time of the original post. Or did you really just add a bunch of countries from around Russia thinking that perhaps the same thing is going on where ever there has been Russian influence?
s. ren:
Hey asshole.
There's good evidence to suggest that there's been an upsurge in neo-Nazi activity all through the region. After all, Estonia is this wonderful country where they have statues of HEROES who were NAZIS!
After consultation with some Estonians, I decided to remove Estonia from the list of nations seriously impacted by neo-Nazi violence.
As you can see, there is no mention of Estonia in the post.
So WTF is your problem, asshole?
if i ever find out who these sick basterds r im going 2 do everything in my power 2 make sure that they will never wish they did that 2 those people they wer inocent and now im going 2 find them and make them pay 4 wat they did and 2 all other nazi's if i ever meet u and i know ur a nazi i will kill u
and 1 more thing 2 all those ppl that r Anonymous that said they love this video. i hope u all are happy because im going 2 find u and kill u just like in the video i dont care if i go 2 prison but i will torture u before i get it done with and then i will only feel satisfaction at seeing u die an agonizing death because u diserve it
This is the worst video i have ever seen in my life ..those 2ppl didnt deserve to die like this..is so sad how ppl have so much hate n anger of stupid bullshit like oh man these fucken immigrants are taking are jobs..wtf are we gona do..i know mm ..get your lazy asses off your couches and keep looking for work theres plenty of work out there you stupid sons of a bitches neo-nazist die n may you all burn in hell...and those ignorant neo-nazist in russia need to fight against nazisst .. fucken hitlet hated russians how ironic..losers
I'm hungry now, LOL.
this shit is horrible, but i am watching this while eating dinner. stuff like this doesnt even bother me anymore. its like watching a movie. except this is real and i dont watch movies
the men in that video should not be considered men they are horrible and mentally wrong someone should give them a taste of thier own medicine
Go skorge1 go!
Nazistas filhos da putaaa
Hijos de puta ¬¬
Worst part was how long it took him to completely remove the head...
You would think it would be easy to catch the killers. Look for the only people in Russia that have bought a 4' by 5' Swastika banner in the past... forever.
esto es real??joder es impresionante...muchos a los ke he enseñado el video estaban seguros de que era mentira pero nose yo...
this reminded me of beheading a sheep which i grew up seeing...i guess u cant hide truth about the real world.
fag you have no face value to give me shit on you and your fucking hitler bastards to face you fucking fags matav all perras.me maricon shit on your family.
This isnt about nazis , not many non russian nazis go on thestreet and kill people , its about russians theyre always b....od thirsty.
I am really sorry but you are not being imparcial on your judgement. I read almost the entire explanations on this video and you got something terribly wrong. Stalin did not really mean to help the Jewish people. He did not save them from the Nazis.
The Red Army's main aim when advancing to the west was to seek revenge for their lost people and not save the Jews.
Thus it explains the massacre in the ghetto of Warsaw. During the massacre the Red Army was awaitng it to finish to enter the city and free them. They did not fight the Nazis like they could have..
Besides the Sowjets sent millions of russian Jews to confinement camps in Siberia, killing so thousends of them...
I really don't think it is good to put Stalin on a pedestal saying he saved the Jews from the Nazis since Stalin was a dictator, and dictators are not just.
This video is sick, how could they do that to two poor innocent people? Neo-Nazi bastards, I hope rot in a place worse than hell and I hope they die very painfully and slowly. Plus, all you sick bastards saying this video is great, you obvously are as bad as those Nazi fuckers in the video. Neo-Nazi's out there reading this, Fuck You, Your Family and your bitch ass cum gargling bastard of a 'leader' called Hitler.
Joder me cago en dios! menuda mierda que corre por Internet. (Althought I live near New york, I'm spanish...I have to swear to these people in spanish for be a little relaxed...) I think, if in our society we have to kill people to improve and people kill other people for get better...what's the human intelligence? We are walking like the crayfish...living in this world is driving me mad...health, freedom and anarchy!
Your account of Stalin's deeds is strictly idiotic. He was ten times the murderer that Hitler was and then some. I wish you Left intellectuals would get some sense one day or the other. For your formal and theoretical justifications of Socialism and individuals like Stalin have brought a long time of suffering to Eastern Europe.
I don't understand why people can do this horrible things, you have a very serious problem in russia with this scum, thanks from spain
Hail Hitlaaa!
Dagestan Beheading video is by far one of the worst videos ever recorded. Chechen Mujahideen Terrorists video tape gruesome execution of 6 Russian soldiers. While his fellow Chechen terrorists have been ruthlessly beheading one Russian soldier after another, the cameraman was recoding close ups of their slit throats. The video leaves nothing for imagination – take this is the utmost warning possible. The Russian soldiers are making horrific gurgling sounds as blood pours out of their slit throats painfully counting last seconds of their lives. Truly terrible video. Along with the Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs, Dagestan Beheading counts as the worst, the goriest, the most graphic video ever recorded.
According to the video I saw, it was of course, sick. For what they did to the two was unforgiveable. But, think about this... People have different mind sets. This is depending on how they was raised. If their parents, or guardians have noticed their children seeing Hilter vids, or other Nazi componets, then the parent would either punish the child, or side...
My reaction was emotionless, yet thinking. I did have some wierd feelsings in my stomach, but I couldn't let that get to me in this video. If this was my wife getting beheaded, in my opinion, I would seriously get to the bottom of this, even if it does take years. To be honest, I would slaughter every neo-nazi I see, but then again, it's not those other's fault for the actions the two Nazi's took.
I'm sorry to the families and friends of the two whom passed away, but what happened, happened. There was nothing we could do about it. Life is harsh, and life is a warzone. But ask yourself this... How can you stop someone with ones corrutped knowledge, if that has been their life-style for years?
Hi there, Dagestan Beheading is available on this site as No Mercy For Russians. Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs is available on this site as Human Beasts - Murder in a Russian Forest. Enjoy!
It's not true that Stalin was "10 times the killer that Hitler was." Hitler out and out murdered 15 million in just 5 years, and started a war that killed 50 million.
The sum total of Lenin and Stalin's death toll is 2.5 million over 32 years.
to bad skinhead was a subculture with major influences of black music
This needs to happen to ALL non-whites AND White Race traitors!
Wow that was the real Mccoy. I hooked the audio to the stero, I rember those sounds, I rember my step Dad took me to kill some sheep at a young age, I was all right with it. Being A farm boy and all. Those sound, those sound, Its not the killer Garspin for air, I rember asking my Dad 'Whats that sound Dad' Its the bodies windpipe flaping much like A balloon when the air rushes threw the end. The body still trying to breathe with the pipe sieved. I said 'Does it hurt' Only till the nerve at the back of the throat is cut umm maybe a bit when the knife first cuts thats all. How horrible for a sheep to go though all that, Thats just A sheep. A sheeps. those were human men. I feel I have Alredy said to much, But here we go, you will always see blood when you go to bed in shut ur eyes. So much blood comes out of A human, So much blood. WARNING!!! DISTURBING, HORRORFYING AND SHOCKING FOOTAGE!!! WATCH AT UR ONW RISK OF SWEETING! NIGHTMARES! AND SLEEPLES NIGHTS! IF UR NOT HARREND TO SEEING DEATH.
i hate the nazis
thankfully a few months back the russian militia is now sending 1000 men out into the forest to patrol for any sort of neo nazi acts and nazi will be shot on sight and have their bodies burned this act has been kept secret for the mostpart.
oh gosh it's terrible, this scumbags needs to be punished. I feel sorry to poor guy, he was human been not a animal...... Fucking slaves the most savage people in the world. I hope one day America will punish the Russian motherfuckers, by the way I will do the same to a Russian guy even worse. I will cut the head,body, arms, legs to pieces and the end I will suck this fucking Russian neo nazis blood. By the way Hitler was fighting Slaves it's funny how Russians call themselves Neo Nazi.hahaha Poor Slaves.......
I think it's a godsend that hollywood movies have made so many of us desensitized too things like this. That and video games.
If it wasnt for movies like SAW then I might feel worse. To make yourself feel better (oddly) go watch one of the SAW movies.
You wont feel so bad then. Seriously.
There's a worse video though. Search for: Russian soldier decapitation.
It's horrid, but nothing worse than seeing a SAW movie.
Now, i am serious, watch one of the SAW movies, you will not feel so bad then. I swear.
The ending was hilarious POW haha
Nice JOB! 88
if it happens it should be seen but...PLEASE PEOPLE we are all humans!You are all blind by self-serving ideologies
Wow, This was disappointing... I heard that this was the worst video on the internet, didn't bother me at all. Well thats not true, I was annoyed with the pussy Nazi shit, but apart from that... I feel nothing. I did chuckle a bit watching him trying repeatedly to balance the dudes head on his back, the guy is clearly fucking stupid. They probably think they're hot shit because they sawed some guys head off while he was tied up, if they had some balls they would let him fight. $5 says the Nazi pricks would get their asses beaten. Yeah.. I'm a freak... acch well, I'm going to bed now.
Everyone saying this effected me bla bla bla humans are so cruel bla bla it made me feel ill your all just weak assholes i mean you live in a fantasy world shit like this happens on a daily basis i know it sucks and i know in a ideal world this wouldnt happen but this worlds already doomed because of the race that inhabits it, the human one.
We're all gonna die its just whether our life is taken from us from nature or another person with can also be called nature i guess because at the end of the day we're all still animals, we eat we breath we live we love we die thats basically it.
To all you dicks that say this shit is horrible and you cant believe it, believe it. Worse stuff than this goes on and you should just be realistic and try and desensitise yourself from it and get to know the real world.
People, realise that this video was a response to a beheading of Russian boys!! RUSSIAN TEENAGERS LEFT ALIVE WITH NECKS OPEN,NOT QUICK DEATHS AS THESE!!! Watch 1st, and then comment!! http://robert-lindsay.blogspot.com/2008/07/no-mercy-for-russians-six-russian.html
just above all politics: what's the fuss about it all: death's the nice thing, as nice as life or even better!these muslim men should be glad they died swiftly instead of decaying slowly being paralysed and suffering under pains...And the fact this lad performed it so bloodily does not mean he's a monster at all: he's just inexperienced, I bet next time he'll do it in a more civil way lol!///Politics: it's obviously a fake - a Muslim provocation.I guess this two turned out to be more honest than their colleagues and denied to slay Russian children so their nearest decided to get rid of them and shoot a propaganda video about 'innocent immigrants' simultaneously!There's no Russian organisation uses THIS flag, and as to the denomination 'russian national-socialist party' this stuff got extinguished by 1945 here..lol.1488 HEIL MEIN FÜHRER! LOL/////I'M SURE THE MAJORITY OF THOSE COMMENTED VIOLENTLY AGAINS ARE EITHER NIGGERS OR MUSLIMS......////////BUT AFTER ALL IF THIS ALL WERE REAL SOMEONE SHOULD CLEAN THE EARTH OF THE UNDALEUT BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!
I could eat right after this video. It didn't affect me too much. I think that these Nazis are scum, but i think that the Dagestani deserved to die... For every beheading the Chechen resistance does, there should be a beheading of one of their people, preferably a fighter rather than an innocent man. They should behead those "tough guy" Arab guys who order the beheadings, listen to him scream as his jugular gets cut. As I Communist, I hate Nazis, and they are the scourge of the World. They deserve to die, but so do the Chechens who side with Al Qaeda and true terrorists. All you guys that were so deeply affected by the video... Go see the real world. In Iraq, children die every day from "collateral damage". in Palestine, Palestinians are being slaughtered while Hamas simply acts like a stubborn child. In India, kids die from malnutrition every day.
I just had to masturbate to this.
skorjeg1 u stupid cunt u should be having an orgasm over this, this is justice to every prick such as urself who isnt a nazi. Cheers robert for the entertainment keep it coming but go fuck urself for ur non nazi ways.
I love the ppl that think this is sick it gives that extra bit of pleasure to the video.
contact me if u believe in these ways my email is nick_boomy@hotmail.co.uk
I must be fair: I'm NOT going to watch this video. And I don't think that those who claim "not to be affected" are sincere. But still I strongly belive in freedom of speech and I think this horrible document can affect people in positive ways. Just facing the truth people can learn and understand the madness that's behind these facts and these kind of people.
To those who say "long live the nazi movement" I just want to say that you're old, obsolete and rotten. And that you need to read more and better because you're proving to be stupid and illiterate.
"Hi, my name is Valdimir, Vlad for short. I am a Nazi Slav. I embrace an ideology that considers me to be a subhuman lowlife. Makes a lot of sense, eh? My grandfather fought the Nazis at the Battle of Stalingrad. He brags a whole lot about me to his friends. I'd love to talk to you more but I have to go hook up with my gay black KKK buddies. We're all going to get a big 'L' tattooed on our foreheads. I don't know what the 'L' means yet but I'm sure it's something good. Sieg Heil!!!"
Wish Hitler became alive once again to make justice with those brainwashed ignorant neonazis and give the same to them.
This video is a must see for every human. Believe it or not, each of us is capable of doing this.
It's a shame that anyone in the world can do this, but how everyone is reacting just shows that they are ignorant.
This has been happening for years, there might be beheadings once per minute while you're on the internet.
Obviously, these people are just hungry for power and use blunt force to show it, which is cowardly because to gain power you'd have to be a man about it and actually declare war. These guys are just abusing poorly made masks without any logical or rational reason.
All this about someone being different. So immature.
U guys r FUCKIN PUSSIES!! Can't even handle a little blood- I laughed my fuckin AS OFF!!!! ITS FUCKIN AWESOME! U no they were fuckin muslims? (Ya usin all the racially "sensitive" shit in the information)
Well anyway they deserved it and I'm proud of those guys who cut their head off- they did a goood fuckin job! WHITE POWER 14/88!
Anonymous said...
U guys r FUCKIN PUSSIES!! Can't even handle a little blood- I laughed my fuckin AS OFF!!!! ITS FUCKIN AWESOME! U no they were fuckin muslims? (Ya usin all the racially "sensitive" shit in the information)
Well anyway they deserved it and I'm proud of those guys who cut their head off- they did a goood fuckin job! WHITE POWER 14/88!
6/01/2010 06:27:00 PM
^^^^^ WELL SAID ^^^^^^^^^
It's about damn time! White Power, Sieg Heil! 14/88
they deserve to have there chodes sawn off and be made into a human centipede, sick fucks, why does anyone believe its right to do this? its not. Humans are no better than anything else, we are animals, but there are some cunts out there who think they have a right to act like superior assholes
person above who laughed their head off? lets see how much you laugh when i sew your mouth to your mothers hairy arse and make you a human centipede, you sick, pathetic, shit.
To all the left journalists from California, and other rusophobs and christophobs, who will go to hell really, without joke. Such your postings are doing as a hate crime against russians, because you do establish the hate to russians, which you want to make in the public mind like those, who are shown in the video. But this video and other rusophobic informations of the dark producing is one of much desinformations in the informational war against Russia. Why woudn't the liberalists and jewish-communists all the types say the true words of Bzhezinsky about Russia, which has as an orthodox country to be destroyed by the enemy - the USA, the gendarme of the israel?
It makes me sick to look at these videos. I hate neo-nazis and radical muslims, but these two men didnt deserve to die. What these Russian Neo-Nazis dont understand is what Hitler did. Other than killing Jews, he killed Blacks, mentally challenged people, inncocent, harmless, man, women, and children. I know people on here are saying this looks fake, but this is real! The 2 men were muslims that were captured and excuted by these stupid, trend following, inbred russians who thinks its cool to kill innocent people. Yes, I dont like muslims, but this just disturbs the fuck out of. It gave me a headache, and almost made me throw up. I hope the Chechen rebels or the Russian military finds these guys and beheads them! Fuck Islam, fuck neo-nazis, and fuck the third reich!
I am fifteen years old, but these are the casualties of war. I watch this video calmly, even with a morbid pleasure; these men were innocent, but then again so were those killed by Chechen Muslims in 'No mercy for Russians'. I believe anything which proposes to do away with the Jewish lies to weaken national passions and the state in general with the use of Communism and other such matters for the Jewish internationalisation of capital, and the enslavement of all nations with the use of loan interest (loan interest slavery, as said Gottfriend Feder), finance capital, is undoubtedly good. I praise the Russians, but towards the end of the war, the last great racial struggle Joseph Goebells began saying how the Cossack slavic people were a brave agricultural people as they began fighting for National Socialism, and so all your claims about our hatred of them is false...
14/88 from England!
Also I love the song, Arkona - Rus :)
14/88 from England
This Skinheads Comrades, are Martyrs.
Sieg Heil.
Sexy :)
"What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility."
-Adolf Hitler
Personally i feel that these young Russians were in the right, not Russian myself, but as a US citizen i see filthy mongrels stealing the country away from the whites and it makes me sick. Our Culture and Beliefs are being bastardized by niggers, spics, gooks and race traitors.... The whites who allow this destruction are the biggest enemies of all, they have betrayed us all and should meet the same fate.
250 million Caucasians died in the world wars.. These wars were a mass genocide on the white race. Everything else is a cover up.
If those 250 million whites had lived the world would be white by now.
The amount of non white casualties in the world wars does not even compare.
6 million jews is nothing to 250 million whites...
Look past what is directly in your face you stupid fucks.
Fucking disgusting!! No one deserves that, fucking dirty nazi cunts!
Us National Socialists have a great ideology and a common bond. These are our Comrades.
Splashgame approves
I am now slightly uneasy but so many people are far too impressionable, if you can watch any of the saw films and not get day long nausea you can watch that. Are people really that naive to what brutal killing looks like? get a grip
and I think robert lindsay is probably a bit of a racist too
Guys, I'm Russian and the German Nazi and the Russian Nazi are quite the same thing only towards anyone who's degrading culture in their opinion, it sucks they have to go to such extremes and cut people's heads off to explain that the host is tired of their guests. I'm in no way supporting their solution to this problem. Just trying to make things clear.
Imagine you have an uninvited guest smashing your values and acting like a master at your house. What would you do?
i watch this video and i am relieved the damn muslim peices of shit get their fucking heads cut off.
Fuck off peices of shit
... how can anyone do this sort of shit to the human race. we need peace in the world. not war and not fucking this shit. fuuilhgawuilafg. fucking hell!!!!!!. nazi fucking scum bags... this sort of shit is absolutely unforgivable... im no saint... ive robbed houses and i regret doing that shit so much but this is just plain fucked up. sort your fucking shit out russia and cheechnya. fucking freaks.
oh i forgot. god will deal with your fucked up sorry asses in due course. eternity in damnation much? cunts
all adherents of national socialism, i am gathering support for a new movement set to make its first public demonstration late next month. Add jackbyrne666@live.co.uk and nick_boomy@hotmail.co.uk on Windows Live Messenger or email them for information. Also looking for volunteers to fight in our monitor troop detachments.
FUCK YA! they got wat was comin! I laughed so hard! U ppl who oppose r beliefs! U r the weakest of our bunch! U do not deserve 2 b in the white Aryan race! We fight 4 our lives and families while u just sit! We r men of action and u- my dumb ass sirs r PUSSIES!
Let me ask u this question... if there was the last of a dying race of animel and some1 was trying 2 kill this important animal wood u kill them? well it's the same thing with the Aryan race. We r dying while u sit! WE muast have takin action :D btw BA MUSIC! I posted earlier the 1 that got double posted (thanx 4 lovin my work ya'll!
SIEG HEIL! 14/88
Sieg Heil...Sieg Heil...Sieg Heil...HEIL HITLER!!!
Hail Russia
Hail Spain
long live to Europe
Support from South America!!!
The white people rules!!!
...La lucha racial exige grandes sacrificios. Nuestra guerra no es de hoy, es desde siempre...
Arriba España
So very very fake.
Now that was awesome. GUUARRAUUUGH.
"This is fake"
"Why the fuck would you film this"
This video is not fake. Prior to this video's shooting, a leading member of the Russian Nationalist organization was jailed. The video was submitted to authorities with the demand of his release.
This video is not shocking, but don't worry if you're queezy: You're just no soldier.
On the state of humanity:
This was not done to the chaps because they were darker skinned. It's because their people are invading Russia. Honestly, anyone who does not support their nation deserves some sort of punishment. Extradition is preferable. You see, murder is against the law. Effective? Yes. Legal? No.
On Nazis:
Some of you claim they shouldn't try fear tactics. The goal of this video was to create worry, fear, and regret among immigrants. Accomplished.
On Nazis:
On a side note: I giggled when he tried positioning the head. He couldn't get it to quite pose right.
You are the worst type of people, the number of Aryans hasn't decreased you idiots, the number of other Ethnics has grown. You aren't a dying breed, so get your head out of your @$$. Count how many Aryans there were in the world last century, compare to now. You will find that you are multiplying at a slower rate than others. Just stick to your own and stop killing innocent people to make yourself feel better. Saying your a perfect race and than doing barbaric garbage like this is counterproductive to your claim. Real perfection comes from being more dignified and worthy of praise. This is the most inferior display of humanity I have ever seen. FYI --- THE NAZIs LOST THE WAR. GO play follow the leader.
Bahh, Ive seen worse..pfft...
I couldn't care less if this actually happened or not >.>
come on...
just play 1 game of Gears of War 2 and uve seen worse...
They should have had hired some Chechens to do the job. They are much more apt to do the things like that as they hardly see the difference between the people or the sheep.
mass_jensen said...
Fuck this Site is the biggest Bullshit. Why...
Fuck you guy ..Why???? The people must see the real life as it is. THAT'S WHY.
I find it good that the Russians are killing the blacks, hell look what they've done over in America. They've psychologically messed with us, meaning no matter which negro it is, you could be a murderer, a brute, or something criminal. They siphon our tax dollars with welfare, when they can't get their fat negro asses off of their couch. Same thing with Mexicans, but at least they work jobs that may not make enough money. I support these Russians.
What’s most shocking, beside the footage of course, is the indifferent tone of voice of many of the comments posted here.
Indifference is definitely NOT what the world needs and power is a malicious thing when given to the wrong people.
Fear on the other side is a very powerful weapon, it’s able to paralyse a whole nation.
A lot of people comment on the Nazi flag. What can I say?
It’s easy to use the swastika symbol. It’s very clear what it stands for since WWII: racism & hatred. Sad actually, because swastika means ‘well-being’.
Alas, the swastika idolatry! I wonder what these people think of Hinduism and Buddhism?
Religion is the opium of the people. (K. Marx)
So most of us rather ‘adapt & blend in’ than to stand apart from the crowd.
You don’t agree?
Mmm. What about ‘White Male System’?
That’s the system the western world lives in and it’s adapted by everyone who is not white nor male. So, all white (heterosexual) males may feel very lucky for this system was designed for you (& by your white male ancestors of course).
Well. Well. Well.
There is so much good in the world but we people always tend to get it wrong.
We should ‘reboot’ human mankind if we want the future to be prosperous. If we want to have any future at all, that is.
Back to the indifference.
Could it be a generation Y related thing?
The Playstation generation. This must be one of the reasons why more teens and young adults do not seem to be sensitive any more to this kind of footage. They've seen it all, played it all... But did they live it? Reminds me of the serie 'Generation Kill'.
I’d prefer not having seen the 2 videos. I watched them 2 days ago and it has been on my mind since. It was my first confrontation with this kind of footage and obviously wasn’t quiet prepared for the ‘aftershock’.
It’s very cruel and barbarian. I turned the sound off and looked away quiet often, thinking: this is what people are capable of doing to each other when it comes to a clash of ideologies.
The actions of today will define our tomorrow.
Think about that.
What brutes the Russians can be, truth be told it isn't worth the hype, I never expected death to be... so clean, how very much films and games miss-lead us to believe death is so gruesome, that said, it is not a pleasant thing by far.
This is why we have soliders in the middle east. Monsters like these, must be rooted out and destroyed. AS I watched I was filled with righteous rage.
I truly find this video disturbing. I watched it a while back and it's stayed with me ever since. I can't understand why anyone would hate someone this much just because of the colour of their skin to carry out such a horrific act.
I couldn't bring myself to watch this again but decided to comment.
I couldn't do this to my worst enemy and I can only hope the people who carried this out one day realise the scale of the atrocity they have committed and it haunts them for the rest of their days.
Too bad nothing like this has happened on a world wide basis after this. I was actually eating while watching this, and was even a good meal. It is good to know there are 2 less mud bloods in the world, knowing this I will sleep tight tonight.
In my opinion everybody who says "I couldn't care less" or "doesn't bother me" should first of all think about what they write befor leaving that sort of comment - I mean: WTF?! Doesn't bother you seeing somebody getting deheaded really brutal? What's wrong with you guys?
I didn't even seen this video, just read the description and that's enough for me - I don't have to kill half of my soul seeing some nazi-bastards killing two innocent persons...I hope the killers get caught and executed - I hope they'll feeling as horrible as the persons they killed!! Burn motherfucker, burn!!
I read about reactions to this and curiosity overcame me. I started the video, then changed my mind, covering the screen with my hand, but then removed it and watched.
Reaction? A little faster heartrate, but apart from that, no biggie. I need to get some Teddy Grahams to eat now.
If you want to watch this vid, first condition yourself by looking at Fou Tchou Li and lingchi photos.
The video is no big deal to watch, but that doesn't reflect on my feelings about the murderers.
If you are disturbed by lingchi, don't watch this video.
See y'all!
WTF?! how was he breathing and half of his head was gone?! that was pretty gruesome though....
These videos should be shown in public so that people know exactly what is going on and finally stand up to these animals. It's far too easy to brush off the fact that people are being butchered in Rwanda/Bosnia if you only hear about it. Add this wannabe-nazi movement in Russia made up of idiots who are too stupid to understand their own history to the list. Don't forget the genocide in Darfur or the crackdown by the regime in Iran. You can go back to your sugarcoated life if you want, but these things are a reality to others in this world. These men were murdered in cold blood for being born their own ethnicity and simply trying to make a living to survive. Don't dishonor them by pretending it didn't happen and crying because you feel sorry you "had to" (read chose to click on the video) witness it.
sadly, the ills of this world are largely due to the male of the species (not that there aren't some gems of men out there).
watch this video and tell me there is a god. I will bitchslap you.
I think a bit more hospitalizations than one have occured, if not for physical reasons, then for psychiatric reasons. This kind of shit has a very averse effect on the weak of mind.
Then again, internet is internet, I love my freedom well enough to understand why this publication should be allowed as well.
is this real? this is just like a scene of some horror movie. because it reminds me of one, im not like freaking out. i mean its gross either way. i just though to myself "this is not real...this is not real..." throughout the head cutting. if this is not fake those ppl r disturbing and i hope those dead people rest in peace.
O_O are you some kind of mad man?
you say you will kill any nazi but wouldnt that make you any better then the nazi? Please reconsider what you are saying, you will only add on to the cycle of pain & suffering then you will most likely be targeted by someone else. Im sorry if i am out of line, but i dont like killing, good reason or not you should never shed blood of any human being, there are other solutions my friend.
sincerely Anon.
I say kill Nazis on sight! But then, I am a Leftist, and we think fascists should be killed too. You don't make alliance with fascists. You kill fascists.
Very good video. Life is going better what more you kill! Great work! Destroy jewish.
nice one. kill all non whites. white race must survive. no to jewropean union.
You fucks why the fuck would you do this grow the fuck up !
brrr...fucking russian nazi
fucc diz video i say we all gt together n kill us some fuccng nazi so we cn show those faggot mudafukaz how it feels like to be helpless
Do you know that german nazi decapitated fucking russian??
The sad thing is that it is most likely the decapitated victim was alive and fully aware through much of the process. The noises were also likely to be from his lungs or mouth/throat area. The spinal cord was one of the last parts to go. That means the the lungs, heart, and most of his body would probably have still been under his control until towards the very end of the video.
You can't dismiss this as simply an act of war. Even in war people typically have some limits. This is the extremely slow and torturous execution of an entirely subdued victim.
Why am I turned on by this?
Nice way of thinking!
I'm curious - why the author never mentioned the extermination of the Russian population of Caucasus and Middle Asia? Thousands of Russians died and hundreds of thousands left their homes - is this not a Nazism? Why the author doesn't talk about Nazi governments in Ukraine and Baltic states? Probably because it is not very important in comparison with death of two tajik assholes.
I thought I was unshockible. But that Video disturbed and angered me in ways I did not know was possible outside my hatred for our U.S political system. And people want to cry about criminals murderers who get the death penalty. kill all murderers. Let the killers be killed.
Fuck Nazzis, FUCK Russian mother fuckin Posers.... i say... KILL EM ALLLLL.. if i see a racist beating or anything like that.. watch i will be doing the head cutting on those racist fucks
horrible, maybe you will learn the fate of your outcome in the next world war. And you will loose, . again. My hearts out to those poor guys, who probably were just ordinary people looking to live a happy life. :(
there is no excuse for murder other than self defence ..
It's a brutal world and we are still animals
If mankind could master a conscience
and social awarenness
then we wouldn't and needn't be killing each other
people are gullible weak cowards and above all uneducated
like those henchmen ...fed with lies and driven with an idea of a an arian race
wake up
I´m glad I watched this. Now I know what nazi scum is capable off. I hope one day a Chechen will do the same to hem....
this didnt shock me at all
its a bit grose
but i seen worse
i dont know what all the fuzz about
Its been about three minutes sense I watched this vividly shocking act of violence agents two human beings and I can barely write what I am writing as I feel like I am still going to regurgitate everything I have eaten for a week. This was a mentally scaring scene that I will never forget for as long as live. How quick we all are to judge and strike out against others. Acceptance seems like such a hard thing to grasps and do by so many, so very many :-( Good luck to us all
WTF they arent even nazis
WAt a bunch of retards
I can jack off to this. :)
I see those morons speak of preserving traditions and ethnic purity of Russia and yet they defile the memory of 25 million of their countryman who lost their life in WW2 by embracing nazi ideology ? They are epic failures both to their own people and Slavic bloodline.I live for the day when we get rid world of that kind of shit.
To tell the truth, It felt like an over video whilst watching it. I was a little disturbed, but I've seen so much gore in movies that wasn't the problem. EXcept, my reaction is the same as any decent human being. Completely repulsed. It's worse when you've finished watching the video, because then all you think about is what happened, and that's almost more disconcerting that watching the video again. I live in Russia, I'm foreign, but "white" in their books. I might get scared, let's see. Let's pray for these people's defeat. take care all/.
These Fucking neo-nazis are stupid and inhuman as hell. The Nazis which killed 20 million Russians and used their women as whores are now repeating the same rhythms which the Nazis did while gang banging their mothers.
Muslims suck, good riddance to the 2 animals. To all you liberals out there go suck some black cock.
they need to do this more often take out a few niggers
This video was awesome :D
fuck you neonazis... if I could get my hands on you, I would kill you in worse manners
Fucken lousy camera angles. Can't they even shoot a decent video???
Get it in perspective: Stalin, Lenin, Mao and other commie retards butchered over 100 million people -- mostly their own kind. The Nazis were responsible for at most 5% of that.
Vent away to skull_magik@yahoo.com
If u think it's a bad thing or, thn watch this video what happens with russian people in Caucasus.
Same thing, same death. And it never ends!
The song was cool, but the video is missing a laugh track. I think some Three Stooges sound effects, and a little 'Nyuk,nyuk,nyuk' would have worked really well there.
It's instances like these that intensify my misanthropic tendencies...
I hate the human race.
This is truly awesome. Finally, some Aryan men with the balls to take ACTION against the bastards overrunning our lands. This should send a clear message: Motherland Rus' will not allow foreign, non-White scum to destroy its culture and commit genocide against it's people - and I'm from Vinland! Hail Robert Matthews, Hail Hitler, Hail VICTORY!!!
this video is so fucked up, why the hell would anyone ever do this shit ? they deserve to fucking die !
WUTEVAR, your reaction sounds like that of a sociopath... no offense.
watch the vanguard episode about the russian neo nazi movement its got the full explanation as to why this video happend and etc
Being a Marine force recon veteran of 15years, served in somolia, rawanda, albania, bosnia, afgan and Iraq, i gotta tell ya, I cant wait till we are done with our current wars, because I'm gonna be the first in line to volunteer to go after these sick fucks. Fuckin' animals, thats all they are, animals. These are guys that were abused by they're mothers and fathers. I have never met a neo nazi that had any balls anyway. Anytime u c them fight, like pussys, youn never c them fight 1 on 1, always the one u c them go after are the defensless, never ones that can stand up and fight. fuckin pussys, all you neo nazis can blow me and ill let you taste ur mom!
This is just in-humane..
I'm a NAZI Not a faggy Neo-Nazi and even I Know this is just terrible.
Hitler was right about the russians.
This is sick. A REAL Nazi not some Neo scum should execute those guys and make them suffer and die a slow, painful, bloody death..
Is it more horrible than the "message" America send once to Hiroshima?
Is it worse than murdering unarmed terrorist without the trial?
This list of questions could be a mile long ...
They are sick that's for sure ...
But only just them?
Im 13 a girl this shit was horrifiley
Can't understand all the fuss about this video. It s not THAT disturbing
cette décapitation est en réponse a la vidéo de décapitation de 6 jeune soldat russe dans leDagestan by Chechen Mujahideen. Cette vidéo est la pire décapitation jamais filmé. Les 6 soldats sont décapités comme des animaux un par un, avec des gros plan, horrible. Je cautionne aucun partie mais chaque camp a ses tort
Saisissez du texte, l'adresse d'un site Web ou importez un document à traduire.
This is in response beheading video beheading of 6 young Russian soldier in Dagestan by Chechen Mujahideen.
This video is the worst ever filmed beheading. The six soldiers are beheaded like animals one by one, with close-up, horrible.
I endorse any party, but each camp has its wrong
I cant understand all the "If I could find you I'd kill you" comments. Something I'm pretty sure we all were taught as children... Two wrongs don't make a right. The thing is, hate breeds hate. So many people today think the way to solve things is by killing people. I'm sorry but that's bullshit. Hating these men and wanting to kill them means you're no better than them. You're basically hating them for hating someone else. Can you not see how asinine that is?
I'm not condoning the actions of these men. What happened was tragic and the men responsible are sick and twisted. They obviously still carry that "I'll show you" attitude from childhood. But it isn't for any of us to decide how they should be punished. In the end everybody gets what they deserve... karma's a bitch, you know.
The whole reason this happened is because of a documentary called From Russia With Hate, they filmed one of their neo nazi leaders saying he loves beating up blacks and does it a lot, and two weeks later he was in jail and in august this video shows up.
Nazis kill immagrants because
They tok der jubs!
Hey everyone YesterdaY these assholes were sentenced in court they are in fact Russian and NOT German like they thought. The ring leader got life in prison and 7 got 23 years , they laughed as they got sentenced the one man was said to be a "Danger to Russian society" here is a link to the pics and article enjoy!
'Evil' Russian neo-Nazi gang convicted of 27 murders
Any questions here is my email :kwaione2@aol.com
(Sent from Flipboard)
'Evil' Russian neo-Nazi gang convicted of 27 murders
Wow, thats so coool, all hail to the russian comrads, white, aryan slavic borthers. 14/88 kill the jews, gypsys, niggers, muslims, fuck yeah.:D
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