Friday, October 29, 2010

Idiota Pula de um Edifício e Sai Andando

I am looking for translators to translate this post into Norwegian, German, Bulgarian and Korean. Email me if you are interested.

This is the Portuguese translation of the
Idiot Jumps off Building and Walks Away post.

Spanish translation (en Español). French translation (en Français). Tagalog translation (isinalin sa Tagalog). Dutch translation (in het Nederlands).

Este video é verdadeiramente maluco. Só o achei num site de videos
dinamarquês, e todo o texto e os comentários são em dinamarquês. Por isso foi difícil achar informações sobre o video. Suponho que o acontecimento teve lugar na Dinamarca.

Um adolescente pula de um edifício, parece cair no pavimento em baixo, fica com a cabeça sangrenta, e depois se levanta e sai andando com um ar aturdido. Não podemos dizer se está machucado ou não.

Tenho um palpite que o video é uma falsificação, mas foi feito de maneira tão simples por alguns meninos enquanto o outro menino pulou do edifício que não concebo como puderam falsificar o video. Uma falsificação precisa de produção cinemática. Por outro lado, não entendo como o menino pôde sobreviver à queda, muito menos sair andando.

Não entendo este video de jeito nenhum.

Mulher Recebe Choque Elétrica na China

This is the Portuguese translation of the Woman Shocked by Electricity in China video.

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

Korean translation (한국). Polish translation (w języku polskim). Spanish translation (en Espanol). French translation (en Français).

Este video é muito estranho. Parece que foi feito na China há pouco, mas não sei em qual cidade, e não tenho a data exata. A mulher qüinquagenária é desequilibrada e contrariada por algo, e talvez suicida.

De uma maneira ou outra, ela conseguiu trepar um poste de alta tensão no meio de uma rua movimentada numa grande cidade chinesa. É incrível o volume de trânsito e a quantidade de gente na rua em baixo. Parece Nova Iorque, mas quando você percebe que há cidades como essa na China inteira, você começa a entender o que significa superpopulação.

De toda maneira, ela está aí em cima em plena luz do dia, causando um espetáculo e dificultando o trânsito. Por qualquer razão, ela estende o braço e toca a linha de alta tensão e recebe um tremendo choque elétrico. Você pode ver a corrente passar pela mão, pelo braço, e depois atingir a cabeça. Ela parece pegar fogo por um momento, mas o fogo se apaga.

Pouco depois, enquanto o pessoal de resgate está trepando o poste para salvá-la, ela burramente toca a linha de novo e recebe outro choque.

Curiosamente, ela não parece ter sofrido muitos danos dos choques e ainda está vivíssima, embora tenha uma queimadura feia na mão. Por fim, ela é resgatada, e dizem que ela saiu do episódio com feridas leves.

Não se sabe bem porque ela saiu quase ilesa enquanto "o cara no trem na Índia" foi frito como um ovo numa frigideira.

Parece que ela não estava ligada à terra o suficiente para matar-se. É preciso uma linha direta do lugar do impacto da voltagem até o chão para que a eletricidade possa ter um efeito destrutivo ou mortífero. De uma maneira ou outra, ela interrompeu a trajetória da corrente, e por isso sofreu poucos danos. Não entendo bem a ligação à terra, mas é algo essencial na engenharia elétrica.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Man Commits Suicide in Police Station

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German, Polish, Bulgarian and Tagalog. Email me if you are interested.

Spanish translation (en Español).

This is quite a video!

The video shows police who have a man in custody in a police station. The man looks Hispanic. He is not handcuffed. He has a slumped, "I don't give a damn" look as he slouches in his chair. The police are moving in and out of the room, saying a few things here and there. The man says nothing.

An officer brings him a cup of coffee and a bottle of water, and then leaves the room. The man removes the cap from the bottle of water and takes two quick gulps. He puts the bottle down and leans his head back against the wall.

Then he reaches into his pants, pulls out a large .45 caliber handgun and shoots himself in the forehead! He slumps over and blood begins pouring out of his head. The cops hear the shot and run to the scene. "Oh fuck!" says one cop.

The incident happened in late December 2004 in San Bernardino County, Southern California, USA. The man who committed suicide was a Guatemalan illegal immigrant named Ricardo Alfonso Cerna, 47, of San Bernardino. Earlier, a San Bernardino County sheriff's deputy named Mike Parnham, 31, had encountered Cerna at the intersection of California and Adams streets in Muscoy, northwest of San Bernardino.

Parnham had tried to pull Cerna's white Nissan over. Cerna refused to pull over, and a 1-minute chase ensued that ended when Cerna jumped a curb and came to a stop. Cerna then leaped out of the car with a gun, shooting at Parnham's patrol car. He hit the windshield, then the hood and kept firing as he ran past Cerna on the driver's side of the vehicle.

Parnham was hit two times, once in his bulletproof vest and once in the abdomen. The shot to the abdomen seriously injured him and left him in critical but stable condition at a local hospital. Cerna ran into a local yard where police found him, ordered him to the ground and handcuffed him.

For some reason, possibly due to three different agencies being involved, no one searched him, and he took the gun with himself to the police station, where he used it to commit suicide.

Girl Throws Live Puppies into a River

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

This video appeared suddenly on the Internet about a month ago, on August 30, 2010. It was uploaded to Youtube by the girl's brother, intended to be a humorous video.

The sight of a teenage girl gleefully throwing live puppies into a swift river to their certain death quickly outraged an army of viewers, and the video was removed. The brother then uploaded another video of himself apologizing for the video. Before the video was removed, it was copied, and it soon appeared on shock video sites.

The video shows a young blond haired girl who we later learn is a 19 year old girl. She is standing by a swift moving river in a forest. She has gloves on and has a white bucket beside her. She reaches down into the bucket and picks up a newborn puppy.

Then she throws it into the fast moving river. She reaches in again and again until she has thrown about six puppies into the river. All of the puppies appear to be alive as she is throwing them. When she throws one puppy, she says, "Whee!" and laughs. In the video, she is speaking a foreign language.

The video caused widespread outrage when it appeared on shock sites. Viewers quickly learned the details of the video. The action took place in Bugojno, Bosnia.

The story was that a wild dog had given birth to the puppies in the backyard of the girl's grandmother. The dog was known to be very sick with parasites. The puppies also had parasites from the mother, so the grandmother told the girl to get rid of the puppies by throwing them in the river to prevent the spread of diseases.

On September 4, 2010, the girl was identified as Katja Puschnik. Bosnian police investigated the incident, but declined to charge Katja due to her age. Animal cruelty carries a fine of up to $5,000 Euros.

Katja is actually from Germany. She hails from Aying, Germany, where she is a student. It's not known what she was doing in Bosnia, possibly she was visiting her grandmother in Bugojno. She speaks Serbo-Croatian in the video. She's apparently a Bosnian native who is going to school in Germany.

Killing puppies by throwing them in a big river is a time-honored way of killing unwanted newborn dogs in many parts of the world, and was the preferred method in rural areas of the US and Canada up until about 40 years ago.

Veterinarians and pounds are in short supply in much of the world, and vets usually charge a good fee, say $50 or so, for each animal they kill. A lot of people just say forget it and kill the animals themselves. To this day, on US farms, unwanted puppies and kittens are killed by putting them in a locked box and lowering the box into a farm pond. Death is swift.

Cow Loses Face in Train Crash

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German, Estonian and Bulgarian. Email me if you are interested.

Spanish translation (en Español).

This video is pretty crazy! A cow was injured in a train crash somewhere, possibly in India. The cow survived being hit by the crashing train, but it got its face ripped off the by the train! Though the video quality is poor, the cow's face has apparently been torn right off. Yet somehow, the cow is still alive and standing in a field. People are freaking out and filming this weird death-defying cow.

Towards the end, the video shifts to the side of the train tracks where people are laying wreaths. Apparently people have been killed by the train crash, probably passengers on the train. The crash probably occurred a short while before, possibly a few days before. This cow has managed to survive for probably at least three days with its face torn off. How?

Man Commits Suicide at Hoover Dam

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

Tagalog translation here (isinalin sa Tagalog).

This video is seriously crazy! Some people are videotaping the huge concrete dam at Hoover Dam on the Colorado River in Nevada, USA. Suddenly, an lunatic, apparently a young man, commits suicide by throwing himself over the guardrails and down the concrete face of the dam.

It's a long way to the bottom of Hoover Dam from the roadway on top - 726 feet. The fall down the concrete is so rough and brutal that it apparently rips the top of the young man's head off! We can see what appears to be the top of the head fall off and then roll separately down the side of the dam. Afterward, the guy appears to be missing the top of his head. The fall down the dam basically scalped him!

People are screaming and yelling as he falls. Surely this suicide must have been successful; he was clearly killed by the fall down the face of the dam.

Menselijke Beesten: Bloedbad in een Russisch Bos

Persons under the age of 18 may NOT view this video! Parents, invest in a blocking program if you don't want your kids to see this stuff. Serious reactions, including fainting and seizures, have occurred from watching this video (see below). Watch at your own risk!

This is the Dutch translation of
Human Beasts: Massacre in a Russian Forest.

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Estonian, Lithuanian, Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian, Czech, Bulgarian, Turkish, Maltese, Arabic, Telegu, Thai, Indonesian and Tagalog. Email me if you are interested.

This post has been translated to other languages. Italian translation here (traduzione in Italiano). French translation here (en Français). Spanish translation here (en Espanol). Polish translation here (w języku polskim). Hungarian translation here (Magyar). Portuguese translation here (em Português). Norwegian translation here (på norsk).

Serious reactions have been reported, including fainting and seizures. One person had a seizure after watching the video. They probably already had epilepsy. Serious reactions are potentially harmful. Fainting and seizures can result in injury or worse. If you think you are going to have a serious reaction, do not watch this video.

If you think you are going to have a bad reaction, please think twice about whether you really want to watch this video.

Deze video is voor het eerst op 3 december 2008 eventjes op verschenen, waarschijnlijk door een lek, maar werd daarna snel weggehaald. Na 4 december is hij weer te zien.

De meeste informatie over dit geval op het internet is in het Russisch, maar er is ook een beetje in 't Engels. Drie jonge Russen uit Dnepropetrovskwent in de Oekraïne, alle drie 19, zijn een maandlang moordend rondgetrokken in de zomer van 2007.

De drie, Igor Suprunyuck, Viktor Sayenko en Alexander Hanzha, staan bekend als de dollemannen van Dnepropetrovsky. Als oefening begonnen ze met het doden van katten en honden, zoals psychopaten vaak doen, maar toen schakelden ze over op mensen. Ze maakten katjes dood door ze aan een kruis te nagelen en daarna te beschieten. Ze plakten de monden van de katjes dicht om hun gekrijs te dempen. Een van de woestelingen scheen een Russische neo-nazi te zijn. Hij had neo-nazi lectuur in z'n kamer en op z'n mobieltje.

In een maand tijd vermoordden ze 21 mensen, jong en oud, mannen en vrouwen, kinderen en volwassenen. Ze achtervolgden de slachtoffers of boden hun een lift aan terwijl ze op straat liepen. Ze gingen niet selectief te werk, maar kozen gewoon mensen die waarschijnlijk niet konden terugvechten. Ze kwamen allemaal uit welgestelde families.

Ze vermoordden een zwangere vrouw, sneden haar reeds dode fetus eruit, en legden die bij het huis van de moeder van de vermoordde vrouw. Ze vermoordden ook een 14-jarige jongen die ging vissen met een vriend. (De vriend wist te ontkomen).

Een keer maakten die idioten een film van de brute moord op een man. Het was een 48-jarige man die pas van keelkanker genezen was en weer leerde te praten, een vader en grootvader, een getrouwde man met 2 kinderen en een kleinkind, die voor z'n zieke moeder zorgde en mensen in z'n dorp hielp, een goede man.

Hij woonde in het dorp Taromskoye. Hij verveelde zich omdat hij niet kon werken en hield zich daarom bezig door klusjes en karweitjes voor z'n dorpsgenoten op te knappen. Hij deed wat bouwwerk, repareerde auto's, weefde manden en kookte voor z'n familie.

Op de dag van z'n moord, 12 juli 2007, ging hij op een motor van huis om z'n kleinzoon te bezoeken, maar hij kwam nooit aan. Ik zal uit respect z'n naam niet noemen, maar door te zoeken kun je die vinden.

Hij werd met een hamer en schroevensleutel gedood, lang gemarteld en ten slotte afgemaakt. Hij lag een poos in doodsstrijd terwijl ze hem langzaam vermoordden.

Ze lachten en vermaakten zich tijdens de moord, hadden veel plezier. Een van de moordenaars had een videocamera en nam het hele gruwelijke voorval op.

Nadat het voorbij was, wasten ze het bloed van hun handen met rioolwater. Ze verfilmden twee van de moorden als aandenken voor hun oude dag

Hoewel die video hoe dan ook op het internet uitlekte, werd ook een andere video tijdens het proces vertoond, die de moordenaars ook gemaakt hadden. Daarop is de opengereten zwangere vrouw te zien. Gelukkig is die niet op het internet uitgelekt. Er is nog een video van 40 minuten, maar die is niet vrijgegeven en de inhoud ervan is niet bekend.

Het derde lid van het trio, Hanzha, nam slechts deel aan gewapende
roofovervallen in het begin en weigerde aan het doden van dieren mee te doen uit vrees voor bloed, dus kreeg hij angst en verliet de groep. Sayenko en Suprunyuck begonnen toen met hun serie moorden. Ze woonden ook de begrafenissen van hun slachtoffers bij en maakten daar foto's.

Rechercheurs moesten naar de begrafenissen van moordslachtoffers gaan. Dan zouden ze heel wat moordenaars kunnen vangen.

Op een gegeven ogenblik werden ze gearresteerd. De video werd in beslag genomen en in het proces gebruikt als bewijs tegen de drie. Op 11 februari 2009 kreeg Hanzha 9 jaar en Sayenko en Suprunyuck kregen allebei levenslang. Op een recente foto uit de gevangenis zijn de drie mannen te zien. Een van hen ziet er als een monster uit. Wat een angstwekkende vent.

Kijk hier naar een video van het proces.

Het is een video van hun proces die door de Oekraïense TV uitgezonden is. Je kunt foto's van de drie tijdens het proces zien, plus foto's die ze gemaakt en verzameld hebben.

Er zijn foto's van honden die ze doodgemaakt hebben, ook één van een
opgehangen hond. Er zijn foto's van hen bij de begrafenissen en naast de graven van hun slachtoffers.

Ze zijn vaak te zien terwijl ze hun slachtoffers de vinger geven. Ze sluipen een kamer binnen waar het lijk van een slachtoffer ligt en dan geven ze het lijk de vinger. Ze geven de vinger aan een met bloemen bedekte grafsteen. Ze maken een foto van een lijk in een kist die in het graf neergelaten wordt en geven de kist dan de vinger.

Wat een gekken! Lieve Heer, die kerels waren echt verdorven.

Die debielen waren zo dom dat ze niet eens hun gezichten bedekten in de video van de moord. Dommer kan het niet! Ondanks het documentair bewijs van hun schuld, weigeren de ouders van de beklaagden te geloven dat hun kinderen moordenaars zijn en zeggen ze dat de bekentenissen afgedwongen zijn.

Hier is een vertaling van de gesprekken in het Oekraïens in de video:
"Wacht even, wacht even. Wees niet zo slordig, verrek!" Betekent waarschijnlijk: wees voorzichtig met al dat bloed.


"Wacht even, wacht even, wacht even, sla hem niet, sla hem niet. Kijk naar hem." De rest van de zin is onduidelijk, maar hij zegt waarschijnlijk dat de andere vent voor bloed moet oppassen terwijl hij probeert een close-up te krijgen.

Het geluid erna is ook onduidelijk.

Na het steken met de schroevendraaier.

"Wat? Met wat?" antwoordt de cameraman aan de jongen die het slachtoffer steekt.

"Wat, leeft hij nog?" vraagt de vent die het slachtoffer steekt.

"Hij beweegt z'n armen nog nadat ik z'n darmen heb doorgestoken," zegt de cameraman gedempt.

"Hij heeft een rotdag" zegt de stekende vent nadat hij op z'n buik getrapt heeft.

Meer gedempt gepraat terwijl hij hem met de schroevendraaier in het oog begint te steken.

"Kom snel hierheen. Maak hem nu dood."

"Wat?" vraagt de steker

"Maak hem nu af."

"Ik heb de hamer al teruggelegd. Hij is al dood."

"Ik heb z'n oog uitgestoken en hij is nog steeds niet dood." zegt de

"Pak het mes," zegt de cameraman verder.

*Begint hem te ranselen, houdt dan op en zegt iets onduidelijks.*

"Meer, meer". De cameraman zegt tegen de andere vent dat hij hem moet blijven ranselen totdat hij doodgaat.

"Wacht even, wacht even."

*Ze beginnen naar de auto terug te lopen.*

Meer gedempt gepraat van de blonde moordenaar.

"Was je handen," zegt de cameraman en beveelt de andere de hamer met een wasmiddel te besproeien.

"Ik hou het vast."

*Gedempt gepraat van de vent die de hamer wast.*

*Meer gedempt gepraat van de vent die z'n gezicht wast en van de auto terugloopt.*

"Ik heb de schroevendraaier in z'n hersens gestoken." zegt de cameraman.

*Gedempt gepraat van de vent die z'n handen wast.*

"Ik raakte z'n neus door z'n oog," of zoiets.

"Ik begrijp niet hoe hij nog leefde? Ik voelde z'n brein," zegt de cameraman.

"Ik hield de schroevendraaier zo beet *onduidelijk*"

Voordat de video eindigt, zegt de blonde vent: "Mooi, laten we een foto maken."
In Italië was er onangs een soortgelijk geval. Vier jonge mannen vielen een 44-jarige dakloze aan, Andrea Severi, en staken hem in brand. Hij had brandwonden aan de helft van z'n lichaam, maar overleefde het. Hij ligt nu in een ernstige toestand in een ziekenhuis in Padova.

Het waren 18-jarige, Mussolini-achtige Italiaanse fascisten uit goede gezinnen. Gewoon vier rijke jongens die zich verveelden en niets anders te doen hadden dan een dakloze voor de lol in brand te steken.

Enkele dagen geleden werden ze veroordeeld. Het verhaal is overal in de Italiaanse media en op linkse anti-fascistische websites, maar alles is in het Italiaans.

Dat soort fascisme is nog steeds populair in Italië, het neo-nazisme wat minder.

Er is een misvatting over het Mussolinisme voorzover het niet als racistisch of anti-Semitisch beschouwd wordt, maar m'n Italiaanse vrienden vertellen me dat fascisten fascisten zijn. Ze zeggen dat Mussolini een racist, een anti-Semiet en anti-Slavisch was. Hij onderdrukte ook iedereen die niet de standaardtaal sprak. Dat "onder hem kwamen de treinen op tijd aan" moet in twijfel getrokken worden.

In Noord-Italië zijn de fascisten heel populair, maar het ant-Semitisme schijnt geweken te zijn. 2008 is niet de jaren 30. Daar zijn ze in hoofdzaak anti-Slavisch. Het belangrijke is de haat, de fascistische haat. Dat hebben alle fascisten in zich. Fascistische vaders brengen die haat aan hun zoons bij en koesteren het als een jonge plant.

Het Italiaanse fascisme begon als sociaal nationalisme, maar nu komt het vaak onder de rijken voor. De middenklasse in Italië neigde vroeger meer naar het centrisme en het politieke Katholicisme (Christelijke democratie), maar nu stemmen ze op de halve fascist Berlusconi.

Er dient op gewezen te worden dat er in Italië racisten zijn die geen fascisten zijn. De Lega Nord, de Noordelijke autonomisten, zijn racistisch jegens Zuid-Italianen, maar het zijn geen fascisten. Fascisten zijn Italiaanse ultra-nationalisten. Bij hen staat de Italiaanse staat centraal.

Er zijn neo-nazi's in Italië, maar die zijn lang niet zo talrijk als de
Mussolini-fascisten. Er zijn er veel in Midden-Italië, in Lazio (waar Rome
en het Vaticaan liggen). Er zijn er heel wat in Verona, Vicenza en in Padova, in het nordoostelijke Veneto. Ook in Trieste. Er zijn praktisch geen nazi's in Zuid-Italië.

Het beroemde geval van Leopold en Loeb in Chicago in 1924, en de beroemde film Compulsion (1959), met Orson Welles en Dean Stockwell in de hoofdrollen (geweldige film), die erop volgde, was een een beroemd soortgelijk geval in Amerika.

Compulsion was gebaseerd op een roman van Meyer Levin in 1956. Meyer Levin werd later beroemd omdat hij als een van de eersten de mogelijkheid van het tragische dagboek van Anne Frank onderkende. Hij was ervan overtuigd dat hij eigendomsrechten op het dagboek had en raakte verwikkeld in een 30 jaar lang geding tegen degenen die een toneelstuk van het dagboek opvoerden terwijl zijn stuk afgewezen werd.

Dat boek wordt als de eerste niet-fictieve roman beschouwd en is maatgevend voor een stijl die later door Truman Capote In Koelen Bloede populair geworden is. Ik heb de roman van Capote nooit gelezen, maar het moet een van de besten zijn.

Hitchcocks film Rope (1948) is ook op dat geval gebaseerd, maar die heb ik nooit gezien.

Het zal anti-Semieten verheugen dat zowel Leopold als Loeb Joden waren. Bobby Franks, het 14-jarige slachtofer van Leopold en Loeb, was ook een Jood.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Torção no Joelho Impede Jogador Mostrar o Seu Melhor no Futebol

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

This is the Portuguese translation of the
Worst Ankle Twist Ever post. Translator: Elaine from Brazil. Good work!

This post has been translated into into Korean here (한국). Spanish translation (en Español)

Este é outro vídeo desarrumada, mas comparado com o resto não é tão ruim assim. Ela mostra um jogo de futebol. Os jogadores são brancos mediterrânica de países europeus ou americanos, eventualmente sul de países como Argentina, a julgar pela aparência deles.

No meio do vídeo, um dos jogadores encargos outro jogador e tenta chutar a bola para longe dele, mas no processo, de alguma forma ele torce o tornozelo em um ângulo de 90 grau completo!

Ela permanece assim enquanto ele estiver no chão. Vemos, então, uma equipe no terreno a tentar lidar com a sua lesão. Em seguida, ele está sendo realizado fora do campo em uma maca. Seu tornozelo ainda é torcido em um ângulo não religioso, não é realmente 90 graus, mas talvez 80 graus ou assim.

Eu nunca vi, nem ouvi falar de uma torção no tornozelo é mesmo muito ruim, mas talvez eles sejam mais comuns do que se poderia pensar.

Isto dá um novo significado para uma torção no tornozelo a frase é:

Eu não tenho nenhuma idéia de quando isso aconteceu, onde aconteceu, ou que as equipes estavam envolvidas. Tem-se a impressão de que os jogadores são de um país ou Hispanophone lusófonos, mas posso estar errado. Eu também não tenho idéia do que o resultado médico da lesão é, mas eu suponho que seja sanável e certamente não é susceptível de ser fatal

Monday, October 18, 2010

Eles Comem Peixe Ainda Vivos!

This is the Portuguese translation of the Eating a Cooked Fish While It Is Still Alive post. Translator: Elaine from Brazil.

This post has been translated into Korean (한국). Spanish translation (en Español).

Este é um vídeo muito perturbador e bárbaro, povo chinês comendo uma carpa que tenha sido preparado de forma especial para que ele ainda esteja vivo depois de ser cozido. A cabeça é mantida envolta em uma toalha fria para resfriá-lo fora assim que permanece vivo enquanto o resto é bem carbonizados. Em seguida, é servido aos comensais chineses que pegar na carne com pauzinhos enquanto risos e gargalhadas.

Isso é um absurdo. Eu sou um pescador e gosto de comer peixe também, mas um peixe deve estar morto quando você come. Quebrou meu coração para ver que os peixes ainda vivos em movimento, depois de quase queimados na fogueira é frito em óleo, para ser consumido enquanto vivo. Esta é uma das formas supremas de tortura.

Os índios da Costa do Golfo, como o Karankawa e suas Tunicas são usadas para amarrar guerreiros inimigos em cativeiro e com uma estaca em chamas atacam suas vitimas, em seguida com facas e fatiam um pouco de carne deles e consumi los...é muita crueldade. Se é errado fazer isso com um ser humano, que é errado fazê-lo a um peixe. Mate o primeiro peixe, depois comê-lo.

Nacionalistas Brancos freqüentemente comentam que Nordeste asiáticos são um povo cruel e bárbaro, e acho que pode haver alguma verdade nisso, pelo menos no caso dos chineses. Os chineses precisam de sair do Reino do Meio fantasia e venha se juntar ao resto do mundo civilizado no século 21.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Idiots Are Trying to Get This Site Shut Down Again

They've been trying to shut this site down for a very long time now. In fact, they started trying to shut it down soon after it went up. I got comments on the posts telling me they were going to report me to Blogger. Then I got mail telling me the same thing. They also often said they were going to report me to the local police! LOL. Do it, report me to the cops, please.

After a while, Blogger put the site behind a warning screen, probably due to the volume of the complaints.

I put warnings all over the worst videos, listed all the bad reactions that they had caused, made it so the videos did not play right away, told people under 18 that they were not allowed to view the videos, told parents to invest in blocking software, etc. etc. Then I contacted as many parental and library blocking software companies as I could find, told them about my site and asked them to put it on the block list.

Hey, what more am I supposed to do?

Even after all of that, I continue to get regular comments and mail ordering me to take videos down, telling me they are reporting me to Blogger, or telling me they are reporting me to the police (LOL). Sources tell me that complaints have been pouring into Blogger about this site since soon after it went up. Blogger put up the content warning screen long ago, and I assume that they aren't going to do anything else.

Now the effort is going into high gear. The complaints have been taken to the Blogger Support Forum where Blogger staff hang out. Chuck Croll, a real asshole who hangs out on the site all the time making a nuisance of himself, has involved himself in the ban attempt. Chuck hates me for some reason that I've never been able to figure out, so this is personal. The idea is that the site violates Blogger's code. But I don't think it does at all.
Crude Content: Don't post content just to be shocking or graphic. For example, collections of close-up images of gunshot wounds or accident scenes without additional context or commentary would violate this policy.
Right. That's Blogger's policy. But we knew that from the very start here, as we read the TOS very carefully. In order not to violate, we find as much material as possible on any photos or videos and provide what we think is an excellent journalistic overview of the footage, often very well-sourced.

In fact, the site has been praised all around the web and even around the world for the high quality of its writing and the background that it gives to some of the worst shock footage out there. We do that so as to be in accord to with Blogger's policy.

This is not just a shock site. It's a serious journalistic endeavor. We never praise evil or criminals, and we condemn victimizers, the suicidal or the idiotic in the harshest terms. If there are victims, we pour our hearts out for them.

I fail to see what's so dangerous about the site.

Most comments on the site are from normal people. If there are evil people harming others, the comments are full of hatred for the evildoers. If there are innocent victims being hurt, the comments are full of pain, sadness and sympathy for the poor human lambs sent to sacrifice. The site seems to have a net benefit. It arouses people against evil predators and in sympathy of their innocent victims. As it should be.

We root for good against evil here, not the other way around. But we're committed to documenting reality in its harshest forms. If it's real, people ought to see it.

We don't show obscenity or porn on here because we don't want to run afoul of Blogger.

I'm certainly willing to work with Blogger staff to accommodate any of their concerns.

The site gets considerable traffic, in fact, it's more popular than some famous sites.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Imbécil Salta Desde un Edificio y Se Aleja Caminando

I am looking for translators to translate this post into Norwegian, German, Bulgarian and Korean. Email me if you are interested.

This is the Spanish translation of the
Idiot Jumps Off Building and Walks Away post. Translator: Translator: Fabián Aguilar, a crazy guy from Bogotá, Colombia, who likes Saturdays.

Portuguese translation (em Português). French translation (en Français). Tagalog translation (isinalin sa Tagalog). Dutch translation (in het Nederlands).

Este video es increíblemente loco. Sólo he podido encontrarlo en un sitio web danés donde obviamente todos los comentarios eran en danés, por lo tanto fue muy difícil hallar información sobre su origen. Supongo que ocurrió en Dinamarca. Un adolescente salta desde un edificio muy alto, aparentemente cae sobre el pavimento, su cabeza sangra y luego se levanta y se va caminando con una mirada mareada en su rostro. No podemos decir si está herido o no.

Algo me dice que este video podría ser falso, pero está filmado de forma tan casera por unos chicos, que no veo forma posible que sea mentira. Hacer videos arreglados generalmente lleva a cabo una producción más grande digna de un estudio de grabación. Por otro lado, no veo cómo pudo haber sobrevivido a esta caída y mucho menos que se haya levantado y caminado. No entiendo este video en lo más mínimo...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

El Peor Tobillo Torcido de la Historia

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

This is the Spanish translation of the
Worst Ankle Twist Ever post. Translator: Fabián Aguilar, a crazy guy from Bogotá, Colombia, who likes Saturdays.

This post has been translated into into Korean (한국). Portuguese translation (em Português).

Este es otro video trastornado y enfermizo. Pero comparado con el resto de los de este sitio, no es tan malo. Es de un partido de fútbol. Ocurrió en 2007 en un juego entre el Cruz Azul y el Tecas UAC, ambos equipos profesionales mexicanos. El jugador lastimado es Edgar Andrade, el cual fue gravemente herido durante este incidente y su tobillo fue fracturado. Estuvo incapacitado por varios meses antes de volver a la cancha.

A la mitad del video, uno de los jugadores ataca al jugador del equipo contrario, tratando de disparar el balón lejos de él, pero en el proceso el sujeto de alguna forma tuerce su tobillo en un ángulo de 90°.

El tobillo se queda así mientras el jugador yace en el suelo. Luego vemos que tratan de lidiar con su herida y posteriormente lo sacan del campo de juego en camilla. Sin embargo su tobillo aún sigue torcido sino en 90° por lo menos en 80°.

Jamás había oído o visto sobre un tobillo torcido de tal magnitud, pero tal vez sucede con más frecuencia que la que uno cree.

Esto da un total nuevo significado a la popular frase "¡Me torcí el tobillo!".

Comen Pez Cocinado Mientras Aún Está Vivo

This is the Spanish translation of the Eating a Cooked Fish While It Is Still Alive post. Translator: Fabián Aguilar, a crazy guy from Bogotá, Colombia, who likes Saturdays.

Korean translation (한국). Portuguese translation (em Português).

Este es un video muy intenso mostrando a unos barbáricos chinos comiéndose un pez carpa que ha sido cocinado de una forma especial para que continúe vivo luego de haber sido preparado. Su cabeza es mantenida en una toalla fría envuelta para que siga vivo mientras el resto de su cuerpo es carbonizado. Luego es servido a los comensales chinos quienes arrancan la carne con palillos en medio de risas.

Esto es simplemente enfermizo. Soy pescador y también como pescado, pero un pez debería estar muerto cuando lo comes. Me rompió el corazón ver que este pez aún se estaba moviendo, luego de haber sido quemado en una brasa y hervido en aceite para ser consumido vivo.

Los indios de la Costa del Golfo (EEUU) como los Karankawa y Tunica solían atar enemigos en cautiverio a una estaca en llamas luego corrían hacia ellos con cuchillos despellejándoles algunas partes del cuerpo, enseguida consumían su carne en frente de ellos para volverlos locos de manera cruel. Si está mal hacerlo con un ser humano, está mal hacerlo con un pez. Mata el pez primero y luego lo consumes.

Los blancos nacionalistas comentan con frecuencia que los asiáticos nororientales son gente cruel y barbárica y pienso que puede haber algo de cierto en esto, por lo menos en el caso de los chinos. China necesita bajar de esa nube del Imperio Medio y unirse al resto del mundo civilizado del siglo XXI.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Idiot Jumps Off Building and Walks Away

I am looking for translators to translate this post into Norwegian, German, Bulgarian and Korean. Email me if you are interested.

Spanish translation (en Español). Portuguese translation (em Português). French translation (en Français). Tagalog translation (isinalin sa Tagalog). Dutch translation (in het Nederlands).

This video is seriously crazy. I've only found it on a Danish video website, so it was hard to get any information on the video. I assume that the action takes place in Denmark. A teenager jumps off a very high building, apparently lands on the pavement below, bloodies his head, and then gets up and walks away with a dazed look on his face. We can't tell if he's injured or not.

Something tells me this might be fake, but it's shot so cheaply by kids with another kid jumping off the building that I don't see how they could fake it. Faking something like this takes a major production studio. On the other hand, I don't see how he survived this fall, much less walked away.

I don't understand this video at all...

Insane Bungee Jumping off a Waterfall

This is another shock video like the one about the Russian guy doing parkour jumping from building to building, that is, there is no injury or death in this video. It's just daredevils doing something that's totally insane! I believe this is bungee jumping, but I am not sure. I think it is taking place in India. The jumpers look like they might be South Asians, and they are speaking English.

The jump starts at the top of a totally radical gigantic and high waterfall in the middle of the jungle. They jump off the top of the waterfall out over the massive gorge over the falls. It's insane to watch!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ruso Loco Salta de Edificio en Edificio

This is the Spanish translation to the Crazy Russian Jumps from Building to Building post. Translator: Fabián Aguilar, a crazy guy from Bogotá, Colombia, who likes Saturdays.

A diferencia de muchos de aquí, este video no contiene gente herida o muerta. En cambio, ¡es un video loco! Este es el último deporte desafiante de Rusia. Creo que lo llaman Parkour Jumping. Consiste en saltar de techo en techo en apartamentos de la época soviética. Comienzan en el edificio más alto y finalizan en el más bajo. Tengo la impresión de que sería una caída de algo así como 30 metros pero puedo estar equivocado.

Aterrizan en colchonetas en el techo siguiente, o bueno, al menos lo intentan. Creo que algunos de ellos se están lastimando en el aterrizaje, especialmente causándose heridas en sus pies.

¡Qué deporte tan loco!

Mujer Sufre Choque Eléctrico en China

This is the Spanish translation of Woman Shocked by Electricity in China by Fabián Aguilar, a crazy guy from Bogotá, Colombia, who likes Saturdays.

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

Korean translation (한국). Polish translation (w języku polskim). Portuguese translation (em Português). French translation (en Français).

Este video es muy extraño. Aparentemente fue grabado en China hace poco, pero no sé en cuál ciudad ni en qué fecha exacta. La mujer, de unos cincuenta años, está mentalmente alterada y posiblemente con espíritu suicida.

De alguna manera ha logrado treparse a un poste de alta tensión en medio de una concurrida calle metropolitana de China. Es increíble ver la cantidad de tráfico y peatones allí abajo. Parece New York pero cuando te das cuenta que hay ciudades como esta regadas por todo China, entiendes finalmente el termino sobrepoblación mundial.

En fin, la mujer está allí arriba en pleno día causando aglomeración en la calle por los espectadores que tratan de ver qué sucede. Por alguna razón, ella se acerca y toca uno de los cables de alta tensión recibiendo un altísimo impacto eléctrico. Se puede apreciar la corriente dirigirse por su mano, su brazo, hasta su cabeza. Pareciera que por un segundo se ven llamas pero luego se apagan. Un rato después, los rescatistas suben al poste a salvarla, pero ella torpemente toca de nuevo los cables de alta tensión, causándole otro choque eléctrico.

Curiosamente, no parece haber recibido mucho daño de los choques eléctricos y a pesar de que tiene una quemadura en su mano, se ve bastante vivita. Al final, la rescatan y nos informan que ha sobrevivido con heridas leves.

No está claro por qué casi no sufrió daño alguno a causa del voltaje, mientras que el sujeto del tren en India quedó como pollo rostizado. Debe tener algo que ver con esas cuestiones de polo a tierra.

Al parecer no estaba en contacto suficiente con el suelo para matarla. Se necesita una relativa línea directa desde donde el voltaje te golpea para que este sea destructivo o letal. Ella de alguna forma interrumpió la corriente de su trayecto hasta el suelo, quedando así con heridas leves. No entiendo muy bien las nociones del polo a tierra, pero son esenciales en la Ingeniería Eléctrica.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Crazy Russian Jumps from Building to Building

Unlike a lot of videos on here, there is no death or injury in this video. Instead, it's just nuts! This is the latest daredevil sport in Russia. I believe it is called parkour jumping. They jump from the roof of one Soviet era apartment building to the roof of the next one. They start at the higher building and jump to the lower one. Looks like a good 100 foot drop, but I could be wrong.

They land on pads on the target roof, or at least they try to. I think that some of them are getting hurt during the landings, especially foot injuries. This is definitely an insane sport!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Leijona syö miehen Afrikassa

I am looking for translators to translate this post into Bulgarian. Email me if you are interested.

This is the Finnish version of the
Man Eaten by Lion in Africa post. Translator: Linus T. He does great work!

Korean version (한국). Spanish version (en Español). German version (in deutscher Sprache). Polish version (w języku polskim).

Monet ihmiset väittävät, että tämän videon on pakko olla väärennys, ja oikeastaan, se onkin.

Tarina kuuluu, että tämä erittäin kuuluisa video on kuvattu 70-luvun keskivaiheilla safarilla Afrikassa. Turisti oli ilmeisesti Lontoosta. Videota käytettiin oikeudessa todistusaineistona. Vakuutusyhtiö käytti tätä videota todisteena oikeudessa kumotakseen henkivakuutuskorvauksvaatimukset tälle miehelle. He väittivät, että mies syyllistyi "inhottavaan tyhmyyteen", eivätkä täten olleet vastuussa vakuutuksen maksamisesta.

Todellisuudessa, video on väärennys. Sen sanotaan tapahtuneen Wallaseen kansallispuistossa Angolassa 70-luvun keskivaiheilla. Kyseistä kansallispuistoa ei ole olemassa Angolassa tai missään muualla Africassa.

"Hyökkäyksen kohde" on mies nimeltään Pit Dernitz, ja hänellä on oma IMDB sivunsa tälle videolle. Hän on hyvin tunnettu leijonankouluttaja.

Videoleike oli otettu italialaisesta Mondo-filmistä nimeltä Ultime Grida Dalla Savana, joka sisältää hyvin samanlaisia leikkeitä.

Tätä videota ei koskaan hyväksytty yhteenkään oikeusjuttuun.

Araberin sticht einen Schutz nieder

This is the German version of the Arab Woman Stabs Guard post. Translator: Dan Bablinskas.

Das Video ist echt cool. Es ist ziemlich schwer zu finden. Es wurde ein paar Mal an Youtube geheimnisvoll aufgegeben, aber jedes Mal wurde es abgenommen. Der einzige Platz wo ich das finden konnte war auf einem sehr rechtsradikalen pro-Ansiedler israelisches national Nachrichten-Website, welches, muss ich sagen, eine sehr gute Quelle von Information der Region, besonders die radikale Politik und kleinen Krieg die dort jetzt passiert, ist.

Das Video wurde scheinbar von der israelischen Polizei verfilmt, und das sind wahrscheinlich wer das hochgeladen haben. Eine 21 jährige Palästinin wartet durchgesucht zu werden an einen Kontrollpunkt bei dem israelische Apartheid-Mauer. Der Kontrollpunkt war bei dem Übergang in Kalandria.

Ich glaube, sie versucht Israel einzugeben, oder vielleicht zieht sie sich um von einer Palastinische Stadt zu anderer, denn die Mauer nicht an der bestimmte Grenze steht, und viele Palästinen mussen die Mauer kreuzen, nur von einer Stadt zu anderer zu gehen.

Du siehst sie als sie wartet durchgesucht zu werden. Sie ist jung und hat einen schönen Körper, aber du kannst ihr Gesicht nicht gut sehen, weil sie trägt einen Schal. Die Wache sind alle junge Israeli von ihr Alter. Du siehst dass sie von ihren Hose irgendwas zurückzieht, scheinbar ein grosses Messer.

So bald wie es rauskommt, sie stürzt los und sticht ihn nieder! Sie schlägt ihn sehr schwer, ausdrücklich in einen Platz der seine Weste nicht bedeckt. Sie wird sofort von den anderen Garde zu Fall gebracht. Sie wurde aufgehalten und Lasten sind unbewusst, obwohl der Mordversuch wäre unzutreffend. Der Schutz hat nur milde bis zu mittelmäßige Verletztungen erleidet.

Der Angriff hat in der Zusammenhang von einer Gefangene-Vermittlung worin Gilad Shalit für hunderte palastine Gefangenen gewechselt wurde, aber die Gefangenen mit Blut auf ihre Hände mussen ins Exil wegfahren, nach einem Land aus Palastin.

Kobieta porażona prądem w Chinach

This is the Polish translation of the Woman Shocked by Electricity in China post. Translator: Bartlomiej Wiechnik, home page and email. He does fantastic translation work.

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

Korean translation (한국). Spanish translation (en Espanol). Portuguese translation (em Português). French translation (en Français).

To bardzo dziwne nagranie. Najwidoczniej zostało zarejestrowane w Chinach, ale nie wiem w jakim mieście, nie znam również dokładnej daty. Kobieta, w wieku około 50-ciu lat, jest psychicznie załamana lub w pewnym sensie smutna, prawdopodobnie chce się zabić.

W jakiś sposób wspięła się na słup wysokiego napięcia na bardzo zatłoczonej ulicy jakiegoś wielkiego chińskiego miasta. To nieprawdopodobne jak wielkie jest natężenie ruchu zarówno samochodów i ludzi na ulicy poniżej. Wygląda jak Nowy Jork, więc kiedy zdajesz sobie sprawę, że miast jak to jest pełno w Chinach, zaczynasz rozumieć co oznacza słowo przeludnienie.

W każdym razie, kobieta znajduje się tam w świetle dnia, powodując widowisko, spowalniając ruch uliczny. Z jakiegoś powodu sięga przewodów wysokiego napięcia i zostaje porażona. Można zobaczyć łuk elektryczny wędrujący poprzez jej dłonie, ręce, aż do głowy. Wydaje się jakby przez chwilę stanęła w płomieniach, lecz po chwili gaśnie. Niedługo potem na ratunek nadchodzą robotnicy, którzy wspinają się po słupie, by uratować kobietę, lecz ona znów dotyka przewodów wysokiego napięcia i znów zostaje porażona.

Osobliwe jest to, że kobieta nie ucierpiała zbytnio poprzez porażenia i ciągle żyje, jednak myślę, że ma okropnie poparzone dłonie. Ostatecznie kobieta zostaje uratowana i jest nam powiedziane, że przeżyła to zdarzenie z niewielkimi obrażeniami.

Niewiadomo czemu, kobieta prawie nie odniosła żadnych obrażeń od napięcia, podczas gdy facet na pociągu w Indiach został usmażony jak jajko na patelni. Ma to prawdopodobnie coś wspólnego z pojęciem "uziemienia".

Wygląda na to, że nie była właściwie uziemiona by się zabić. Potrzebna jest względnie prosta linia od miejsca przyłożenia napięcia aż do ziemi by napięcie było bardzo niszczycielskie lub śmiertelne. W pewien sposób zakłociła drogę prądu do ziemi, dlatego jej obrażenia były całkiem niewielkie. Nie rozumiem pojęcia "uziemienia" zbyt dobrze, ale jest podstawą dla inzynierii elektrycznej.

Człowiek zjedzony przez lwa

I am looking for translators to translate this post into Bulgarian. Email me if you are interested.

This is the Polish translation of the
Man Eaten by Lion in Africa post. Translator: Bartlomiej Wiechnik, home page and email. He does fantastic translation work.

Korean version (한국). Spanish version (en Español). German version (in deutscher Sprache). Finnish translation (on Suomen).

Wielu ludzi przypuszczało, że to nagranie jest nieprawdziwe i właściwie to jest.

Historia jest taka, że to bardzo znane nagranie zostało zrobione w połowie lat siedemdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku na safari. Turysta pochodził najwidoczniej z Londynu. Zostało przedstawione jako dowód na rozprawie sądowej. Firma ubezpieczeniowa użyła tej taśmy w sądzie by zanegować prawo domagania się ubezpieczenia na życie tego faceta. Argumentowali to tym, że facet popisał się "niesamowitą głupotą", dlatego nie chcieli wypłacić odszkodowania.

Tak naprawdę, to nagranie to oszustwo. Zostało powiedziane, że miało miejsce w Parku Narodowym Wallasee w Angoli w połowie lat 70'. Nie ma takiego miejsca w Angoli czy kiekolwiek indziej w Afryce.

"Ofiara ataku" nazywa się Pit Dernitz i posiada własny profil na IMDB za to nagranie. Jest bardzo znanym treserem lwów.

Klip wywodzi się od Italian Mondo, posiada nazwę Ultime Grida Dalla Savana, którzy posiadają wiele podobnych nagrań.

Ten film nigdynie brał udziału w żadnej sprawie sądowej.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Man Stabbed to Death in New York

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

This is a pretty amazing video. You can best see the actual sequence of events at the very end of the video. The events take place in Jamaica, Queens, New York late at night.

A young woman walks by dressed in short dress. A man quickly follows her, then corners her on the street, pulls a knife on her and attempts to rob her. Another man, the 31 year old victim, approaches and tries to stop the robber from robbing the woman.

The robber quickly stabs the Good Samaritan and then quickly runs away. The victim staggers away from the scene and falls down on the pavement.

For one hour, many people walk by the man bleeding to death on the sidewalk but do nothing to help. Two men stop, take out their cell phone cameras and take pictures of him bleeding to death on the sidewalk. Another man stops, turns him over, sees he is lying in a pool of blood and then walks away.

Finally, one hour and 20 minutes later, the Fire Department shows up. By that time, the victim is dead. The robber had not yet been caught at the time that the video was made.

At 1:02 in the video, you can see the young woman walking down the street, quickly followed by the robber. At 1:08, he is trying to rob her. At 1:13, the good Samaritan approaches to stop the robbery. At 1:15, the robber has stabbed the Samaritan and is running away. At 1:19, the victim has been stabbed and staggers away to fall on the ground.

Gang of Teens Attack Elderly Man in Cleveland

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

Spanish translation (en Español).

This is a pretty shocking video.

Apparently this crime happened in March 2010 in Cleveland, Ohio. Two White men, one 51 and the other 73, confronted a group of Black teens aged 15-18 who were loitering on their property. The teens got belligerent, so the men got in their car and drove to a market down the street to call the cops.

But the teens followed them to the market. While the younger man was inside calling the cops, the teens pulled the 73 year old man out of the car and began pummeling him with punches and kicks. The man fell to the ground and was attacked some more on the ground. The 51 year old man was also somehow attacked. Both men were treated at the hospital, but one of the men suffered facial fractures, probably the 73 year old.

Police arrested several of the teens but were still looking for a few others.

Lunatic Dives Into Burning Car

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

This video is really bizarre. A car is on fire by the side of the road, apparently in the US judging by the accents. It's probably somewhere in the northern US, because there is low light out and the area is a deep evergreen forest. We don't know anything about the burning car, how it caught fire or why, if there is anyone inside, nothing.

The people filming are by the side of the road watching the burning car. A fire engine pulls up. A crowd has gathered to watch. At the 20 second mark in the video, suddenly a man, apparently a young White man aged about 18-30, breaks from the crowd, dashes towards the car, dives headfirst into the burning vehicle and vanishes in the flames! The people filming freak out and start yelling about the guy who just dived into the car.

His fate is not known, but he may well have died. Looks like a successful suicide.

Chicken with Its Head Cut Off

German translation (in deutscher Sprache).

This is your standard, everyday, chicken running around with its head cut off video. It really shouldn't bother one to watch this, but for some reason, I found this video quite disturbing. At one point, one of the other chickens tries to fight the chicken with its head cut off. Isn't there a better way to kill a chicken. It's really gross to chop their heads off and watch them run around like this.

Tire Blows Up under Russian Man

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

This is a pretty incredible video, apparently out of Russia. The dialog is all in Russian, so we can't tell what they are saying. There are three young men in a tire store. It's possible that they work there. They are drinking what appears to be booze, and they seem to be drunk. Hey, it's Russia! What do you expect?

An air bag is placed under a tire and is then covered up with a towel. One of the guys is asked to sit on the tire. It's not known if he knows there is an air bag under the tire. After waiting a bit and drinking some booze, the tire explodes! It sends the guy flying a good 5-8 feet in the air. He lands on his ass, and he seems to be in some real pain.

The other two guys are yucking it up. This was a very stupid thing to do. If he's not lucky, he could have injured his spine or he could have internal bleeding. What a bunch of idiots!

Monday, October 04, 2010

El Hombre Sin Rostro

This is the Spanish translation of the Man with No Face post. Translated by by Fabián Aguilar, a crazy guy from Bogotá who likes Saturdays.

I am looking for translators to translate this post into Norwegian. Email me if you are interested.

German version (in deutscher Sprache). French version (en Français).

Vas a tener que hacer clic sobre la vista previa de la imagen para tener una vista completa de esta extraña serie de fotos. Este sujeto sufrió alguna extraña especie de herida alrededor de sus ojos y su nariz. Sencillamente, sus ojos y nariz desaparecieron y sólo hay un enorme hoyo donde deberían de estar. Le realizan una cirugía y básicamente le dejan un rostro y ojos falsos. Una mierda muy extraña y rara.

Por favor haz clic en la vista a miniatura para tener una mejor vista de estas horribles fotos.

Hombre Negro con la Cara Abierta

German translation (in deutscher Sprache).

This is the Spanish translation of the
Black Man with Split Face post, translated by Fabián Aguilar, a crazy guy from Bogotá who likes Saturdays.

No tengo ni la más mínima idea de quién es esta foto, pero seguro es intensa. Aparentemente este pobre tipo aún está vivo, aunque parece imposible. Esto demuestra que puedes tener una herida de cara abierta y de alguna manera sobrevivir. Espero que este sujeto haya tenido una cirugía reconstructiva. Odiaría tener que caminar así para siempre.

L'Homme Sans Visage

This is the French version of the Man with No Face post. Translator: Natalie from France.

I am looking for translators to translate this post into Norwegian. Email me if you are interested.

Spanish version (en Espanol ). German version (in deutscher Sprache).

Vous devez cliquer sur le cliché pour mieux voir cette étrange série de photos. L'homme souffre d'une terrible sorte de blessure dans la région autour du nez et des yeux. En un mot, son nez et ses yeux ont disparus, il y a un énorme trou à l'endroit où ils devraient être. Une intervention chirurgicale a été effectuée et il a reçu une greffe de visage, durant laquelle il a obtenu un visage et des yeux qui semblent factices, en plastique. Vraiment étrange et dérangeant.

Cliquez sur le cliché miniature pour voir ces horribles photos.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Three Men Electrocuted in Iran

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

This video is pretty amazing. An idiot in Iran, a young man, climbs up an electricity pole for some reason and is somehow stuck up there, possibly electrocuted. Why he did this is unknown.

A Good Samaritan, another young man who is unfortunately ignorant of the situation, climbs up and tries to rescue him while a huge crowd screams below. As he touches him, huge puffs of smoke fly up from the man at the top of the pole. He is unable to dislodge the first man from his perch.

Another man, yet another Good Samaritan, once again ignorant of the consequences, climbs up the pole and tries to rescue both of them. For some wild reason, this does not work, and instead it sets off a massive explosion that lights up the whole sky, blotting out everything. All three men fall from the pole to the ground, electrocuted.

Whether they survived or not or what injuries they sustained if they lived is not known. As the pole explodes with a splash of white light and white heat, the crowd's screaming, mostly women, reaches a fever pitch.

Sad video all around, especially for the latter two men.

Dive Gone Wrong in Oregon

A girl jumps off a very high cliff (90 feet high) in a lake (I believe Lake Oswego) in Oregon. She survives the jump, but is knocked unconscious by the dive. Guys swim out to rescue her. She was in bad shape for a couple of days, but then she was fine after that.

Drunk Girl Knocked Out By Dive

German translation (in deutscher Sprache). Spanish translation (en Español).

A girl jumps off a high rock into a what looks like a river and is knocked unconscious by the dive. People dive in afterwards to save her and pull her to safety so she will not drown. She survived the dive. Looks like it takes place at the Colorado River in California or Nevada in the US, but I could be wrong.
